
Aranyani efforts to become pregnant........

Aranyani days were filled with love ,care, joy responsibilities after marriage .......

Zywie and dillon had a marriage ,now zywie was completely happy with Dillon's love and care and gong, zywie's grandfather was also too happy for her........

The flowers thrown by zywie were catched by aria,soon she too became a bride....

aria was married to a prince who was good and powerful and was very near to grenville dynasty.......

Eco smiled often now, his shyness was getting away more and more with aranyani companion and was now talking much more than usual........

The happiest woman was oliver grenville as eco had his heart filled chat with her mother and both talked more about how to make aranyani happy and carefree, there were too close now............

every lunch and dinner were so lively,even the king oliver grenville joked with aranyani teasing her to no end along with eco.........