
Appoplexian in marvel

It’s about a dude getting reverse truck kuned, he ends up being a hybrid Appoplexian. No omnitrix it’s just rath all the time. This is an experimental story so I hope you enjoy. Check out my patr eon. Smithsonian_86

Smithsonian86_ · Cómic
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35 Chs

The battle of New York

We're gathered in I don't know the term for it but I'd say the main deck? things are more or less the same as plot except Hulk is angrier, Natasha is mentally scarred and coulson is alive. Fury is speaking to us right now, he's holding out several dog tags that are soaked in blood. He tossed them on the table.

"These are the tags of the men and women who served aboard my ship. We're dead in the air up here, our communications, the location of the cube, Banner, Thor. I got nothing for you. I lost my one good eye and I had that coming" he said leaning on the table.

He circled around Tony "yes we were going to build an arsenal with the tesseact. I never put all my chips on that number though because I was playing something even riskier..... There was an idea and stark know this. It was called the Avengers initiative, the idea was to bring together a group of remarkable people and see if they could become something more. See if they could together when we needed them too..... to fight the battles that we never could. Those men and women still died believing in that idea. In heroes".

Stark then stood up and walked away shocked at the information. "Well it is an old fashioned notion~" he said before leaving cap to stare at the bloodied dog tags. Nathan stood there watching this spy manipulate the two men not saying anything. Steve looked at Nathan and asked

"What do you think we should do?" Nathan closed his eyes as if in thought. Steve locked onto him awaiting his responses, in his mind the man infront of him could provide some form of guidance. Whether it's because he was enlightened due to his interstellar upbringing or the fact that he laid Loki out well before he got to scene.

"Honestly Steve? My opinions a little gung-ho for your tastes" he snorted at that remembering his war buddies so Nathan continued "stark will probably leave to head for his tower. Banner and Thor would be making there way after Loki as well. So I say you and me grab Natasha, steam a quinjet and go kick that drama queens ass!"

Steven smirked "sounds like a plan" "well then lead the way captain" I gestured to the door. We suited up and went towards romanoff who was tending to Hawkeye. They were awake and chatting about the mind over body experience he had. Nathan walked in and clapped his hands "good hanzo is awake, naty we're leaving to catch the horse fucker." Clint turned to him and replied.

"Natasha why is tigger the tiger in my hospital room. Am I still tripping, quick give him so honey so he can go party with pooh bear" Natasha chuckled so Nathan nodded his head. He sniffed twice to draw their attention as they are a little scared he might change again.

Nathan chuckled "you know, your wife might like it if I rock up to her door step with that honey. Might liven things up for her. Better get your ass outta bed before I make that trip instead". He then walked out of the room and heard the sounds of metal rattling. Like a rocket Clint Barton was chasing him down with Natasha laughing her ass off behind him.

"Don't you think about it rajah!! I'll toss you off the edge and no flying carpet will save you."

"Shut it Oliver queen otherwise I'll stick you back on lianyu. What are you laughing at Jessica rabbit we got a Broadway asshole wannabe to catch."

This time around captain America didn't need to give him a motivational speech. They boarded the plane and set out while all the agents just stood there and watched. Fury sat on his chair in his private office and watched Maria enter. He shut the door and began to change back. Fury soon became green with pointy ears and several scars on his face.

"Woooh now that was frightening, I swore that I would never fly with an appoplexian again and look what happened. Nick slips out just before the show starts and I'm left to clean the mess" he huffed while Maria put her hands on her hips.

"Hush you, I don't know what your complaining about talos. You and soran were acting like he may eat you and trust me, he noticed. When he raised his voice you were about to beam up".

"Maria what did I say about Star Trek references, they're not accurate at all. Sigh~ well let nick know to make that call to the council. I'm going to sleep, that guy always abusing his authority". He said walking away into a corner before vanishing in a flashy show of teleportation. Maria wasn't impressed so she tapped the desk and loaded a screen. "Director the avengers are on route to New York. How did the council take it".

Fury's face appeared on the screen "not well, those old bastards are about to go behind my back and do something stupid. Even pierce just rolled ever and let malick spout whatever crap appeared into that slimy head of his." He vented to the woman.

"Any idea what they may do" she asked before wincing at his response "those pricks are either about to drop blonsky on the asgardian or launch nukes. I'll be back on the carrier in five."

Back to the newly formed avengers they are relaxing in the quinjet as Hawkeye piloted. Cap was looking at old pictures of Peggy Carter he scrounged you somewhere. Natasha was doing gear maintenance on her stingers and Nathan was downloading his playlist for today's fight.

