
APOCALYPSE: What I Missed, Gone. What I Won't, Not Forgotten.

Embark on an extraordinary journey alongside Galaxar, whose life undergoes a dramatic shift as he uncovers an anticipated invention for time travel. Aided by his loyal AI companion, Echo, and accompanied by Nysa, a cosmic goddess and his twin flame from a separate cosmos, G ventures on a perilous quest. His mission: rectify past mistakes that haunt him, thereby restoring harmony to the natural order, all while striving to reunite with his beloved without inadvertently bringing about an apocalypse.

L_D_X · Ciencia y ficción
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15 Chs

chpt 1: The Cosmic Princesses

In the boundless tapestry of existence, a figure emerged as a radiant and ethereal presence. She was a being of extraordinary beauty and wisdom.

Her eyes shone like sapphires, and her golden hair cascaded like liquid sunlight, making the stars themselves bow in reverence.

It was said that she reigned supreme across all realities, her dominion extending far and wide. If someone were to gaze upon her from the Earth at that moment, it would appear as though a brilliant new star had ignited in the cosmos.

This being was Nysa, and she had graced this lower sector of the celestial realm of Tarh with her presence.

She resided deep within the vast celestial realm of Tarh, a cosmic abode that embodied a hierarchy of god-like beings. Here, deities and supreme entities wielded their unique roles in the grand cosmic design.

Yet, Nysa reigned at the very apex of this celestial hierarchy, her presence an embodiment of cosmic grace, a radiant star amid the celestial heavens.

In the heart of this celestial kingdom, Nysa had been bestowed with a cosmic responsibility of unparalleled significance—the Great Cleansing.

This sacred duty had been entrusted to her by her father, the Celestial Emperor, who reigned supreme over the echelons of existence in Tarh.

The hierarchy within this cosmic realm extended beyond mortal comprehension, and each member of the divine families, such as nysa and her siblings Basil, Katerina and pavlos bore a sacred duty assigned by their father.

The Great Cleansing, a profound cosmic task, was an intricate part of the celestial order.

Its purpose was to prepare the cosmos for a transformative expansion to a higher echelon. The cosmos, in its infinite wisdom, continually sought to transcend and evolve, and Nysa's role was to ensure that the old made way for the new, allowing cosmic order to prevail.

The duty of the Great Cleansing held a profound significance, as it was not merely a matter of maintenance, but a harmonious dance of renewal and rebirth. Nysa, as a cosmic princess, stood as a guardian of this intricate cosmic cycle. She was the custodian of celestial energies and the overseer of the celestial balance, ensuring that the expansion of the cosmos proceeded with grace and equilibrium.

The cosmic emperor, her father, had instilled in Nysa a sense of duty and responsibility that extended beyond her own existence.

From a young age, he had taught her that her destiny was interwoven with the destiny of the cosmos itself, a responsibility she carried with profound reverence and devotion.

Nysa's journey, as she prepared to embark on the Great Cleansing of this sector, was a testament to her unwavering commitment to the cosmic order.

Her path would be filled with challenges, as cosmic energies converged and celestial realms shifted.

But Nysa's presence right here and now at the heart of this lower sector celestial kingdom, was a testament to the enduring cosmic dance that kept the universe in a state of perpetual transformation and renewal.

She cast her gaze upon the Earth's galaxy with the indifference of one who reigned supreme across all realities, her dominance extending far and wide.

The weight of her cosmic responsibility bore down upon her, yet her resolve remained unshaken.


Another figure, graceful and ethereal, appeared beside Nysa.

It was Katrina, her younger sister. Both of their gazes were fixed sternly on this galaxy, a canvas upon which they were about to paint the tapestry of transformation.

In the hushed ambiance of the gathering, Katrina's voice emerged like a rare gem among common stones. Her words danced through the air, an ethereal melody that wrapped itself around the senses, leaving a trail of anticipation in its wake.

"Save the best for last, right?" Katrina's voice purred, her words hanging in the air like the sweetest notes of a symphony's grand finale. It was as if she had harnessed the very essence of time, delaying the inevitable climax with the precision of a master conductor.

"Hmmm, yes, Katie," Nysa responded lightly, her voice holding secrets and promises yet to be unveiled.

The cosmic siblings were ready to initiate the grand cosmic performance, the Great Cleansing, a symphony of celestial energies and transformation that would resonate across all realities. Their journey was about to begin, and the universe itself would be their audience, witnessing a harmonious dance of cosmic proportions.

Katrina extended her delicate hand with a grace that seemed to defy the laws of time and space. In her outstretched palm, she held a relic of cosmic importance—a pitch-black scroll that glistened with words that twinkled like stars in the midnight sky. It was not just any scroll; it was the "Astra Carta," a name that resonated with the weight of destiny and the grandeur of celestial knowledge.

This ancient artifact was an apocalyptic instrument, an enigmatic creation hewn from the very fabric of the cosmos. It bore the secrets of the cosmic realm assigned to Nysa and her sister Katrina for cleansing, a realm intertwined with the celestial balance of existence. The astra carta held within its ebony parchment the celestial coordinates of their sacred duty, a divine map etched in astral ink.

As Katrina unfurled the scroll, it transformed into a mesmerizing cosmic map. It was as if the very universe itself had been captured and condensed into this intricate chart, a celestial tapestry that spread before her like a sea of galaxies. The stars on the parchment pulsed with a celestial rhythm, casting an otherworldly glow that illuminated the entire surrounding area.

Each word on the scroll shimmered like a radiant star, and as her elegant fingers traced their pathways, they unveiled constellations of cosmic significance. The scroll was an intricate web of interconnected realms, woven with the threads of destiny and illuminated by the astral ink of divine purpose.

It was a map not only of physical locations but of cosmic energies and celestial forces that coursed through the very fabric of space and time.

The Astra Carta held the power that guided nysa and Katrina on their journey of purification, to navigate the celestial currents and harmonize the energies that shaped the cosmos.

In this moment, the scroll stood as a bridge between the earthly realm and the cosmic heavens. It was a testament to the profound interconnectedness of the universe, a reminder that the destiny of celestial beings and the cosmic order were inextricably linked. It was their guiding light, their cosmic compass, and their key to fulfilling the sacred duty that awaited them in the higher echelons of existence.

Katrina tapped gently on the map, generating a cosmic force that moved constellations of stars into separate systems within Earth's galaxy and neighboring sectors, rearranging them and ushering in the energy needed to initiate The Cleanse.

A symphony of cosmic chaos was unleashed, its dissonant chords reverberating throughout the galaxys' sector and beyond. Nysa and Katrina, their ethereal forms positioned above the celestial sphere, observed as the celestial catastrophe unfolded with an eerie sense of inevitability.

"Are you sure he's ready?" Katrina asked as stars moved about like pieces in a cosmic puzzle.

"He is," Nysa responded resolutely, her gaze unwavering.

And then, POOF, they both vanished, leaving no traces as if they were never even there.

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