

"Okay, here we go!" With that cry, Monica suddenly craned her jaw open as wide as it could possibly get, and lunged her head forward.

Kate and Erin gasped and then lunged their heads forward too, but only to get a closer view. They stared from only a few inches away on each side as Monica's lips inexorably slid over more and more of Ryan's bulbous knob.

Monica did very well for the first seconds, but when her lips neared the widest point, at the ridge of his cockhead's crown, she struggled. Her eyes opened extremely wide, and then she shut them tight.

Clearly, her mouth was smaller, and this was more difficult for her.

She started to despair. She attempted to say something in Spanish - "¡La Bestia es demasiado grande!" which means "The Beast is too big!" - but her voice was so muffled and her mouth so unnaturally stretched open that the others didn't even know what language that was.

But she was a feisty and determined fireball. She simply would not be denied. She pushed forward mightily, and a few seconds later, her lips slid past his cockhead altogether. The "neck" beyond that was noticeably narrower before his shaft thickened again a few inches further down.

That was a fortunate fact for Ryan, because that narrow region was exactly where his frenulum (sweet spot) was.

Kate and Erin cheered again, and louder this time. At least they did for a few seconds until Erin remembered to say, "Shhhh! Nancy!"

"Oh right!" Kate whispered. "Sorry!" Suddenly overly concerned about being overheard (she was too horny to think straight), she rubbed Monica's straight black hair on her side in an "atta-boy!" manner so as to not make any noise at all.

Erin was going to say more encouraging things, but a startling new development kept her mouth silent and hanging open in surprise.

Monica paused after achieving the "victory" of getting her lips past Ryan's crown. Her nostrils flared as she breathed heavily through her nose. Her lips stretched painfully, and her jaw ached all the way up to her ears. But she knew that if she had managed this much, nothing would stop her now except for a lack of willpower. She recalled Erin's advice to Kate that it was better to start sliding one's lips instead of keeping still, so she started doing that just as soon as she had her breathing under control.

Erin finally found her voice. She exclaimed none too quietly, "Look! She's doing it! She's sucking him off!"

Kate had stopped her furtive masturbation for a while, but seeing that sexy sight, with Monica's lips stretched impossibly wide around Ryan's fat pole, his boner seeming to dominate and practically dwarf Monica's small face, was too much for her. She resumed her clit and slit play with more vigor than before.

She still had a hand on Ryan's balls, but she was too distracted to fondle him much. She pulled that hand away to pinch and caress her nipples, because they needed attention.

Erin was trying harder to control herself, but even she couldn't resist using one hand to start secretly playing with herself. Since she didn't have an intact hymen like Kate did, she didn't hesitate to plunge two fingers into her burning hot cunt. She let out a lusty growl as she did so.

She tried to cover for that by saying immediately thereafter, "That's the way to do it, Monica! Right on!

Don't fuck around; just SUCK!"

Monica was realizing that Erin's advice to Kate had been spot on. As long as her lips were in motion, she wasn't thinking so much about how tough it was to simply keep him in her mouth. She slid her lips back and forth relentlessly over his sweet spot.

Ryan winced and unthinkingly clenched the sides of Monica's head. He grunted several times. "UHN! UH! UGH! Oh! Oh, man! AAAARNUGH!"

Erin chuckled. "You hear that, Monica? You've sucked him stupid! He can't even speak!"

Monica appreciated that levity, but she was suffering. She started to shed tears of exertion, just like Kate and Erin had done, except in her case it wasn't just the occasional tear pooling under an eye or sliding down her cheek. She began to cry in earnest, the tears freely flowing down her face.

Erin noticed that and grew concerned. She stopped her masturbating again and brought a hand to the side of Monica's face she could see. "Uh-oh! Monica is crying, and not just a little!" She swiped a finger back and forth across the track of one tear stream, but the tears just kept on flowing past her fingers.

Erin said to Monica, "Remember, this is just for fun. If it gets too much or you're not enjoying it, just pull off! We won't think less of you! Right, Ryan?"

Ryan was huffing and puffing like he'd just run a long race. Monica wasn't using any tongue, but her lip-lock was so very tight and her lips were sliding so relentlessly that he sensed all his PC muscle squeezing wasn't going to stop his impending cum explosion. Despite all that, he managed to gasp out, "Um, right!"

Kate wanted to help Monica and show her concern. The problem was that she'd been flirting on the very cusp of cumming for several minutes now. And seeing Monica struggling and crying so much was actually arousing her still more.

