
APRIL GREEN Trials and temptations of April's life

Nzeribe_Praise · Fantasía
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2 Chs


Growing up i have always been a girl of confusing character, 

sometimes i can be the perfect daughter that every parent wants, another time I'd just lose it completely, my mom totally understands and loves me anyway but my dad not so much. 

Anyway that was just a short auto-biography of my life, My name is April Green. 

I am a very jovial and social girl when i want to be, so I have a lots of friends I'm not like the popular posh girls in my school but because of my intelligence and my nickname ( tiger) I am well known, with confidence i can say that I am a beautiful girl, I'm light skinned with bits of freckles scattered on the bridge of my nose, pinkish lips (which I am proud of 👄) 

and my heart shaped face, all in all I'm too beautiful *sighs*😁