
Applying Logic to the Unknown

When Caspian wanders out into the forest to meet with his friends, things take a dark turn and he ends up in a race for survival against the unknown. Follow Caspian as he lies, steals and plans his way into a less frightening life, as long as he does not get eaten first. All rights to the picture go to the original artist.

MrRereader · Fantasía
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60 Chs

Payment and destination

I have to be careful about what I ask, I shouldn't seem oblivious about magic, as of right now I managed to not look too surprised, I need time to think and staying anywhere close to this so-called healer, probably a mage of sorts, without knowing anything is not a good idea.

First, I need to figure what he took from me, how long my wounds will take to heal, and how to get to the port city of Westerngrad, I also need to see if I can sell something and buy food for my future travels.

''Mister Thomas, I can't help but notice that my hair is missing'' This wasn't what I wanted to ask, it just came out on its own.

Thomas waves his hand and the water returns to the bowl then he gestures to Georg to pick it up.''Mister Season we had to check for injuries, we had no way of knowing if you were hurt under your hair so I had to remove it, I hope you can understand''

That sounds reasonable, I still don't like it though. ''I do not mind'' he probably can tell that I actually mind. I should've said that with a lighter tone.

''As for my wounds, how long will I need in order to be fully healed''. As if expecting this question he immediately answers

''No time at all, you may leave when you wish, there will be slight scars remaining but as long as you leave the scabs alone you can consider yourself healed'' Great, that's what I wanted to hear.

''Now as for your payment, you have informed me that in exchange for your help you took one of the items in my possession, may I know which one''.

As I said that he sticks his hand in his shoulder bag and takes out what I recognize as my pocket knife, really, is that worth my life?

With a questioning look on my face, I ask.''Is that what you took for payment, my knife?''.

With a somewhat offended tone, he answers me ''Do not be greedy sir, even if this knife has been forged by a great blacksmith and is certainly worth enough to buy the services of several healers of lower rank, you cannot compare MY services with theirs, I used a great amount of mana to close and cure your wounds and ailments, this is my just due''

Work of a great blacksmith? It's a very cheap ornate pocket knife, I only carried it with me in case I had to cut something small and he says it's worth the service of several healers, I need to figure out how much that even is.

''Mister Thomas, I have to ask, how much does the service of lesser healers cost in this parts, Westerngrad to be more exact''

''But a measly 50 coins, a man such as yourself should be easily able to afford one'' 50 coins, I wonder how much that is, and he said his services are worth those of several, I'm probably getting scammed but I can't do anything about it, let's be happy he didn't take my boots.

With a heavy tone I sigh and say to him ''Do not misunderstand sir, that is something that has been given to me by a good friend so it has a good amount of sentimental value, but if sir considers it enough as payment then so be it, you may have it.''

He nods then puts the knife back in the bag then gestures to a room behind him and says ''Mister Season your items are in that room, we did not clean them but you can trust me, I did not take anything but the payment, now if you feel better you are free to go along''

Without waiting for my answer he turns around and leaves through the door, did I somehow offend him, maybe he doesn't like having his skills questioned, I turn to Georg who was listening quietly by the side of the bed and ask him.

''Mister Georg could you tell me the way to Westerngrad, I am quite lost right now, also I would like to trade some of my items for some food if you would be so kind''

Georg nods and says to me ''Merchant, that knife of yours must have quite the value, hiring sir Thomas is not cheap, if we had that coin we could have hired a monster hunter or two to get rid of the beast, alas I checked and you only had one, I will not take a mans clothes off his back so you do not need to repay me, as for what you ask it is quite easy, just follow down the road leading to the river it will take you to the city hall, and food is scarce these days so we don't have much to offer but you are welcome to try''

After this conversation with Georg the villager and Thomas the mage, or healer as they call him, I lay back in bed in order to think about what to do next, Georg left a while back and so I am alone, in a dark, cold room, with no knowledge of what is going on, where I am exactly, or what I should do in the future.

There are only vague ideas, like checking out mirrors once I get to the city and see if I can do anything with those.

''I need food so I must trade something I own in exchange'', With that said I get up and head to the room where my items are said to be stored, there is no door so I just go in and look at the pile of blood-soaked dirty clothes in the corner.

I am in my underwear right now, and as I look downwards I admire my belly flap, truly merchant like. As I dig through my items I see my shirt and jacket, both of them have a big hole in the back, the material was torn in what seemed to be the shape of my wound.

The shirt was full of blood so it's unwearable, same with the jacket, lucky I brought another pair of clothes in case things got spicy, and they couldn't be spicier right now.

As I take my backpack that is full of dirt and blood I couldn't be happier that I bought a slightly more expensive one so the material didn't let the blood through. They also looked through my backpack but didn't take anything, after all, it only had clothes in it.

I make an inventory of my items and the end result is this, clothes, an empty small water bottle, a pair of nice boots, a broken watch, a broken cellphone, my stupid sunglasses that are still fine for some reason, my earphones and finally a cheap bracelet, made of plastic colorful beads, I guess ill try and trade this for some food.

I only need to pitch it right.

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Have a good day.

MrRereadercreators' thoughts