
Apocalypse: The Ring of Salor

A celestial anomaly, the Ring of Salor, emerges in the sky, shattering the moon and taking its place. As the shattered moon forms a ring around Earth, the planet is bathed in a perpetual crimson glow, altering the very fabric of life. Humanity, once the pinnacle of Earth's children, splinters into new hideous twisted, and contorted figures amidst the ruins of their cities. The remaining humans, now a minority, must navigate this brutal new world, contending not just with the new species, but also with the emergence of magic and the continual bombardment of celestial debris. ---------------------------- 5 chapters posted a day

Signed_JMB · Fantasía
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35 Chs

Captured in enemy territory

Consciousness returned to James in a disorienting rush, accompanied by the harsh, jarring sensation of water being poured over his head. A rag, heavy and damp, clung to his face, adding to the disorientation. The room was cloaked in darkness, a void that seemed to swallow his senses.

*Boom!* He felt a forceful shove that sent him sprawling onto the cold, hard ground. "Wake up!" a voice commanded from the shadows, its tone harsh and demanding.

Blinking against the darkness, James struggled to orient himself. His head throbbed with a dull ache, a lingering reminder of the kick that had rendered him unconscious. Every movement was a challenge, his muscles protesting, his thoughts still muddled from the abrupt awakening.

The room was unfamiliar, a small, confined space with little to no light. The air was stale, heavy with a sense of neglect. James realized he was no longer in the open countryside but trapped, likely somewhere within the compound he had sought to approach peacefully.

As his eyes adjusted to the dimness, he tried to make out any details of his surroundings or the identity of the person who had woken him so roughly. But the darkness was pervasive, revealing little. He could discern the outline of a figure standing a few feet away, but their features were obscured, shrouded in the room's gloom.

James's mind raced, piecing together the events that had led him here. His encounter with Elizabeth, the recognition, the ensuing violence – it all pointed to a situation far more complex and dangerous than he had anticipated. He was now a prisoner, his fate uncertain, his mission to find Daisy hanging in the balance.

He attempted to speak, to demand answers, but his voice came out as a hoarse whisper. The physical ordeal had taken its toll, leaving him weak and disoriented. Still, he tried to muster his strength, to confront his captor, to glean any information that might help him understand his predicament and what lay ahead.

The figure in the darkness remained silent for a moment, as if contemplating their next move. Then, finally, the voice spoke again, its tone a mix of curiosity and caution. "You've caused quite a stir, coming here," the voice said, the words hanging in the air like a veiled threat. "Now, let's talk about why you're really here."

In the dimly lit room, tension hung heavily in the air, thick and palpable. James realized the critical nature of the forthcoming conversation, yet found himself momentarily at a loss for words. His throat felt dry and constricted, a physical manifestation of the stress and fear he was experiencing. He tried to speak, to articulate his purpose, his reason for being there, but the words wouldn't come. The silence stretched on, becoming a void that seemed to feed the growing unease in the room.

The dark figure looming in the shadows appeared to interpret James's silence as defiance or, worse, a sign of disrespect. The absence of a response, innocent as it was, seemed to agitate the mysterious captor. The figure shifted, the subtle sound of movement indicating a growing impatience or perhaps irritation.

James, acutely aware of the precariousness of his situation, struggled to regain his composure. He knew he needed to communicate, to explain himself, but the shock of his sudden awakening and the intimidating atmosphere stifled his ability to think clearly. The challenge was not just the physical discomfort and fear; it was also the psychological strain of facing an unseen adversary in such an oppressive environment.

As the seconds ticked by, the figure's stance became more pronounced, a silent yet ominous expression of displeasure. James sensed the danger in this escalation, the unspoken threat that hung in the air like a storm cloud ready to burst. He recognized that he needed to break the silence, to ease the tension before it spiraled into something beyond his control.

Summoning whatever strength he had left, James cleared his throat, his voice a mere whisper in the darkness. "I... I came here looking for someone," he managed to say, the words strained but audible. It was a start, an attempt to open a dialogue, to bridge the chasm that the silence had created.