She thought as she kneaded one tit and diddled her clit, Oh God! Have mercy! Dear God, why does this arouse me so?! Monica's crying SO MUCH and it's making me HOOORNNYY! It's like his super fat cock is totally overwhelming her, conquering her, defeating her with its sheer size! But she's a trooper, she's not gonna give up! She's sucking him with passion, determined to give him maximum pleasure, even if it dislocates her jaw! How can I not be inspired by THAT?!

Indeed, Monica was going all out. She was a bisexual, not a lesbian. She loved sex, and she loved cocks. She didn't always enjoy cocksucking, but she figured she'd learned how to be very talented at it. She opened her now bloodshot red eyes and stared intently up at Ryan's eyes, like she'd been doing nearly non-stop when merely licking him earlier.

She thought challengingly, So what do you think of THIS, you devil?! You monster-cocked devil! The Beast is a bitch, but it's not going to get the best of me! I may be small, but I more than make up for it with WILLPOWER!

She still didn't use her tongue, but she started twisting and turning her head this way and that, which varied up her bobbing style in unexpected ways.

Ryan clenched his teeth while clutching Monica's head too tightly. He wasn't thinking about what he was squeezing, because he was fighting with all his might not to cum. But he could tell it was a losing battle.

Right then, Kate started screaming. She'd been frantically masturbating, on the very brink. The lusty and determined way Monica was staring up into Ryan's eyes was like the final straw for her, and she was hit with another big orgasm.

Erin was appalled. With Monica's head bobbing down and forward from her own, Erin reached over to Kate behind Monica's back and clamped her hand over Kate's mouth. Or at least she tried to; it was hard because Kate was a moving target due to her spasmodic orgasmic shaking and even flailing about.

Erin hissed at Kate, "What are you doing?! Shut up!"

But those words weren't necessary since Kate had already gotten the reminder about the need to keep quiet due to Nancy possibly being near from the way Erin had tried to cover her mouth.

Kate kept right on screaming, but somehow she managed to turn it into a "silent scream" for the most part. Her mouth was wide open and gasping, but not much sound came out. She really, really didn't want Nancy to hear her!

Even as Kate's fifth multiple orgasm of the night continued to smash its way through her body, Erin chided her, "This is no time to cum! Monica is CRYING! Doesn't that mean anything to you?! Were you playing with yourself? You should be trying to help her!"

Erin was hypocritically playing with herself even as she said those words. She didn't want to, but Kate's body was shaking like she was having an epileptic fit, and Kate's immense tits were swaying up and down, sending some of Ryan's cum on them flying. That sight alone was too arousing to resist. But if she looked away from that, she was presented by Monica's brown face bobbing fast over Ryan's relatively light fat cock, which had turned reddish from so much friction and stimulation.

However, Erin still felt justified to masturbate because she told herself she had things under control and she wasn't going to cum uncontrollably like Kate was.

Kate had had her final straw, and now the sights and sounds of Kate cumming was looking to be Ryan's final straw too. His PC muscle trick wasn't getting the job done. However, he had his even more effective trick of squeezing the base of his shaft painfully tight when climax was imminent, and that's what he did now.

Sure enough, the trick worked, just like it had earlier in the evening. He felt a surge of orgasmic need, but it peaked and then receded and nothing came out of his piss hole.

But there was a price to pay, because the body wasn't really meant to do that. He groaned with exhaustion and slumped back against the sofa like he'd suddenly fallen asleep.

Monica felt gypped. She could sense he was on the verge of climax. She had a hand on his shaft, just holding it, but she'd brought that to his balls and felt them tightening up. She knew there was no coming back from that point of no return.

And yet, he didn't cum! She didn't understand it. This had never happened before with any of her boyfriends. She wondered if maybe he was simply out of cum. That was plausible, especially if one remembered the copious amount still on Kate's face and tits. Maybe he'd squirted out a rope or two and she'd blinked and missed it.

She half-expected his cock to start going flaccid soon. She slowed her bobbing down, expecting the experience to peter out.

Except that it didn't. Although he looked like he was napping, slumped down on the sofa, his cock was just as enormous, hot, and stiff as ever. She wanted to pull her lips off and ask the other two girls what was going on, but she worried that if she did that she'd have too much trouble getting them back on again.

