It’s been years since the near downfall of humanity. It only took one hasty decision, and out went the nukes.
It turned lands into burning cesspools of corpses and debris, skies to dark-brown fog, and oceans to dried up wells.
Humanity’s total population were reduced to a paltry amount of only a few hundred thousands from the billions.
Something that happened due to this, however. This was the appearance of Radites.
Radites were humans that were exposed to too much radiation, that they developed extra features in their bodies.
They led the charge into a new age, most of the leaders well-established Radites leading their own sectors.
Sion, a grunt that worked for a sector before its collapse at the hands of its rivals, lay dying on the side.
He thought he was going to die, understandable given the situation, but he was surprised when fate had other plans for him.
(What is your name?)
Currently participating in WPC 242
IAmGuavaFruit · Ciencia y ficción
Sin suficientes valoraciones
10 Chs
[Quest: Testing your RPG knowledge!] (Complete)
[Objectives: Complete the tutorial!]
[Quest: A Wasteland and Me]
[Objectives: Explore the vast wasteland.]
[Quest: A Rabbit's Burrow]
[Objective: Befriend/kill/enslave the Rabbit Radite]