
Aranyani thoughts went wild!!!

Eco and aranyani travelled side by side ,aranyani enjoyed the views on her way and felt comfortable on blacky..........

Eco rode the horse not so slowly and no so fastly ,as it was the first time aranyani was sitting on the horse while travelling to far distance............

Blacky was also very careful regarding aranyani it neither speed up nor slowed up and maintained his posture and moves flexible according to aranyani's sitting posture and made the journey comfortable...........

Soon they reached the outskirts of a small village.............

Eco climbed down from snowy and following the same process aranyani too climbed down from blacky .............

Eco instructed snowy to wait here by patting on its head,aranyani followed the same process and said the same words to blacky...........

Eco gave angry look to aranyani,aranyani gave a small smile to eco.............