The figure paused, seemingly considering James's words. The room remained steeped in shadow, the identity of the captor still concealed by the darkness. But the mere act of speaking seemed to shift the dynamics ever so slightly, introducing a thread of communication into the stifling atmosphere.

The figure's response came swiftly, a sharp edge to their words cutting through the tension. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Who!" they demanded, an impatient tone underlining their query.

James gathered the remnants of his strength, his voice barely more than a raspy whisper in the oppressive darkness. "Daisy," he said, each syllable a struggle. "A short girl."

There was a pause, a momentary lapse in the exchange that felt like an eternity to James. He could sense the figure processing the information, perhaps sifting through their memory or considering the implications of his words.

The room fell into a hushed silence, the kind that amplifies every small sound—the faint drip of water somewhere in the distance, the rustle of fabric, the steady rhythm of breathing. James waited, his heart pounding, his mind racing with possibilities and doubts.

Finally, the figure spoke, their voice carrying a note of finality. "We don't have a member here by that name," they stated. The words landed heavily in the room, a blunt dismissal of James's hope and purpose.

For James, the response was both a relief and a new source of frustration. Relief, because if Daisy wasn't here, she might still be safe, uncaught in the machinations of this mysterious group. But frustration, because it meant he was back to square one, his only lead now a dead end. 

He processed this new information, trying to align it with his understanding of the situation. Could they be telling the truth, or was it a deception to protect one of their own? The uncertainty of it all gnawed at him, a relentless reminder of the complexity of his mission.

James realized he needed to tread carefully. He was still in a vulnerable position, at the mercy of these unknown individuals. Any wrong move or word could escalate the situation. He needed to convince them of his sincerity, to persuade them to let him go, or at least provide him with information that could lead him to Daisy.

The figure seemed to be waiting for his reaction, their presence in the darkness a constant reminder of the control they held over the situation. James knew he had to speak, to continue the dialogue, to find a way out of this precarious situation.

"I understand," James began, his voice steadier now, a hint of strategy behind his words. "I must have been mistaken. But I need to find her. She's all I have left." He hoped that appealing to a sense of empathy, if it existed within his captor, might sway them to offer assistance or, at the very least, not perceive him as a threat.

The revelation that Daisy was not at the compound shifted something within James. While the immediate lead had come to a dead end, it didn't signify the end of his quest. Instead, it steeled his resolve, even as he grappled with the frustration and helplessness of his current predicament. If he could leave this place alive, his journey to find Daisy would continue. But now, there was an added element to his mission – a burning desire for retribution against the woman who had twice wronged him.

As these thoughts churned in his mind, he was suddenly and violently plunged back into darkness. Without warning, a sharp blow to his head rendered him unconscious once again. Elizabeth, the woman from his past encounter, had knocked him out, taking his belongings in the process. James was left defenseless, his fate uncertain in the hands of those who saw him as an intruder, or worse, a threat.

When consciousness eventually returned to James, it brought with it a seething anger. The injustice of his treatment – being attacked, robbed, and left vulnerable – ignited a fiery determination within him. He realized that if he managed to escape, he would not simply walk away. The compound, a symbol of his mistreatment and a fortress of those who had wronged him, became the target of his vengeful resolve.

In his mind, James began to craft a plan to exact revenge. He envisioned setting the compound ablaze, turning the tables on those who had shown him no mercy. The thought of the compound, with its barbed wire and guarded walls, being consumed by flames gave him a dark sense of satisfaction. It would be a definitive act, a way to balance the scales, to make those who had hurt him feel a fraction of the helplessness and fear he had experienced.

However, as he lay in the dim room, coming to terms with his emotions, James also battled with the morality of his thoughts. The desire for revenge was a powerful and consuming force, but it was also a path that could lead him away from his primary mission – finding Daisy. He knew he had to be careful not to lose himself in his anger, to become something he wasn't, to let vengeance overshadow the importance of his initial quest.

The internal struggle was intense. On one hand, James felt the raw, primal urge for retribution, a way to assert control in a situation where he had none. On the other hand, he knew that such actions could have far-reaching consequences, potentially endangering his primary goal and perhaps even his own humanity.