
Apocalypse: The Zombie Cultivation System

In the apocalypse, Wu Liang awakens "The Zombie Cultivation System". Not only can he hypnotize and control them, but by feeding the zombies and helping them grow stronger, they can become subhuman (hybrids) creatures that fulfill their host's desires. By establishing intimate relationships with them and Bind The System, he and the zombies can simultaneously gain powerful abilities and attribute bonuses. Two Choices Appeared: 1. Cultivate male zombies: Unlock the title "Both Offense and Defense," Strength +5, Stamina +5, Male Zombie Affinity +100. 2. Cultivate female zombies: Unlock the title "Charming Male God," Speed +5, Recovery +20, Female Zombie Affinity +100.

Cid_Kun · Ciudad
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4 Chs

Heroic Rescue

The zombies in this world were nothing like those in Resident Evil, moving slowly and leisurely. Instead, they were similar to those in 28 Days Later, running at astonishing speeds.

The man, clad in a basketball jersey and sneakers, dashed out like an arrow. However, the pursuing zombies seemed frenzied, emitting strange cries as they chased him closely.

Among them was a female zombie who had lost one of her high-heeled shoes but was still sprinting at a hundred meters with wild abandon.

In just a short span of ten seconds, the man stepped onto the bloodstained ground, slipped heavily, and fell down hard. The two zombies behind him immediately pounced, viciously tearing and biting at him.

"It seems... the outside world is far more dangerous than I imagined!" Wu Liang observed this scene, feeling compelled to silence.

If he were in that man's shoes, he probably wouldn't last even ten seconds. Killing zombies definitely couldn't be approached with the recklessness shown in movies. Otherwise, one wouldn't even know how they'd died.

In games, dying can be reset, but in life, one only has one chance.

Wu Liang pondered for a moment, then suddenly glanced at Chen Jiayao, who was giggling foolishly beside him.

She was curiously looking at her fingernails, seemingly unaware of why they could suddenly lengthen, become razor-sharp, and then revert to regular nails.

It was indeed dangerous for himself to go out to slay zombies, but what if it was Chen Jiayao who went out? Wouldn't that solve the problem?

He might only have a couple of days, but it was enough.

As Wu Liang's thoughts stirred, Chen Jiayao seemed to sense his idea and immediately approached him.

Wu Liang helped her readjust her clothes and then retrieved the phone from her pocket.

The two exchanged WeChat contacts and initiated a video call.

This way, Wu Liang could direct Chen Jiayao's actions based on the live feed from her phone attached to her chest.

Once Chen Jiayao's intelligence improved, she could act according to Wu Liang's instructions, making it less troublesome than it was now.

With all preparations done, Wu Liang hid behind the security door, positioning Chen Jiayao at the entrance. Then, he gently turned the handle of the security door.


The hinges of the security door were somewhat rusty, causing a slight frictional sound while opening. However, the entire corridor was eerily silent, making this faint friction sound particularly jarring.


Sure enough, the zombies in the corridor were attracted by this sound and began sprinting madly towards the source.


As soon as Chen Jiayao stepped out of the room, Wu Liang immediately closed the door.


As soon as the door was shut, violent banging and pounding sounds echoed from the main door. Through Chen Jiayao's phone camera, it was clearly visible.

An elderly zombie in pajamas, with disheveled hair and a large bloodstain across the chest, was vigorously pounding on the security door. Some unchewed flesh lingered in its mouth, slowly dripping down its mouth corners.

Thankfully, Wu Liang had closed the door quickly; otherwise, if that kind of creature had tackled them a bit later, the consequences would have been unimaginable.

Moreover, as predicted by Wu Liang, Chen Jiayao's current state was a transition from a zombie to a hybrid, so in the eyes of other zombies, she was one of them, which meant they didn't pay any attention to her at all.

"Take it down!" commanded by Wu Liang.

"Yah!" Chen Jiayao opened her left hand, and in an instant, her nails extended over a foot, resembling Wolverine's claws, reflecting a metallic shine on her nails.


Without hesitation, her five fingers easily pierced the back of the zombie's head.


One hit, one kill!

The zombie collapsed lifelessly to the ground.

Simultaneously, a faint green energy orb floated out of its body and flew into Chen Jiayao's body.

