
Apocalypse: The Zombie Cultivation System

In the apocalypse, Wu Liang awakens "The Zombie Cultivation System". Not only can he hypnotize and control them, but by feeding the zombies and helping them grow stronger, they can become subhuman (hybrids) creatures that fulfill their host's desires. By establishing intimate relationships with them and Bind The System, he and the zombies can simultaneously gain powerful abilities and attribute bonuses. Two Choices Appeared: 1. Cultivate male zombies: Unlock the title "Both Offense and Defense," Strength +5, Stamina +5, Male Zombie Affinity +100. 2. Cultivate female zombies: Unlock the title "Charming Male God," Speed +5, Recovery +20, Female Zombie Affinity +100.

Cid_Kun · Ciudad
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4 Chs

The Cute Bewildered Zombie Girl

Chen Jiayao abruptly looked at Wu Liang, clasping his face with her hands, their gazes locked.

At this moment, Wu Liang finally had a chance to carefully examine the zombie girl riding atop him.

Her big gray-white Kazilan eyes, delicately arched brows, adorned her pretty face.

With her rosy lips slightly parted, revealing a pink tongue, she seemed ready to lick every inch of sweat from Wu Liang's skin.

She wasn't wearing makeup, yet even bare-faced and with the negative blessing of zombie, she was undeniably the most beautiful woman Wu Liang had ever seen.

After the recent licking, the purple vine-like veins on her neck had faded considerably, almost unnoticeable unless inspected closely.

One might easily believe she was a living person—except for her eyes that hadn't fully recovered yet.

"Why are you... looking at me like this? What's... what's wrong?" Wu Liang felt a shiver down his spine under Chen Jiayao's intense gaze.

While asking this, his hands, although inquired, withdrew timidly from Chen Jiayao's tight skirt.


Gulp! Slurp!

Chen Jiayao's eyes fixated on Wu Liang's mouth; he hadn't finished his sentence.

Right as he opened his mouth, Chen Jiayao immediately took the opportunity to press her lips against his, her slippery tongue darting around, greedily sucking.

"Wait? Is saliva okay?!"

Chen Jiayao was too strong, and Wu Liang couldn't break free.

Moreover, being forcibly kissed by such a breathtakingly beautiful girl... in any case, it seemed like a win!

Since binding with the system, Chen Jiayao had refrained from attacking him and had started licking his sweat. She was no longer strictly a zombie but rather an intermediary between human and zombie—a hybrid.

"You're suffocating me! Take it easy!" Wu Liang gasped, a mix of agony and pleasure.

He wanted to step out of the closet for some air. However, his view was completely filled by Chen Jiayao's charming face and lips, making it impossible to see the ground below.

He stumbled and fell backward.

Even then, Chen Jiayao had no intention of letting him go. After gaining such an advantage, she abruptly raised her head while straddling Wu Liang.

At this moment, the purple veins on her body had completely vanished, and her gray eyes seemed to reveal faint black pupils.

"Could I have a sip of water first before we continue, is that okay with you?!" Wu Liang attempted to rise.


Chen Jiayao bared her pearly white teeth and growled at him. Then, pouting, she fiercely grabbed Wu Liang's wrist with her small hand, forcefully pinning them to the floor.

Subsequently, a victorious hint appeared on her face. Then she held Wu Liang's clothes in her teeth and lifted them up to Wu Liang's chest.

Only then did Chen Jiayao begin savoring the sweat from Wu Liang's body, starting from his collarbones as if she was tasting delicious food, through his chest, belly button, lower abdomen, and downward...

Currently, Chen Jiayao and Wu Liang's intimacy level is at 0, coupled with a high hunger level.

So, her current primary desire is to have a satisfying meal.

Clearly, the amount of sweat is too little, and it lacks the substances she needs.

While there's a bit more saliva, it's still far from sufficient.

Due to the +100 affinity level, Chen Jiayao wouldn't do anything to harm Wu Liang, like scratching his fingers or biting his skin. None of that.

But if Wu Liang were to disturb her feeding, at this point, it doesn't seem very likely!

"Hey, you're not going to... oh my god! Fuck, Gulp..."

Soon enough, Wu Liang realized Chen Jiayao's ultimate goal, causing his legs to tense nervously.


Chen Jiayao yelled fiercely at Wu Liang once more.

Like a puppy guarding his food, she lowered her head and took the spoils into her mouth, the expression seemingly saying: "I found this food with my own abilities, why shouldn't I eat it, huh?!"

Indeed, she was quite resourceful. Apart from blood, the highest content was there.

It could even be said that the purity there surpassed the blood by several billion times.

At this moment, Wu Liang's hands were tightly held by Chen Jiayao, watching her act on his body.

Though it felt comfortable, he strangely felt as if he was being forcibly dominated or being raped.

"He was being raped by an overpowered zombie girl—or rather, a zombie-human hybrid!" You can say that.

