
Appoplexian in marvel

It’s about a dude getting reverse truck kuned, he ends up being a hybrid Appoplexian. No omnitrix it’s just rath all the time. This is an experimental story so I hope you enjoy. Check out my patr eon. Smithsonian_86

Smithsonian86_ · Cómic
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35 Chs


Nathan led Jen towards the meeting place that his girlfriend decided, he could tell the she-hulk was tense based on how she was walking. Hunter skills have been hardwired into him so he's been adjusting to them but having the idea of people being 'prey' unnerves him a little. The spot he's taking her too is called the coffee bean which he remembered from Spiderman comics he used to read.

It's a small coffee and malt shop, in the Tribeca neighbourhood of Manhattan, where students from Empire State University would regularly frequent, making it the academia's unofficial hangout. Ororo teaches anthropology and linguistics at a variety of institutions, more money and more resources that way. ESU just happens to be where she's lecturing today, with a cling they open the old wooden door and were assaulted with the heavy scent of coffee.

Its a good thing he likes coffee otherwise Rath might have burned this place to the ground! spotting her in the corner sipping on her java, Nathan watched as she visibly perked up when she spotted them so she waved them over. Jennifer can't imagine a happy person like her being super though the hair may be a giveaway.

"morning tiger~ is this the girl you were telling me about?" she asked playfully to make Jennifer loosen her guard around her. "morning Oreo, Jennifer this is my girlfriend Ororo Munroe, babe this is Jennifer Walters."

Jennifer held out her hand " call me Jen, the pet names you guys have are adorable~" Ororo then pouted "I don't like mine, he thinks its funny because of the hair" she pouted which made me laugh.

I ordered some coffee for the table with me getting a cafe au lait, I like milk and coffee equally~. Jen took a sip from the sugary monstrosity that she ordered then calmly put hers down on the table. "So tiger over here tells me that your powered, he said you can offer me some help though I'm not sure how a sweet thing like you could do that."

Ororo just smiled wryly and looked at me " well if what he said about you is true then I think you may need a little assistance from me. Though not as much as your cousin your powers are influenced by rage which can be overwhelming for some powered people due to their changed biology. I can help you manage your rage through meditation and similar exercises while Nathan will help you vent on criminals. As much as I would like to disagree with him there does seem to be an astounding amount of crime in the city so you would get plenty of combat practice."

Jen smiled at the thought of fighting as all hulks have a subconscious desire to fight "he also mentioned something about hot and steamy yoga~ I'm down for that" Ororo blushed and stumbled a little "its sauna yoga! It's not like that!" which made the pair of us laugh.

Jen then turned to me "from what I can determine you might be putting together a team so I have serious questions... What's the name, do we have a logo, matching uniforms and who else is joining?" these questions also made Ororo curious because I hadn't mentioned anything about it to her.

I shrugged my shoulder " the thought has crossed my mind~ I was thinking about calling us TEMPER because the first few members aren't people that someone wants to piss off." Ororo nods at this " an accurate statement" "as for other members I have two in mind"

Jen sipped her coffee again and looked at me "powered?" "not in the way we are, one is super smart and the other just has skills that are very useful. she may also get powers down the line if she plays her cards right." this made the two women curious so Ororo asked with mock seriousness "are they more women?" I sighed " yes but they're both kids, one is 11 and the other is 12." she then lightened up and began pondering as she has a soft spot for kids.

Jen asked "what are their abilities?" "one of them went through a process named terrigenesis which granted her powers, she has bad eye sight but I reckon she's smarter than Tony stark. The other one is a genius programmer who can design some cool stuff" Jen exhaled "two nerds, really your making an end squad" I chuckled "can't deny that but you gotta admit it would be fun."

Ororo then looked at me "the first girl is an inhuman, how do you know about those" Jennifer looked confused so I answered both of them " Inhumans are descendants of humans that were genetically modified by a species called Kree, when they are exposed to a crystal called terrigen which would make them grow a cocoon like a caterpillar, when it hatches they come out with powers but its a luck fo the draw type deal. I know about them because my mother researched the Kree extensively due to their beef with the nova empire"

"Star Wars! yay" Jen said breaking the tension Ororo then continued the explanation in a more light hearted tone "the people who become inhumans either go to one of the two communities or they just stay as a civilian but that's only for those who don't change appearance. the young girl must have been exposed to a diluted crystal somehow am I correct?" to which I just nodded.

"she goes by moon girl and is selling her inventions online anonymously, I bought the new oven off of her" which made Ororo sigh and chuckle. "And the other?" "A woman named Gloriana Grant, we met online and she likes to brag. she goes by GG" "which game" Jen asked. "Destiny"

(the world is currently in 2009 and is more advanced than ours so the game was released 5 years early)

"oh? during a raid" "Crota's end and vault of glass~" Ororo then widened her eyes "wait I think I teach her Spanish! also why didn't I receive an invite" I may have converted her to a gamer girl, the sight of her in a headset is mesmerising. Anyway we continued discussing details which led to Jen agreeing to join, she's already found work at "Hogart, Chao& Benowitz LLP" which is a group I remember from the Netflix series.

TEMPER was formed that day, as well as a major gaming guild but that's for later. The relationship thing is for later, I don't feel right taking a second girlfriend without at least sleeping with my current one. Jen left to go setup at her new apartment so I decided to walk my Oreo home.

As we were walking I said "you see her?" to which she nodded while maintaining her status "she's focused on you by the looks of it" "so let me introduce myself" I said leading my girlfriend around the corner and into an alley. I Rathed out and carriers Ororo to the roof and waited for the woman following us to enter. As soon as she did I dropped down and pinned her against the wall while popping ym claw under her chin.

"Who are you!" "my name is Maria Hill and I wanted to meet the appoplexian running around New York"