
Aranyani laughter made her surroundings pleasant.

aranyani was so happy finding 4 daring darlings of her life ,she missed mintu and pintu she thought of how I have find out mintu and pintu.....

aranyani wait wait wait I didn't found belly, lolly, holly, and molly ,the cold monster shifted me here an as soon as I woke up I heard there roaring's.........

That means , he wantedly shifted me here , so that I can meet them???

I need to meet him , all this puzzled are making my head dizzy.......

She was lost in all thoughts,as how to fool that beasty monster, shall I pretend to cry and let out many sobs and tears so that he will answer my all questions, yes I will fool him , no way he can escape from my trap this time, you beasty ugly monster , be ready.....