So she decided to take a mental breather and consider her experience so far. She kept her lips sliding back and forth over his sweet spot, because she remembered Erin's advice that it was easier to cope with his size while in motion, but she went very slowly.

Whoa! That was... weird! I thought for sure he was going to cum! But I was wrong. All that fucking hard work, for nothing. What a rip off! Well, maybe not for nothing. This is kind of... fun? Huh. I don't know if I'd call it "fun." It's painful! My lips feel like someone grabbed my bottom lip and stretched it over my entire head! But for both of them!

And yet... I kind of like it! I don't even know why, but it is really intense! This is like the extreme sports version of cocksucking! The novices and faint of heart need not apply! Only the true cocksucking queens can cope with The Beast! HA! La Bestia, you're a brute and a monster, but I SHALL tame you!

Feeling a renewed burst of enthusiasm, she resumed her efforts more actively, but in a different way. With Ryan's eyes closed, she couldn't lock her gaze with his as she preferred to do. So she kept her own eyes closed and concentrated entirely on what she was doing. Instead of focusing on the speed and suction of her bobbing, she continued in her much slower style. That allowed her to focus on using her tongue for the first time. She started to flick it here and there against his sweet spot.

That caused Ryan to react. He remained sprawled out on the sofa, feeling half dead. Yet he started moaning and groaning approvingly.

Erin noticed that. Still masturbating, she was getting close to her own big orgasm. As a result, she wasn't really thinking about manners when she reached out and wrapped her fingers right around his shaft. It was in the gap between where Monica's lips were sliding and where she was holding him near the base.

She just felt like holding and stroking him, but she realized after the fact that this might annoy Monica, so she came up with an excuse. She said to Monica, "Did you just do something new to him? I'll bet you did, because listen to him moan! You're probably using your tongue, aren't you?"

Monica didn't even open an eye to look Erin's way, since she was trying to ignore her. Licking and bobbing on such an extraordinary cock was taking all of her concentration.

Erin got to her excuse. "That's good, but now that you're getting the hang of it, there's no reason why you can't use a hand on him, like this." She started to stroke him. Actually, she couldn't do much, since her hand only had some "real estate" in the middle of his shaft, but she did her best with what she could, with a rubbing motion.

Monica heard Erin say that despite trying to block her out. She thought, No shit, Sherlock! As if I didn't know already how one strokes a cock! Sheesh! But still, it's kind of hot she's so horny that she comes up with some lame excuse just to touch him.

Actually the more I think about it, the more I'm starting to really like this! You can kind of tune out the pain after a while, and the pleasure takes over. So much of it is mental. That's the thing! I mean, it's fucking hot that I'm busting my jaw on The Beast while Kate and Erin watch! Kate just had a big cum, and I hear squishy sounds from Erin's side - she's masturbating too! But what really gets me is when I get to make Ryan moan! That's a total RUSH!

It's weird! I've sucked a lot of guys off, but I've never felt as psyched about it as I do now! I think the fact that it's so fucking TOUGH is actually a really big plus! It's like I'm a fairy or small elf with nothing but a knife, up against a giant ogre swinging a huge axe! All I can do is prick him here and there with my knife - my tongue! There's no way I can win, right? But if I keep at it, eventually I'm going to fell The Beast! And when I do, the victory will be a thousand times sweeter because the battle was so hard!

With that in mind, her attitude improved even more. She continued to use her tongue, doing it nearly non-stop now. But she started sliding her lips back and forth more intently, and resumed her head twisting as well. Sometimes she staggered her sucking rhythm for good measure, to keep him on his


Kate was out of it for a while, recovering from her orgasm, but she never stopped staring at Monica's efforts. She was continually impressed. And with Monica's cocksucking happening so close to her face, it wasn't long before she was hot as an oven yet again.

But at least she was feeling much calmer, and she didn't have an unstoppable urge to masturbate. Instead, seeing how Erin was "helping" with the stroking, and seeing that Ryan's balls were currently untouched, she reached out and caressed them from below.

Erin noticed Kate's hand, of course, and turned her head to her friend. "Why, hello there! So you're alive after all, huh?"

Kate nodded sheepishly.

Erin looked back at Ryan's crotch. "Do you see what's happening here? The three of us are stimulating his cock and balls all at once! Isn't that hot?"

Kate finally spoke for the first time since her silent scream. "Super hot! Gaawwwd, it's so fucking hot! Do you know the hottest thing about it?"

"What's that?" Erin asked.

