
Perfectly Resistant

This cold, hard soil and the moisture is given by nature, on which my body is lying as if I were just dreaming or lying on a good soft bed, as I turn my neck supporting my head resting on the ground, I feel its weightlessness and its carefree feeling, which makes me want to rest all day long, until the next morning it won't be.

Casting a shadow over me, looking into my eyes, he sees that I'm thinking about something.

Eudemon: - Hey, Mizeya! You wandered a lot, what's bothering you?

What the girl told me, Demigra, shocked me quite a bit and seemed to leave me cold, but deep down, I know this is not true. Regarding Faina, she asked me how long I had been her successor and whether she had told me anything about the seal on my hand. With the broad meaning of that word, she formulated all the information about her sister and the seal.

Where do I start? There are quite a lot of feelings swirling inside me right now, but I feel that this plays a decisive role in my current path, because as I heard from Demigra, I cannot break this seal and there is a strong law for this, but it only affects the bearer of the sign. She emphasized in several details that as long as I have the seal on me, I am the legitimate ruler, that is, I am now the rightful prince of thorns, at which Demigra blushed a little and could hardly continue what she was talking about, although she often turned her head to the side and seemed not to dare would look into my eyes, then a few words leave her lips.

Judging by my reaction, I was a little surprised when I heard the next sentence, she said that the legitimate ruler, as soon as he turns 18, must marry the princess. But that only made her blush more and she started mumbling something quite quietly, but after about 5 minutes of explaining she dropped, she wanted to say that she has 2 princesses of thorns, she and her sister, WHAT!? Embarrassed, I left her there without saying a word, I know it wasn't nice, but I'm still young to get married...

I looked deep into his sharp, harsh, greenish-brown eyes, and that was enough, he was no longer curious.

Eudemon: - Okay, let's continue where we left off.

I summoned my fused sword into my hand, then Eudemon is standing in front of me waiting for my attack, how much I have learned about myself in these almost 3 days? I tense every muscle fiber in my legs, then lean forward and kick myself full force into the ground, directly forward towards Eudemon.

Stretching my arm, I started to move my sword in a circular motion creating a rotating system behind me, thanks to this I was able to create a centripetal force, which I perfectly guided straight to the path of inertia where Eudemon is standing, and then thanks to the centrifugal force at his back I was able to attack from the front and the back, a perfect attack, a further developed hyacinth.

Mizeya: - Hyacinth of helplessness.

Eudemon forcefully takes out his weapon, even though he didn't think he would feel the need for it, but as soon as he saw the technique I used to bring it up in front of him, his certain confidence wavered a little.

He jumps up into it, dodging my two-sided attack, and at the same time, when he reaches the ground, he stabs his sword into the ground, then surrounds it with incredible concentration.

Eudemon: - Chrysanthemum.

Excavating a huge hole beneath him, he pushes himself off the ground at full speed, then begins to spin the edge and hilt of the blade at incredible speed.

Eudemon: - Hyacinth.

I stand up in a basic position, I switched to full concentration, I feel the earth in my soles and the pulsating feeling of my heart, the effervescence, this is the fight, the excitement of the fight.

I have to defend his attack or I could get seriously hurt, I noticed this as soon as I saw Eudemon angry, maybe my new technique caused this or he just wants something.

I started muttering the technique softly.

Mizeya: - R.rose.

"Telepathic Communication"

Faina: - Boy, this won't be enough, let me help you.

Mizeya: - How could you help me in this situation?

Faina: - Shut up and repeat the technique I say.

I did as Faina said.

Mizeya: - Thorny Rose.

The sign on my arm and my sword started vibrating as soon as I said the technique, do they resonate with each other?

What is this unpleasant killing intent? Doesn't it just come from the kid? That's out of the question. Eudemon thought to himself.

A huge thorn appeared around Mizeya, causing the training to be suspended.

Eudemon: - That will be enough for today.

It felt fantastic, the snap of our swords and parrying our perfect attacks without any effort, I thought to myself.

Mizeya: - I understood...

I started towards my room, but I found myself facing Simon.

Simon: - Hello young man, where are you going?

Mizeya: - I'm just going to rest for a while.

He grabs my shoulder and pulls me back.

