

Two night had past with an unstable sea storm at the beach of Florida. On the third night of the storm ,Emma and Sara were fast asleep in the resort of the village inside the coconut groove. With a sudden splash of heavy water the woke up and moved out of the house to check it out.They searched around their pool and found nothing but water. Sara told Emma they should go inside , but on their way back inside there was another splash of what and then they both turn to the pool to check .

"There is something inside the pool!"Emma said

A female head popped out of the pool with a smile. Sara rashes to check it out and found a sassy creature inside the pool . "Aquamarine" the creature said . Sara and Emma wondered what she was doing in the pool that night of the violent storm . Emma asked her to exist from the pool. As she raised her self from the pool the two friends saw a Sparkling blue skin beneath her until she sat at the edge of the pool with her sparkling tail inside the pool

"What are you ?" Emma asked. a mermaid of course she answered. "you can also talk ?" Sara yelled.......

"Off course I can....." she answered as she laughed.

''Aquamarine is my name....."she said. "she has a name" Emma whispered into Sara's ear. They both moved toward with a smile

Sara and Emma asked if they could touch her her ...Aquamarine nodded

She touched their feet and asked what they used it for . They answered her for walking .

She smiled .

She wore a pearl bracelet on her left wrist which she kissed and transformed her into a full human

"She has feet now..." They both said in shock.

"Can we be friends ....?" Aquamarine asked

They both nodded in excitement.

Sara then wrapped a towel around her . The both helped her inside and have her a dress to wear . With the I excitement they could not shut their eyes until the scotching morning sun found it way into their room .