

"How exactly will I be able to awaken my eyes." The moment that realization dawned on Shino, about the capabilities of his eyes. He was readily looking for ways he could awaken the powers of his eyes again.

Due to wild attempt a couple years ago, his eyes had unfortunately entered hibernation.

"I wonder if I can make a mental connection with it."This was an idea that had started to form in his mind for a while now.

To Shino, his eyes were a part of him, but at the same time, they were spiritual treasures. He would bet if someone would gouge out his eyes, they would find themselves wielding a supreme treasure.

If his eyes were this powerful, it would make sense that they would have a hint of spirituality to them. As he thought about the idea, the more plausible it seemed.

"I think I should at least give it a try." Getting into a lotus position, Shino took a deep breath and started to clear his mind.

Due to the mysterious space, Shino was able to improve his mental abilities at breakneck speed. So given that, he was able to focus easier. Directing all his focus, Shino started to feel for his eyes.

This was one of the ways, Shino had thought of to make a connection with his eyes. He was using his mental abilities to feel for his eyes or his eye's energy signature.

It took quite a bit of time, but Shino was able to feel a mysterious energy signature. As he started to probe the energy signature, he was surprised to be pulled into a black space.

"So my host is finally here."

"Who said that?" After being pulled into the mysterious space, Shino had been greeted by a strange voice. And for whatever reason, the voice seemed eerily similar to his own voice.

"I am part of the host. If you would like me to be more specific, I am the conscious of your eyes."

The conscious of his eyes. This statement had stunned Shino for a while. To him the fact that his eyes had formed a conscious was a good thing, that means that his eyes, could finally help him understand the abilities given to him.

But one nagging question was still bothering him. "How were you formed?"

"I had already had a conscious the first second since you were born. But after host's freak attempt at absorbing energy, the energy had helped me consolidate my conscious." His eyes had replied.

"Why are you still hibernating then?"

"Due to the wild amount of energy consumed, the host has unlocked one of the most valuable functions of your eyes in advance. In fact, the moment that the host reaches the first level of cultivation in this world, the function will be unlocked."

"Thank Limitless!!! I was so afraid that you would give me some nonsensical explanation about how I wouldn't be able to use my eyes." The information that Shino had finally received from his eyes was so relieving. After all the stress from thinking about how he was going to cultivate, this was an oasis in a vast desert.

"By the way, my name is Shino. What's yours?"

For a second there was no response. "I don't have a name. Can you give me one?"

The response kind of amused Shino, in his head he could imagine a cute little boy with his head tilted.

"Well from now on, you will be called Titus.

"Ti...tus...I like it, thank you host." Titus replied.

"It no problem, and by the way just call me Shino."

"Okay, Shi...no."

With a woosh, Shino had finally gotten back into his room. The conversation he just had, made him ready and excited for cultivation. Now there was just one little problem.

"How do I cultivate?"

The last time that he had tried to cultivate, the energy would not go through his skin. He was only able to absorb the energy due to the power of his eyes.

"If I go ask my parents for information on cultivation. They shouldn't reject right?" Even though he was sure that his parents would be thrilled that he could cultivate. Shino knew that he wouldn't be able to explain how he could cultivate with his spiritual roots sealed.

"Well, let me at least give it a try?"

Shino started to head for his father's office.

"Bang Bang"

"Come in, Shino." As his father's deep voice echoed, Shino quickly scurried into his father's office.

"Wait, how did he know that it was him at the door?"

"Yes, Shino. What do you need?" As he looked at his father, Shino started to observe things he hadn't notice before. His father's eyes seemed to hold a lot of wisdom inside. He had noticed the way his father seemed to have this slight aura of majesty.

"Look's like there's more about my father that even I don't know." Shino thought quietly to himself.

"Dad, do you think it's okay if you could tell me a little bit about cultivation?"

"You want to know more about cultivation? Why?"

"I feel that even though I can't cultivate, I can try to research it a little bit more. To just...know."

"Sigh, okay. There are nine levels of cultivation. These nine level have nine substages. Do you understand me so far."

"Yes, dad."

"I will only inform you of the first level today. The rest you can read for yourself at the library." David Azeroth continued. "We call the first level, body refining. At this level, the goal is to temper your mortal body to withstand the energy of the heavens."

"For you to temper your body, you must exhaust your body to the point, it starts feeding off the energy of heaven to saturate your body, and improve it. In fact, you could cultivate this level, only that since your spiritual roots are blocked, it would be a thousand time harder for you to cultivate than others."

"The way we can exhaust our body, to absorb heavenly energies is described in different manuals. As the way that you train your body at this stage truly sets you apart from the masses, we differentiate good manuals from the bad. The levels are, Black, Yellow, Earth, Sky, and Heaven."

We have to temper our bodies to be able to withstand the heavenly energies. This was kind of a common point in all the novels he read. The mortal body was imperfect after all.

This information was quite rewarding for him in many ways. He had originally thought that he wouldn't be able to cultivate, but his father had now told him, he could, but it would be way more difficult.

"Dad, I know that it will be more difficult for me to cultivate than other people. But I still want to cultivate."

"Shino, are you sure about your decision? The type of pain you will endure is much more than you could ever fathom."

"I'm sure dad. Please give me a chance."

"Okay, I'll tell someone to take you to our family library tomorrow. For now, you are dismissed."

"Thank you, father."

Hey guys, I'm sorry that I've not posted in like a week. My fault, but I did tell you guys that I am a student.

So please don't forget to comment, vote, and review my novel.

I know that I have to work on my dialogue, but for now please tell me things you think I need to fix.

Thank you.

ShadowYinYangcreators' thoughts