
Apocalypse Operation Apex : 5 Demons

New Novel: Nexus Bloodline Our main protagonist finds themselves thrust into a new world through reincarnation, with a determined goal of joining the military at the age of 18. However, fate had other plans in store. Just as the protagonist was ready to embark on their military journey, an unexpected apocalypse descends upon the world. For seven long years, the remnants of humanity struggle to survive in a ravaged and dangerous world. Unrelenting monsters dominate 60% of the planet, while 15% are under the control of rioters who thrive amidst the chaos. The remaining 25% of the world is held by the government, desperately attempting to restore order and civilization. Tragically, the protagonist meets their demise during these perilous times. But in a twist of fate, they are granted the Apocalypse Special Forces System upon their death. Armed with this newfound power, the protagonist sets out on a treacherous journey with a single-minded mission: to establish their own group and eliminate every monster that plagues the world, ultimately seizing control over the remnants of society. As the protagonist assembles their team, they face numerous challenges along the way. Battles against monsters become grueling tests of skill and strategy, forcing the group to push their limits to survive. However, they soon discover that their true adversaries are not just the creatures that roam the land, but also the complex political landscape, the ruthlessness of rioters, and the power struggles within the remnants of the government. Other Novel: Remembering Christmas, The New Santa,A Vampire Knight Destiny, do check them out if you want.

Danger_God · Ciudad
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22 Chs

Radio Tower Reconnaissance Part-1

Leon felt his body fully rejuvenated, his injuries healed completely.

"My goodness, I feel more powerful after a good rest," Leon yawned, stretching his limbs.

He chose to wear black cargo pants and a black t-shirt, preparing himself for the tasks ahead.

"Now, let's head to the second floor," Leon said to himself, to continue his mission that is needed.

Inside the elevator...

"Phoenix," Leon called out.

"Yes, my lord," Phoenix appeared on the elevator screen, ready to assist.

"Tell everyone to gather at the command center," Leon ordered Phoenix.

"Understood, my lord," Phoenix's response appeared on the screen, relaying the command to Rose and Dark Fire.

As the elevator came to a halt, Leon entered the command center, which greeted him with a symphony of technology and efficiency. The futuristic setting immersed him in a sea of holographic displays and pulsating LED panels that adorned the walls. The soft, bluish glow added to the anticipation and intensity that filled the room.

"What kind of command room is this?" Leon exclaimed in shock, surprised that the details he had known about the room were even more impressive in reality.

At the heart of the room stood a massive central command console, its sleek design combining form and function seamlessly. A holographic interface hovered above the console, presenting a three-dimensional representation of the ongoing operation. The console itself boasted an array of touch-sensitive screens, each displaying vital information and data streams.

Multitiered platforms and walkways crisscrossed the command center, allowing for efficient movement and observation. Above, a network of complex machinery and cables traversed the ceiling.

A line of towering screens encircled the command center, each showcasing a different aspect of the operation. Satellite feeds, drone footage, and live video feeds from the field merged together, providing a comprehensive view of the mission.

"I feel so fortunate to have the system create such an incredible command center," Leon praised, expressing his gratitude as he entered. He noticed the update bar on the system was at 46%, indicating an ongoing update.

Just as he arrived, Rose and Dark Fire emerged from the elevator.

"Leon, what happened to the White House?" Rose exclaimed in shock, even though they had only traversed a few floors. The command center's grandeur was still overwhelming.

"Come up here, I have a mission to discuss," Leon beckoned Rose to join him.

Rose maneuvered her wheelchair toward Leon. "You're leaving already?"

"Yes, the Apex can't function without certain elements," Leon explained, employing quick and concise communication.

"But you should rest," Rose insisted, feeling a tightness in her chest and stomach as she dwelled on the potential dangers.

"Don't worry, I'm fine now. I feel more powerful after a good rest," Leon reassured her, demonstrating self-assurance through his body language.

Rose stopped protesting, believing that Leon had indeed recovered.

"Phoenix, pull up a live feed of the main radio tower in the city," Leon commanded Phoenix.

Phoenix swiftly displayed a live feed of the imposing radio tower against the dark sky. Standing approximately 2000 feet tall, it stood resolute, not a single blink from its lights, but surrounded by Liberated forces.

"What's the purpose of this?" Rose asked, unsure of Leon's intentions.

"I need this tower to establish communication with survivor camps, bases, and gain control over more technology in the world. It can be used to bring survivors here or trade information supplies,or live here" Leon explained, maintaining a positive outlook and unwavering belief in his ideas.

Upon hearing Leon's explanation, Rose began to think, realizing the validity and benefits of his plan.

"Dark Fire and I will sneak around tonight and capture the tower from the Liberated," Leon declared, shocking Rose with his audacity.

"Tonight? Isn't that dangerous?" Rose expressed her concern.

"Yes, but it's also an opportunity for Dark Fire and me," Leon replied, acknowledging the risk involved.