Kate asked, "Well, we're all his sluts now, right? Maybe it's not official yet for you two that you're his PERSONAL slut like I am, but it's still clear that you're his sluts, right?"

Erin nodded. She was intrigued. She could tell Kate was actually showing pride at being his personal slut. Her transformation was remarkable.

Kate continued, "So, as we've all agreed, we're going to be doing this kind of thing a lot more, together! Which means that what you see now with our three hands and Monica's mouth - this kind of sharing is going to happen all the time!"

Erin was impressed, and aroused. "You're right! Does that disturb you?"

Kate replied, "Disturb me? Hell no! Sure, I'm fucking jealous as FUCK! And I'm burning with humiliation too! Am I blushing?"

Erin teased her a little, "It's hard to tell because your face is still caked in cum, but yeah. In fact, when were you NOT blushing, pretty much since the minute he walked through the door?"

Kate chuckled. "Yeah, I know what you mean. But the way I figure, if you're a personal slut, jealousy and humiliation kind of come with the territory. You just gotta learn to deal."

She thought, I just admitted that I'm his personal slut. We all are! What the hell does that even mean? I have no idea! I'm sure I'm going to end up sucking his cock a lot though, and that's too hot and arousing to be believed!

She continued, "But even with all that, I'm soooooo horny! I mean, look at us! We're the elite of the elite! Are there three more beautiful girls in this entire fucking university than us?"

"I don't know," Erin replied honestly. "Maybe. But there can't be three more beautiful AND BUSTY girls than us!"

Kate chuckled again. She looked down at her immense tits resting on Ryan's leg, and ran her hands over there. She was ably caressing his balls with her other hand. "Ain't that the truth! Anyway, look at us. We're ridiculously gorgeous, and yet we're working together to get him to cum! Isn't that fucked up? Isn't that wrong? It's so WRONG! But that makes it so HOT too! So god damned motherfucking HOT!"

Erin teased, "Princess Kate! I believe you have a bad case of potty mouth!"

"Ha ha. But shut up a sec and look at Monica! God DAMN! What happened to Ryan? Did he die? I think he died like five minutes ago, around the time I was cumming for the motherfucking FIFTH TIME tonight! You don't know how amazing that is! Anyway, he died - look at how he's sprawled on the sofa like a dead man - but The Beast lives on! And Monica, did she give up when he all but passed out? NO! Look at her suck and suck and suck! It's twice as hard for her than us and you know it, but she doesn't give up! Monica, you're my new heroine!"

Monica didn't know what to say to that. She took her hand off the base of his shaft since it wasn't doing anything there anyway, and held both hands up in a gesture that tried to say, "Who me? I don't know what you're talking about."

With Monica's hand removed, Erin began sliding her fingers up and down the full length of Ryan's shaft, minus the couple of inches taken up by Monica's sliding lips.

Then Monica realized that she could be using her hands to masturbate. The only reason she wasn't doing that already was because the cocksucking was taking up absolutely all of her attention. But now she was mastering it enough to start fingerbanging herself too. That sent her pleasure to another level.

Meanwhile, Kate continued enthusiastically, "Do you know WHY Monica's sucking with all her might, non-stop? Because she's determined to get him to CUM! She's not going to stop until she does! That was the pleasure which was denied to me, but she's going to keep at it until he splatters his seed all over her face!"

Erin looked over that Kate. "True, that! But that reminds me, the cum on YOUR face is getting to the crisis stage. It's getting dry, plus we need to eat it up before we have any chance to go join the party. But I have an idea."

"What's that?"

"Since it looks like Ryan is not about to give up his cum load without a prolonged fight, why can't we help Monica with his cock and balls AND eat his cum off your face at the same time?"

Kate actually giggled with glee. "Erin, you're a fucking genius!"

So that's what they did. As they did only briefly before, Erin would swipe some cum off Kate's face and then feed it into Kate's mouth. Then Kate would swipe cum off her own face and swipe it into Erin's mouth. They took regular turns.

It wasn't the intimate and almost romantic action it had been before. Then, they had been staring deeply into each other's eyes as they sucked and tongued the other's fingers clean. Whereas now their eyes were on Ryan's cock and balls or Monica's bobbing head more often than not. But it was still as arousing as hell for both of them.

Plus, they were able to go fairly quickly and finally make significant progress cleaning Kate's skin. The two of them were thinking about how much they wished they could be in Monica's place, about to get a fresh cum load blasted out of Ryan's cock onto their bodies. Those thoughts made them hungry for his cum, but luckily there was plenty to be eaten.

