
Apex World: Reincarnation of the Exalted Legion

In the wake of a cataclysmic event, the world transformed into a treacherous realm reminiscent of a brutal MMORPG game. Zephyr Quinn, an ordinary man, stepped up to become the Legion, an exalted warrior clad in cutting-edge exosuits designed for combat in the perilous wilderness. Alongside the Frontliners, Zephyr embarked on an endless warfare against monstrous creatures and ferocious beasts. Undeterred by the dangers, he valiantly faced each challenge until his untimely demise. Fate, however, had other plans for Zephyr. He was miraculously resurrected in the past, just as the Apex World, a menacing dimension, had just engulfed the Earth. Now, armed with newfound power, Zephyr must once again fight for the survival of humanity against the encroaching darkness and the backdrop of a harsh, unforgiving climate. Can Zephyr's renewed strength save the human race, or will this be the end of their existence once again? ================================ This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

Phantomfiend · Fantasía
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44 Chs

Into the Fray

When Eugene got hit by Jin-Uk, Young-Jae suddenly snapped himself out of nowhere. There was a trigger that made him remember the incident about the late Jae-Sik again, even though it was an awful event.

A surge of raw emotion flooded Young-Jae, a memory so vivid it felt like a physical blow. The world blurred around him, replaced by a scene etched in pain. In that instant, a primal urge to fight back surged through him, overwhelming his fear and logic.

"Arrghh!" Young-Jae screamed, got up from his fall, and threw a punch at Jin-Uk because his subconscious forced him to retaliate.

Jin-Uk's eyes widened in surprise. The scrawny kid they'd underestimated, the one whose posture screamed weakness, was fighting back. A flicker of shame crossed his mind. He'd forgotten for a moment that Young-Jae wasn't just any lad. He was a Legion, the recipient of AP-X Serum Type 1. And that serum coursed through his veins granted him superhuman strength, far exceeding the limits of a typical teenager.

The blow connected. Jin-Uk fell to the ground, groaning in pain because his face got hit.

Ja-Sung was also surprised because Legion's strength was not what he expected. 'It doesn't seem to be the same as in Apex Online.'

Not only Ja-Sung but everyone there was also shocked to see Jin-Uk bounce and fall to the ground. Unfortunately, in their eyes, there was no sense of satisfaction or freedom radiated, but rather fear and unwillingness to lose their dependence.

Even though Jin-Uk and Ja-Sung were like dictators without mercy and compassion, both of them were still willing to share leftover food and drink, even though the way they shared or gave it was not appropriate.

While stupefaction overwhelmed most people, Young-Jae became even more uncontrollable.

His vision abruptly dissolved, plunging him into an inky blackness. Panic surged as his mind reeled, his surroundings disintegrating into a terrifying void.

Eugene, who was about to express her gratitude, choked on her words as Young-Jae began babbling incoherently with arms flailing wildly in the sudden blindness.

After that, Ja-Sung became the next target of the blind, unconscious retaliate action.

Consumed by rage, Young-Jae lashed out blindly, his fists aimed at Ja-Sung. The attack, fueled by fury but devoid of control, found its mark not on his target. But on the unfortunate table between them. The impact sent cutlery clattering, glasses shattering, and food flying in all directions.

The once-peaceful alley was now a scene of chaos. The commotion drew curious onlookers from the nearby Hall Square, their chatter a cacophony of languages failing to bridge the growing gap of confusion. Some tried to understand the situation. But because there was no harmony in the standard language, the circumstances were difficult to swallow.

Young-Jae's uncontrolled power spirals out of control. His attacks, aimed solely at Ja-Sung, rained down with devastating consequences. Cobblestones shattered, sending shrapnel flying. Trees were uprooted, their branches whipping through the air. Even nearby houses weren't spared. Their roofs sustained significant damage. The once bustling alley had been transformed into a warzone, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake.

The chaos attracted the attention of Da-Mi and her group. Their progress through the pedestrian street from Hall Square stopped when they arrived.

Jae-Jung, witnessing the mayhem, surged forward, intent on intervening.

But Da-Mi's gaze, fixed on something unseen in the sky, stopped Jae-Jung with a calm yet firm voice. "Hold your ground," she said, her words laced with a hidden urgency. "Our immediate intervention is not needed in this situation."

The rising din suddenly hit a wall of silence. The ear-splitting commotion, moments ago a cacophony of shattering wood and panicked shouts, was swallowed by an unsettling quiet. All eyes turned skyward as the source of the sudden stillness became apparent.

Three figures descend from the heavens, their descent marked by a low, ominous rumble that vibrates through the very ground. They landed with a heavy thud on the cobblestones, their forms encased in gleaming red-gold armor. Faint white light pulsed from within the intricate gaps of their exosuits, casting an otherworldly glow on the scene.

