
Aranyani's arrival and her visit to yash dynasty king.......

Aranyani gave a smile seeing oliver greenville in panic, she never saw him this tense......


Oliver grenville soon composed himself and spoke with relaxed tone........

How come my sweet daughter is here, it's not that safe to be here at this time........

Father, i know everything so you don't worry about me, our first goal is to save everyone..........

hmmm, i will handle everything ,believe in father, your about to give birth, it's not so good to be here..........

father, my husband is fighting for his life how could i be calm.......

Father, believe me, i will get the antidote just in two hours........


Aranyani was startled listening to oliver grenville roar............

oliver grenville relaized that his actions just now was too rough, and dominating so he calmed down and spoke with a doting tone.........

Daughter, he have poison in his mouth, i can't take the risk........

There are two more lives within you.........