"Yeah, I guess that's true, but it's still dangerous," Rose agreed, aligning her thoughts with Leon's.

"This will also help with your drone skills, and I need your expertise once you join me afterward," Leon added.

Rose gave up trying to dissuade Leon, realizing that he was determined and would not give up easily.

"Right, Phoenix will keep an eye from the sky while she shows Dark Fire a live feed through his eyes or my watch for you onto the monitor," Leon explained.

"Dark Fire, meet me at the base entrance in an hour," Leon ordered Dark Fire before leaving and heading to his own room within the command center. Rose was left to attend to her own tasks.

During the next hour, Leon utilized his force points to acquire more gear and equipment, ensuring he was fully prepared for the mission.

9 PM...

At the entrance of the Apex, Leon stood, conversing with Rose and Dark Fire.

"Well, Dark Fire and I are leaving," Leon announced, offering a warm farewell.

The entrance of the Apex opened, revealing the darkness of the night.

"Come back safely," Rose said, using a calm and genuine tone of voice.

After Leon and Dark Fire departed, Rose returned to the command center, eagerly awaiting Dark Fire's video feed.

The moonless night cast a heavy veil over the desolate landscape, shrouding Leon and Dark Fire in darkness as they crouched behind a crumbling wall. Before them, the towering structure of the radio tower stood, its skeletal form silhouetted against the starry sky. It stood as a guardian, holding the last strand of hope for communication with other survivors in the post-apocalyptic world.

"Dark Fire, are you ready?" Leon inquired, addressing Dark Fire.

"Yeah, Leon," Dark Fire replied before connecting his eye to the command center.

From their hiding spot, Leon surveyed the heavily fortified compound surrounding the tower. Searchlights scanned the area in erratic patterns, their beams piercing through the darkness like blades of light. Armed Liberated soldiers patrolled the perimeter, their footsteps echoing in the silence. Razor wire glimmered ominously, enhancing the sense of danger.

With a steady breath, Leon and Dark Fire moved forward, their forms blending into the shadows, their movements stealthy like specters.

Approaching a metal door, they prepared themselves for what lay beyond.

"Dark Fire, cut the door into a square shape, and I'll hold it to prevent noise," Leon instructed, demonstrating a readiness to face obstacles and setbacks.

Dark Fire approached the door and fired a laser beam from his eye, expertly cutting the door into a square. As the door was about to fall, Leon held it and gently placed it on the side to minimize noise.

Leon and Dark Fire entered through the door and noticed two Liberated soldiers engaged in conversation, unaware of their presence. With swift precision, Leon dispatched both enemies with well-aimed headshots.

"Nice," Rose cheered happily in the command center, witnessing the successful takedown.

Leon and Dark Fire continued their stealthy advance, skillfully dodging security cameras that scanned the area.

Soon, they encountered a formidable line of defense in the form of motion sensors. The red beams of the sensors crisscrossed their path, requiring careful navigation.

"Be careful," Leon warned Dark Fire as they crouched down, their senses heightened.

In the command center, Rose watched in shock, her hand covering her mouth, her worry for Leon palpable.

Every step had to be calculated, each movement choreographed to avoid detection. Slowly and cautiously, they made their way toward the security control room, evading the motion sensors and staying out of sight.

Upon reaching the security control room, Leon peered through a cracked window. Inside, Liberated soldiers monitored the numerous surveillance screens, their faces tired from hours of monotonous duty.

"There are five of them. You wait out here," Leon whispered to Dark Fire, signaling him to stay put.

Equipping a pair of gloves, Leon skillfully picked the lock and slipped into the room, unnoticed by the Liberated soldiers.

The room hummed with the soft glow of monitors, casting an eerie light on the soldiers' expressions.

"I'm tired."

"Why do we have to guard this place when we know nobody has the guts to attack us?"

"Didn't you hear? The White House was taken over by a single man. They're calling him 'The Raven Striker.' He's the one who freed the hostages from the police precinct."


'Seem, I earn myself a name' Leon thought excitedly about the name.

Seizing the opportunity, Leon swiftly and precisely eliminated three of the Liberated soldiers, one after another. when the other saw and was about to turn they were caught off guard and quickly dispatched by Leon's skilled marksmanship.

"Dark Fire, come in," Leon whispered, walking over to the bank of monitors.

"Phoenix, take control of the security systems," Leon ordered.

Phoenix seamlessly took command, manipulating the interconnected security systems. Cameras were overridden, alarms disabled, leaving Leon and Dark Fire with a clear path forward.

"Let's go," Leon signaled to Dark Fire, ready to continue their mission.

With the security systems neutralized, Leon and Dark Fire slipped out of the security room, blending back into the shadows. Their focus now shifted to the radio tower itself.

Armed with a small toolkit he had acquired from the system, Leon approached the tower, prepared to overcome any obstacles that stood in his way.

Thx you for reading. I apologize for the slow pace of the upcoming chapters. I am currently dedicating my full attention to the new arc in my main novel.

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