"Ding! Chen Jiayao's evolution energy +1. Current level: Low-level ordinary zombie, 1/100 needed for the next level!"

"Ding! You've gained evolution energy +1. Current level: Ordinary physique, 1/10 needed for the next level!"

So, as long as Chen Jiayao gained energy, Wu Liang could synchronously receive energy without participating in combat?!

This discovery left Wu Liang both surprised and delighted. "Sneaky development, my favorite!"

Chen Jiayao needed more energy for evolution than Wu Liang did, indicating that when they leveled up, her strength would increase significantly more!


At the end of the corridor, there were still two zombies.

Under Wu Liang's guidance, Chen Jiayao walked over slowly.


Splat, splat!

Two more times, two zombies were killed directly without any defense.

"Evolution energy +2!"

By now, the zombies in this corridor had been cleared out.

From the neighboring room, there were continuous frenzied knocks on the door, presumably because the zombies inside were attracted by the commotion outside and were attempting to break out. However, with the security door in place, Chen Jiayao couldn't get in, and they couldn't get out.

Wu Liang instructed Chen Jiayao to lock the door to the safe passage, ensuring no wandering zombies would come in through there. Then, they headed for the elevator.

With delicate fingers, Wu Liang lightly pressed the down arrow.

The elevator ascended slowly from the first floor.


They reached the sixth floor.

The elevator doors opened slowly.




"Hah, hah!"

A group of blood-soaked zombies squeezed out from the elevator. They diverted away from Chen Jiayao as if encountering a reef in a stream, their eyes vacant as they moved forward.

There were easily a dozen zombies here. Presumably, during the zombie outbreak, everyone tried to squeeze into the elevator, packing it like sardines in a tin can. But then, someone inside turned into a zombie, and in such a cramped space, there was no escape. It had turned into a slaughterhouse.

"Take them down!"


Chen Jiayao replicated her actions, wielding her long and sharp nails. In no time, she took out all these zombies.

"Ding! Chen Jiayao's evolution energy +12, current level: Low-level ordinary zombie, 15/100 needed for the next level!"

"Ding! You've gained evolution energy +12, current level: Robust physique, 5/20 needed for the next level!"

With a large amount of energy flooding into Wu Liang's body, he felt a warm current spread throughout his limbs. Just now, the fatigue from nurturing Chen Jiayao had vanished. His muscles became sharp and distinct, filled with explosive power.

Leveled up!

The surging power within him made Wu Liang unable to resist doing fifty push-ups in a row!

And he wasn't tired at all!?

Switching to one-handed, he did thirty more push-ups in one breath, just slightly panting, without even a hint of muscle soreness!

Indeed, he had become stronger!

If Chen Jiayao were here right now, Wu Liang could definitely pin her down and let her know who was in charge. The intimacy level would skyrocket!

Meanwhile, Chen Jiayao, after eliminating the zombies in the elevator and losing Wu Liang's instructions, stood motionless in place.

"Come back, it's time for you to eat!"

Wu Liang checked Chen Jiayao's data and found that her hunger, just cleared, had unexpectedly risen to 46!

This meant that killing one zombie increased her hunger by 3 points!


Chen Jiayao returned to the room, saw Wu Liang sitting on the couch, and rushed over, extending her hands toward Wu Liang's abdomen.

"Hey, wait, don't be so hasty!"

"Your hands are covered in blood. If it touches me, it'll be a disaster!"

Startled, Wu Liang quickly lifted his legs.


Seeing Wu Liang avoid her, Chen Jiayao's face showed a trace of grievance.

Instinctively wanting to grab Wu Liang's hand like before, to secure the delicacy and indulge, she realized Wu Liang said her hands were dirty. So, her extended hands reluctantly withdrew.

However, this optimistic little one soon giggled.

She folded her hands behind her back, knelt in front of Wu Liang, tilted her head back, and opened her mouth like a nestling baby bird.


Since the mountain wouldn't come to her, she would go to the mountain.

Her meaning was clear - if he wouldn't let her self-serve, he'd have to feed her manually!

"I really can't do anything with you!"

Helplessly shaking her head, Wu Liang had no choice but to feed her. As soon as the food touched her lips, Chen Jiayao immediately became lively and relished the meal.

"Oops, the phone!"

Cheer me up Guys!

Cid_Kuncreators' thoughts