"In the name of the Fortress of the Divine Light," boomed a voice that sent shivers down spines. "Cease this disruptive behavior immediately. You stand accused of violating the peace of this place."

The speaker, clad in gleaming red-gold armor, strode forward with his companions. Their movements were precise, their expressions unreadable behind the visors of their exoskeletons. With practiced ease, two NPC guards closed in on Young-Jae, their augmented strength effortlessly neutralizing his struggle.

Young-Jae, still thrashing in a blind fury, was no match for their superior power. Even the enhanced physique granted by the AP-X Serum Type 1 proved inconsequential against the advanced technology encasing his adversaries.

With a surge of cerulean energy, the two Exo-skeletal figures ignited. Blue flames erupted from their backs and legs, scorching the cobblestones and leaving a swirling cloud of dust in their wake. Propelled by this otherworldly power, they ascended into the sky, Young-Jae now a struggling captive in their metallic grasp. This energy, the lifeblood of their exoskeletons, was none other than Aether, a volatile byproduct of the raw red energy known as Aessence.

Their mission complete, the third guard, his movements imbued with an unsettling silence, activated his own propulsion system and vanished into the cerulean expanse, leaving behind a lingering sense of unease.

The once-roaring chaos had been quelled with brutal efficiency. But the underlying problem remained, a festering wound left untended. The silence that descended was heavy with unspoken questions and a growing sense of foreboding.

Ja-Sung's face, already drained of color, turned ashen. His trembling intensified as he spotted nearly ten figures in the crowd wielding Ex-communicators. Panic clawed at him, the chilling fear of losing control over the slum dwellers a suffocating weight on his chest. But his apprehension proved unfounded.

Da-Mi, a thoughtful frown etched on her face, rubs her chin while Yamato kneads his temples in worn contemplation. Their attention wasn't on Ja-Sung, Jin-Uk, or the denizens of the slum. Their focus was laser-sharp, drawn to the revelation that had upended their expectations.


While the intervention of the Exoskeletal figures wasn't a textbook example of law enforcement, it undeniably echoed the cryptic guideline of 'Obey the applicable rules.'

The revelation shattered their preconceived notions. They always thought every shelter didn't have rules or laws in it. Because, in the game, the fighting mechanic was disabled when the player was in the base zone.

Not only that, the event they just witnessed painted a starkly different picture. The "applicable rules" loomed large, a hidden force governing their actions. Yet frustratingly, the written rules were absent from any corner of this ancient, technologically advanced city they had meticulously explored for the past fifteen days.

"Get him up," Ja-Sung snarled, his voice laced with impotent fury. He gestured at Jin-Uk, who lay sprawled on the cobblestones, still reeling from the teenager's blow. The promise of three houses hung heavy in the air, a silent reminder of Ja-Sung's dwindling authority.

A few of his subordinates hesitantly approached, their movements betraying their unease. They helped Jin-Uk to his feet, his face a mask of pain and humiliation. The arrogance that once defined him had evaporated, replaced by a hollow shell.

Ja-Sung's gaze darted around the crowd. His lips pressed into a thin line. Instead of dispersing as he'd expected, the onlookers remained rooted to the spot, their faces etched with a mix of curiosity and defiance.

A sudden gasp rippled through the crowd. The shattered cobblestones beneath their feet began to mend themselves, the pieces clicking back into place with an unnatural fluidity. Even the damaged house across the street started to repair itself, its warped walls straightening, its broken windows seamlessly reforming.

Ja-Sung's eyes widened in disbelief. "Everyone go home," he stammered, his voice barely audible above the murmurs of the crowd. "We'll handle this later."

Jin-Uk and the subordinates nodded silently and retreated into the labyrinthine alleys into their houses.

Suddenly, a low but heavy voice was heard. "What's going on here?!"

A deep, guttural rumble echoed through the area, silencing the bustling crowd in an instant. All eyes snapped towards the source: Zephyr, his towering figure casting a long shadow. His face, usually stoic, was etched with a grimness that sent shivers down spines.

His imposing stature, accentuated by the ominous silence, seemed to magnify with each deliberate step. Every footfall resonated like a thunderclap, hammering against the chests of the onlookers. It was as if Death itself had materialized, its icy grip constricting their hearts with each agonizing beat.

But before Zephyr could do anything to find out what was happening, a discordant chime, a mix of the comical and unsettling, pierced the air. It echoed from above, drawing everyone's attention skyward. The holographic display flickered to become the focus of all looking eyes throughout the Apex World.

Ding, Dong, Ding!


[Apex World]

>> To celebrate the fifteenth day, a trial event will take place in 30 minutes.




[Main Pre-Quest]

Three raid chains with 60 beasts.


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