Half an hour later, having consumed two meals, Chen Jiayao's pupils had completely turned black again.

Expressionless, she sat beside Wu Liang, looking vacant.

Like a scumbag who had just abused an innocent girl, quietly contemplating how to shirk responsibility.

Not even a comforting word like, "Don't worry, I'll take responsibility" was uttered.

Wu Liang looked at Chen Jiayao again, and the data beside her appeared once more:"

[Name]: Chen Jiayao

[Level]: Ordinary Low-Level Zombie

[Intimacy]: Intimacy level increased by 5 points!

[Hunger degree]: 0 (when the hunger degree is 0, it means a satisfied state, and when it is 100, it means extreme hunger) 

Increase intimacy by 5 points! 


Is it because she gains intimacy as she eats, or was it because of those other things?

Wu Liang felt he needed a chance to test it properly.

Not for anything else, purely for scientific research, "Yeah, Right"!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for the first intimacy with the zombie, the intimacy draw is activated. Current intimacy level is 5, reaching 10 points allows a draw!"

The system's voice suddenly appeared in Wu Liang's mind.

Another 5 points increase in intimacy for a draw!?

That sounds promising, but how can he increase intimacy?

After being thoroughly consumed twice by Chen Jiayao in half an hour earlier, wanting to do it two more times in a short period was a daunting task.

He needed to think of another way!

Wu Liang stood in front of Chen Jiayao, contemplating a plan.

Chen Jiayao tilted her head, her bright eyes carefully assessing Wu Liang, seemingly curious why this self-service drinking machine was moving.

Looking at Chen Jiayao's delicate doll-like face, her fragile and tender appearance, Wu Liang couldn't help but gently touch her with his fingertips.

A sensation of coldness and smoothness transmitted through his fingertips."


Feeling the warmth from Wu Liang's hand, Chen Jiayao widened her beautiful eyes in surprise at first. Then, she closed her eyes in satisfaction, seemingly enjoying the moment.

"Ding! Chen Jiayao's intimacy +0.5, now at 5.5!"

Increased intimacy!?

Wu Liang was startled. Was it this simple? Just physical contact to increase it?!

Since that's the case...

Wu Liang looked at Chen Jiayao's fair skin, the exposed sexy collarbone, and couldn't help but extend his fingers, tracing along those straight sensual lines.

"Ah~" Chen Jiayao's body trembled slightly, her eyes fluttered open for a moment. However, she quickly fell back into a state of enjoyment, her lips curling slightly upwards.

"Ding! Chen Jiayao's intimacy +1, now at 6.5!"


However, after these two touches, further contact didn't increase her intimacy.

He needed to explore new areas.

Wu Liang's fingers glided over Chen Jiayao's skin, moving from her flawless complexion along the collarbone to her fragrant shoulders, lightly brushing.

The strap slid down to her arms, and the white lace underwear inside the half-taken uniform suddenly loosened, an amazing curvature hinting from beneath the fabric.

"Thump, thump, thump, gulp!"

Watching this enticing figure, Wu Liang's heart pounded heavily, his throat a bit dry as he swallowed his saliva involuntarily.

As a responsible young man, reason told Wu Liang that taking advantage in such a situation was wrong. However, with zombies outside, survival required strength.

"Sigh, to become stronger, I have to go against my principles. It's regrettable, but I believe you understand, right?"

Wu Liang sighed and reached out toward those enticing areas.


Chen Jiayao suddenly stepped back, revealing an aggressive expression, baring her teeth.

"You won't let me touch? Isn't that a double standard?"

Wu Liang put on a pretense of being wronged.

"Just a few minutes ago, you pinned me down, and I can't even mention what you did!"

"I haven't done anything yet, merely appreciating from an artistic perspective. I'm enduring, suppressing my true feelings, just a touch for the sake of becoming stronger!"

"You're roaring at me?! It's really heartbreaking! Sob, sob, sob!"

As Wu Liang spoke, he covered his face with his hands, leaving a large gap to sneakily observe Chen Jiayao's reaction.

He just realized that Chen Jiayao, in the process of transitioning from a zombie to a human, hadn't brought along human intelligence.

At this point, she seemed to have the intelligence of a kitten, a puppy, or a three or four-year-old child.

Dealing with such an aggressive individual couldn't rely on brute force, only cunning!

As expected, seeing Wu Liang's saddened expression, Chen Jiayao froze.

Her aggressive expression seemed to freeze, her outstretched fingers suspended in the air as she stood there, bewildered.

After a while, Chen Jiayao's expression changed from aggressive to flustered, her little hands nervously shaking, seemingly trying to explain that she didn't mean to be aggressive and was urging Wu Liang not to be upset.

But she couldn't speak, only showing anxiety and frustration on her face.

"Sob, sob, sob!"

Seeing that Chen Jiayao had indeed fallen for it, Wu Liang immediately "Cried" even more sorrowfully.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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