Simon: - Don't be in such a hurry, I have to tell you something, but I need your help with that.

I looked at him with a disguised smile.

Mizeya: - And yet in what?

His longing looks at the bathroom, everything betrayed on his face, I already knew what he wanted to say, but I listened anyway, even if I didn't like the idea or rather an intuition about his plan.

Simon: - Now you won't miss bath time, will you? Because you usually always go alone, you haven't even been with us seniors before, don't get me wrong, it's more of a ritual for us men.

All you need to know is that bathing here is divided into two parts, one for boys and one for girls, where a spa is designated in nature.

Mizeya: - Let me hear, what's the big idea?

Simon: - As usual, we start the bath, only now you are coming with us, and since this is your last day here, we thought we would initiate you into the mysteries of masculinity.

He explained it by saying, it's a little pointless, but he thinks his plan is very worthwhile, in which my presence plays a huge role. Here's how it goes, while I distract them, they hide in the girls' section so they can spy on them, why is this plan going to work for sure? Simon said something like that because the girls had never seen me there at the same time as the others...

So far, everything is going according to plan, as I stopped at the entrance of the spa waiting for the girls, I have to figure out what I'm going to do with them, then from one minute to the next, they appear on the river right in front of me, they look at me a little strangely.

Harlot: - What about you?

Demigra: - Hi M...mizeya.

Damn, I need to improvise something real quick.

Mizeya: - Hmmm, since this is my last day here, I decided to go to the spa with the others.

Harlot: - I see, then have a good bath, come Demigra.

She takes Harlot, Demigra's hand, and they go to the designated room.

Mizeya: - Wait!

They looked at me strangely out of the corner of their eyes.

Harlot: - What is it?

I saw Zegrod, Simon, and Eudemon behind them, sneaking into the girls' spa.

Mizeya: - I just wanted to say that I will miss you.

The two of them turned completely red as I took them out of their faces.

Harlot: - I see, but where did that come from?

Demigra wants to come over and hug me, but I suddenly remembered that I don't need to hold them up any longer, since they were already able to walk.

Mizeya: - Have another good bath, I'll go to my place too.

I quickly crossed to the other side, leaving Demigra and Harlot at the wooden image.

As my feet get into the warm water, I go deeper and deeper into the water, completely to the middle, and then I get a little lonely, but at least I feel this warmth, even if only alone...

Gertz: - Hello, boy.

Mizeya: - Commander?

Gertz: - Let's leave the formalities for later, let's enjoy this little time that everyone needs.

It's quite rare that I see the commander here, he doesn't usually move away from his army and base very much.

Gertz: - You have changed quite a lot after almost 1 week, kid, when I first saw you, I thought you were looking for death or you were already bored with your life, but I was very wrong...

I didn't know what to say to those words, it was a bit like he wanted to tease them, but I just kept listening.

Gertz: - Say Mizeya, why do you think you are in this secret formation?

Mizeya: - I have no idea, sir.

Gertz: - I told you to leave the formalities, just plain Gertz. Because the dream sword on your back is much stronger than all the members of my team and because I was curious about what I could achieve with it, together with you, of course.

Mizeya: - Stronger?

Gertz: - You know, kid, each dream sword has a different kind of aura, but in yours, I didn't feel a trace of it at all, just a strong repulsive feeling that I couldn't get out of my head, let's say you are here right now because of my curiosity.

He explained that he knew a young boy who had a sword just like that, only because mine didn't look like his since it merged with my dream blade. He also said something about the mysterious boy that he always wore a mask, but he couldn't provide any more information about him.

Our conversation went on so long that I didn't even notice that the commander had already gotten out of the bath, I think it's time for me too.

I open the light door but accidentally slip on the watery floor.

Demigra: - M..izeya?

I fell for the lady, wait, that fluffy soft feeling in my grip, isn't it?

Demigra: - Kyaaaa.

I grabbed her breasts exactly, which almost barely fit in my grip, the girl's face turned completely red, like a tomato.

Mizeya: - I'm sorry...

With that, I ran incredibly fast to my room.

Well, it was a hot situation, but I finally see it as I open my door, I can put my tired body on the bed under the framed window of my small room, it was a very tiring day...