Meanwhile, Monica was continuing to suck. She was getting into a joyous groove. It seemed that, with each passing minute, her enthusiasm grew. Now that she was fingering herself, there was a positive feedback loop between her mouth and her pussy. Both actions kept her arousal rising higher and higher.

However, there was a problem too. At first, sucking him was almost unbearably difficult, then she'd gotten used to the discomfort and it was almost forgotten. But now she'd been at it for over ten minutes, and since her mouth barely fit around his shaft in the first place, she was tiring fast. She sensed it was a

race to get him to cum before she had to pull off and admit defeat. If that happened, she hoped at least one of the other two would take over and finish him off so all her hard work would not have been in vain.

As a result, she upped her efforts even more. She slurped and bobbed deeper down his shaft, towards his thicker middle. She was more aggressive and active with her tongue. She recalled all the tricks she'd done on normal-sized penises and tried to do them on Ryan's Beast as well.

But the most effective thing she did was that she briefly took a hand away from her privates, put it on Erin's hands and physically guided her to stroke faster. She brought her hand back to masturbate more, seeing that Erin had gotten the message.

Erin said to Kate, "I think she wants us to help her go all out! Ryan must be close to cumming!" She had been more lovingly caressing his shaft than anything, thinking she had lots of time. Half her attention had been on feeding cum to Kate. But now she started to stroke much faster.

Remembering Kate's thumbs-up from the earlier blowjob, Monica briefly gave a thumbs-up in response to Erin's words.

Kate perked up. "He IS! He must be close! We've gotta help! But what can I do?! I've only got his balls."

Erin tried to think. "I don't know, why don't you try to suck them?" But she realized there were logistical problems with that, especially with Kate sitting outside of his leg. So she said, "Wait! Scratch that. Forget his balls, I'll take over there! You sit up on the sofa and kiss him!"

"Okay!" The cum eating was forgotten. Kate immediately got up and cuddled into his side. She made sure to press her immense bare tits against his bare chest as she brought her face right up to his.

But she didn't attempt to kiss him just yet, in part because she could see he was already huffing and puffing in response to Monica's tireless efforts and probably didn't want to be forced to breathe through his nose at this critical moment. She was an excellent cocktease and flirt, and knew there was much else she could do.

She purred in an ultra-sultry voice, "So... Ryan... Are you glad you decided to stop by and visit?" He groaned needfully.

She smirked. "How's that working out for you?"

He groaned again. He thought he was going to actually lose his mind from too much arousal. He didn't understand why he wasn't cumming already, especially since Monica was sucking him with more and more suction and speed with each passing minute. Erin's fist pumping up and down his shaft was just the cherry on top at this point.

Kate caressed his chest with a hand while making sure to rub her big tits against him. That meant he was being lubricated by his own cum getting smeared from her skin to his, but in the heat of the moment that was a very good thing, because it allowed her to slip and slide her stiff nipples all over him that much better.

Kate was in full-on seduction mode with her bedroom eyes and her sexy tone of voice. She licked along his jaw line. "So, are you going to cum for us already? Cum for Monica? She's been working soooo hard for you! She wants to prove she can be a GOOD slut for you! Is she? Is she a good slut? Do you like how she sucks your cock? Are you going to make her do it for you every single day?"

Kate was working herself up too. Realizing his hands were just clenched into fists at his sides, she took one hand and brought it back to her ass. She guided it until he was firmly clenching one of her ass

cheeks. Then she used her other hand to help his other hand to her pussy. She considered her tits, but she realized he couldn't really do anything with them given the way they were vigorously sliding all over his chest now.

As she did all that, she continued to purr, "And what about me? Am I a good slut too? Your PERSONAL slut?! Are you going to make me suck your cock every day too? Because I will! You don't even have to ask, because I love it! Maybe Monica and I can suck it together! And Erin too! Three tongues on you at once!"

She'd quickly given up on licking his jaw line because her tits were moving around too much on his chest, keeping her head in motion. But even with all that movement, she tried her best to lock her gaze with his.

He was totally astounded. Kate's face truly was the most beautiful face he'd ever seen in his life. She not only had the same first name as Kate Upton, she looked startingly like her as well. Furthermore there still were some smears and streaks of cum here and there, because Kate and Erin hadn't quite managed to finish cleaning up. It blew his brain completely off his head to realize that was HIS cum!