"Let's see; rwby tracks, Rustage, caleb hyles covers, Jonathan young, studio Yuraki and hmmm GameboyJones should do" he said to himself as he downloaded specific songs from each artist he likes.

"Eyes up wheels are down in five, the city looks like a purge is happening." Hawkeye shouted from up front. Nathan finished his playlist then rathed out before walking to the cockpit to see a beam launch from the top of starks tower. The sky split open and three big space whales dropped through along with a cluster of grey guys on gold hover bikes.

Not wasting anytime Natasha manned the guns and opened fire while the door opened for captain America and Rath to jump onto the roof of a building. Rath ignores Steve as he jumps towards a chitauri cruiser and latches on with his claws. He gets on top and slashes two of them in half before slamming the drivers head into the council.

That action made the aircraft veer of course and crash into another alien. Rath emerged from the explosion with his claws thrust forward. The wind brushed his face as he feel towards the ground. He let out a war cry as he impacted some of the ground troops and roared like a lion drawing the chitauris attention. They looked at him for once second before they released high pitches squeals and broke off running in separate directions.

"Goddammit, these guys recognise my species!!! Rahhh Natasha fell me the locations that have a high infestation of the runts" he hissed down the radio.

Some static occurred before her voice rang through "Times Square and central station. Watch out the big guy made it here as well he's on the war path towards the tower..... never antagonise him like that again"

"What?!?? It's effective isn't it. Next time I'm gonna taze his nuts to see what happens." Rath could feel her repulsion over the radio. Suddenly a huge girlish scream sounded out from the top of the tower that the hulk just jumped through. Iron man then patched himself into the radio frequency.

"Blegh!!!!! Oh my god. Who the hell showed banner Hancock?!?!" Rath couldn't help but grin widely, especially so when Steve asked "why does someone's signature matter?" Oh that poor boy, he lacks culture. Rath planned to show him JJBA after this, it would connect him to the modern times considering his Joseph was around his age in part 2.

Iron man "I'm talking about the movie, the hulk just dragged an alien into my place and shoved its head up Loki's ass all the way to it's shoulders. I'm not speaking figuratively here I mean that in the literal sense. Blegh!!!! Oh god I'm so happy I installed a vomit removal option."

Natasha roared over the radio "i blame you Nathan, I'm not arresting Loki like that!" He replies "don't blame Rath!! Let me tell you something it's not my fault Banner likes to watch comedies in his down time."

"But it is your fault that he's now focused on delivering ana trauma to people!!!!" She roared back.

"D ddd do I wanna know?" Barton hesitantly asked. "No you do not, I'll tell you after the mission but it's much worse than Budapest". I heard him mumble his doubts. *pewl* a plasma round impacted my body so I looked up to see chitauri perched on the walls roaring at me and aiming at my head.

"Rrrgh LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING CHITAURI ARMADA!!!! NO ONE SHOOTS AT RATH WHILE RIPPING OF SPIDER-MAN" and then I bounded towards the hoard of enemies. They aren't the only ones who can cling to surfaced. I was spinning around shredding bodies like a delicatessens equipment with how fine those cuts were.

I'd randomly charge up the enchantments on the claws to fire out blasts. I made my way towards stark tower on my rampage cutting down any aliens and removing any obstacles for people escaping. I had to tell a few times for them to stop filming and start running.

Once a cop shot at me so I grabbed a police cruiser and tossed it at a chitauri air bike exploding it then catching the survivors before using them as weapons against their buddies. The cop holstered his weapon and ran from my life when I took a break and stared at him.

After about twenty minutes I made it into the elevator of stark tower. I took a break to bask in the music from my headphones. A zoldyck theme remix was playing so I rocked my head to the beat. After reaching the top floor with a ding I was greeted with the spectacular sight of Loki breaking down and crying.

He had removed the chitauri from his ass but I spotted cameras meaning I could get the footage. I plan to post it after this. I looked at the chitauri that had its head crushed. I whistled "phweew you could turn coal into diamonds with that sphincter huh Loki~?"

He stopped his breakdown to look at me, the previous depression was gone and now replaced with eternal malice. He lunged at me so I smacked his head downwards hard enough for him to bounce then grabbed his leg and begun spinning. I found a nice target so let loose, Loki's body flung towards a giant life sized model of Tony. Several cracks resounded out of the room as Loki had his head buried in the steel sculptures pelvis area.

I then blasted the last of my asgardian thunder charge at him shocking him unconscious. I went to the roof to find selvig no longer under mind control trying to switch of his machine. "I can't stop it now!!!" He screamed out so I ignored him and stabbed loki's sceptre which I appropriated from Hulk into the ground near the portal.

Then I heard more cracks so I looked up to find another whale had come through. I grinned and jumped on its back as Iron man flew towards it.