
Appoplexian in marvel

It’s about a dude getting reverse truck kuned, he ends up being a hybrid Appoplexian. No omnitrix it’s just rath all the time. This is an experimental story so I hope you enjoy. Check out my patr eon. Smithsonian_86

Smithsonian86_ · Cómic
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35 Chs

All Rath. All the time

My name is Nathan apothos, strange surname I know but hey that's what my ancestors went by. Earlier I was driving my truck in Japan cause I'm out visiting some distant relatives, I wanted to see the land of the rising sun but that was a big mistake.

As I was going through a tunnel a buff guy suddenly appeared at the end of the tunnel and slammed into my truck sending me through the windshield. Everything went black and I ended up floating in a dark space.

"Hello" I called out into the endless void wishing for a response. The silence gave me time to process my death, after ages I became content knowing my family would be ok. My job meant jackshit to me and I wasn't in a relationship for a while. I got Ross Geller'd by my last girlfriend who was cheating on me with her best friend amber. That really hit me in my core at the time so I chose to start working out to decompress.

Got some good gains so I decided to branch out and learned mma, jiujitsu, boxing and wrestling. Surprisingly it actually helped my mental health a lot. A sound mind resides in a sound body after all, though I guess I'm a sound soul now.

"Indeed you are" I snapped around to see a woman on a lotus floating down to me. Ah I see.... my ROB. "Inanna actually but I can see your point. Ok long story short you got killed by one of my reincarnates as he was spawned into that world on a mission. I'm going to recompensate you through the wheel which will determine your abilities and next world."

"Memories?" "Yep you can keep them. I'll also inform you that once you properly die again you'll be joining my pantheon if you've earned it. I'm considering a tournament of power between all my candidates for fun as well so be prepared for that."

Oh that's bad, fighting other reincarnated people who have their golden fingers and time to master them. "What would I be up against" the woman then chuckled and began explaining about a few of her people.

"Well we have someone with crocodiles powers from one piece but he's a lot stronger than the original, a person who became Ino yamanaka in fairy tail who mastered several types of magic and took over saber tooth. Someone who became toriko in naruto but he isn't as strong as the original."

I nodded thinking that I'm fucked. " the guy who killed you was called Logan Lee, he is a martial arts maniac who recently unlocked aura and arena zoan devil fruit. Next up we have a fanalis hybrid in Re:monster who's only starting but making good progress. We have a few more but I don't think you'll like to hear about them."

"No no please I insist. I really wanna know who may kick my ass in the future. Gives me time to prepare" she chuckled at how silly that sounded but it was a fair point. If I get powers of an intellectual or someone like accelerator I may have a chance.

"Ok, A DXD equivalent of whitebeard who gained a sacred gear and merged it with a zanpakuto making an entirely new concept. A guy who became fujitora in fairy tail and mastered gravity, lightning, paw and sword magic. Someone who became bellamy in one piece and actually made him into a strong person. Someone who reincarnated as Orochimaru and changed things so he ended up good with wood style and aimed for the five most op bloodlines, don't know if he'll get them or not. Another guy who became a hybrid of fraken stein and medusa in soul eater. Tai lung mink in one piece, a guy with the ability to manifest the users of the weapons he picks up and he got some good ones like the madara gunbai and the power pole from GOH, doflamingo in MHA, short range teleported in Danmachi. Erza scarlet in rwby and lastly Trafalgar law in the mcu."

I blinked at her for a few seconds "fuck you" she just grinned and summoned the wheel. "Yeah, my pantheon isn't going to be pussies. Depending not the world you end up in it won't actually be a problem as you can get op with the power system."

"Still fuck you" "oh maybe once you get somewhere in life". This bitch! "Ok time to spin the wheel, world first or powers" "world please". Then the massive golden wheel with shape shifting text appeared. I grabbed and spun it as hard as I could.

It made the *fwt* noise at the little arrow flicked past each option until it began to slow and the noise became more prominent. "Congratulations..... it's the MCU!!!" Fuck me..... at least it's not the comics worlds and I have memorised most of the movies. Agents of shields and the Netflix series I can kinda remembers but the inhumans and other series I'm drawing a blank on. I wonder if mutants are a thing?

"Now then onto the species section, marvel has a lot of them so you could get anything. Maybe be an asgardian or a titan. There's also hybrid in there and species from other universes so the possibilities are endless." I'm getting exhausted just listening to her so I just spun it randomly.

The wheel spun and spun for what felt like hours until it stopped and the goddess went "eh?" "What? What did I get? Please don't tell me it's a naked mole rat cause I don't think rufus can match whitebeard." She looked back at me then the board and smiled.

"That would be funny but no, you got Appoplexian hybrid meaning your half human half Appoplexian." "Why does that species sound familiar?" "It's about alien species from Ben 10, considering your surname it's actually kinda funny."

Appoplexian - apothos. Wait a minute..... THATS RATH!!!!! I'm going to be a human version of RATH!!!! That's like a Mexican wolverine on cocaine! I might not be able to fight a whitebeard level opponent but I can survive a hell of a lot of stuff.

"So how's that going to work?" I asked the goddess. She hummed and thought about it. "Your going there in your current body but I'm fixing up your important bits a little. Your going to get to be about 6ft 7 inches so the same height as she hulk. Your muscles are going to change to be a lot stronger and denser. Senses will get an overhaul and your arms need serious work because if the claws. Hmmm your face will need to change a little because of the feline DNA and your chemical make up. Listen your body is gonna be different so you'll have to adjust a bit."

"Ok what about other powers from the third wheel" "spin it" so I grabbed and spun it again hopping for something useful. "Anti plot?" The fuck is anti plot! Does that mean I can beat plot armour. "No it does not, this ability however is the most useful for you in a comics universe" "why what does it do?"

"It makes it so that you can't be cloned or be reproduced artificially. No hulk or spider clones, no reproducing a serum from your blood and no brainwashing will work on you." Woah this is necessary to survive in marvel. So many things will try to copy or clone me, even the good guys will try to brainwash me though rath doesn't seem the type to be brainwashed with how hard headed he will be.

"Ok I'm sending you in, your gonna have strong emotional control from your human side so you won't be picking fights constantly however when you get an adrenaline rush you may start acting like a real Appoplexian. Good luck Nathan~"

And then she dropped me through a whole making me plummet into a lake inside what I assume is Central Park. It's pitch black out so no one noticed the splash. I swam ashore and began to check my body for the changes she talked about. The swim was a lot faster than my previous life's record so I need to see what I'm dealing with.