He didn't understand what took so long, but he finally started to cum. He was so overwhelmed by everything that he didn't think to give Monica a warning.

It turned out that wasn't much of a problem though. Since Monica had his cock knob in her mouth, she wasn't in danger of getting an unexpected cum blast in her eyes. She wanted his cum on her face and tits, not down her throat, so she pulled off as fast as she could while closing her eyes too.

Erin's hand was still pumping up and down his shaft while she "secretly" masturbated with her other hand. (Nobody cared at this point!) So it was only natural for her to control and do the aiming while his cum shot out onto Monica's face.

Monica had been holding back and holding back, trying with all her might not to cum. She didn't want to get distracted by that and lose all her progress getting him to cum. But now that he was cumming there was no need for her to hold back, and she started to cum too.

It was epic.

Luckily, there still was a corner of Monica's mind that remembered the looming problem with Nancy. So she gritted her teeth and managed not to scream out. At least, not much. All the while, she was cursing like a drunken sailor in Spanish in her mind, saying things like "¡Qué Bestia! ¡Santa Madre de Dios! ¡La Bestia es demasiado grande!" ("What a Beast! Holy Mother of God! The Beast is too big!")

Erin had been close to cumming too. That urge receded when she redirected her efforts to helping Monica get him to cum, but with that accomplished, she resumed masturbating with her other hand. She set off in orgasm too, about a minute after Monica, but while Monica's prolonged climax was still on-going. She took her lead from Monica and managed to keep quiet, more or less. Maybe her orgasm wasn't as epic as Monica's, but it was still much better than the ones she'd been used to.

Monica wanted a facial, but she really wanted a pearl necklace too. So, part way through Ryan's orgasm, she sat up much higher on her knees.

Erin immediately got the picture and re-aimed Ryan's cock towards Monica's chocolate-colored nipples and especially her deep cleavage. Unfortunately, in terms of seconds, a male orgasm doesn't last very long, even the prolonged ones. Monica had wasted time taking his cock out of her mouth and then more time sitting up for the pearl necklace. As a result, there wasn't much cum left by then. But at least there was some, which was symbolically important. She felt satisfied.

Ryan had been half-dead even before his orgasm began. He'd gained some energy and opened his eyes

when Kate rubbed her tits against his chest and teased him with her sex talk, but now that his orgasm was petering out, he quickly went back to half-dead and then nearly all dead. He sank into the sofa like he'd passed out altogether.

Kate was eager to French kiss and get (more) frisky with him. Since she was the only one not cumming, she was still raring to go. However, she could see her efforts would be wasted on him in his current condition.

She kissed his mouth, briefly. Then she pulled back, and whispered in his ear, "How did you like that, Ryan?"

He showed no sign of a response.

She pulled her head back and spoke louder so the others could hear. "I've got a question for you before you pass out on us."

He didn't respond to that either. It was a good thing that he was panting heavily or she would have been concerned.

But she persisted. "Ryan, what's your last name?! I think it's only fair since you've fucked our faces, and Monica's tits, and claimed me as your personal slut, and so much more, that we should at least know your full name. Don't you think?"

His brain shattered into a million pieces all over again as he realized how crazy it was that they didn't even know such a basic fact about him. He somehow managed to mumble. "Suh... Suh... Sul...


"Ah! Thank you!" Kate kissed his mouth again as a kind of reward, even though he was in no shape to kiss back. "That wasn't so hard, was it? Did you hear that, girls? His name is Ryan Sullivan. Huh."

She pondered that name in her mind, since she knew he was going to play a very important role in her life from now on. Ryan Sullivan. I like the sound of that.

She imagined herself downstairs at the party, mingling as usual. "Hello, my name is Kate, Kate Middlefield. I am the personal slut of Ryan Sullivan." She pretended there was a response. "Oh, what does that mean, to be his personal slut? It means I'll do anything he tells me to do. Absolutely ANYTHING!"

The way she said "absolutely ANYTHING" in her mind would have given even a marble statue an erection if she'd said it out loud.

Erin was resting up against the sofa. She had recovered enough to say, "Ryan, if you can hear me, since we're getting formally introduced and all, my full name is Erin Taylor. And Monica looks to be in no shape to speak, so I'll remind you her full name is Monica Lopez."

He grunted to make it clear he'd understood. But his brain was shutting down fast. He immediately fell asleep.