
Apex World: Reincarnation of the Exalted Legion

In the wake of a cataclysmic event, the world transformed into a treacherous realm reminiscent of a brutal MMORPG game. Zephyr Quinn, an ordinary man, stepped up to become the Legion, an exalted warrior clad in cutting-edge exosuits designed for combat in the perilous wilderness. Alongside the Frontliners, Zephyr embarked on an endless warfare against monstrous creatures and ferocious beasts. Undeterred by the dangers, he valiantly faced each challenge until his untimely demise. Fate, however, had other plans for Zephyr. He was miraculously resurrected in the past, just as the Apex World, a menacing dimension, had just engulfed the Earth. Now, armed with newfound power, Zephyr must once again fight for the survival of humanity against the encroaching darkness and the backdrop of a harsh, unforgiving climate. Can Zephyr's renewed strength save the human race, or will this be the end of their existence once again? ================================ This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

Phantomfiend · Fantasía
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44 Chs

Charge of the Sentinels

Zephyr arrived at the Main Gate, his imposing Exoskeleton dwarfing the four standard-issue suits worn by the Legion NPCs stationed there. Among them, Jae-Ya stood out. Recognition flickered in her eyes as she locked onto him, her knowledge gleaned from Young-Jae's tales of Apex Online blurring the lines between reality and the stories she'd heard.

"Mr. Quinn?" she ventured, a hint of uncertainty lacing her voice. The sight of Zephyr, cloaked in the advanced technology of the Exoskeleton, was unlike anything she'd encountered before.

Zephyr, lost in his contemplation, offered a curt nod in response. He couldn't shake the disquiet that gnawed at him. Most would react with a mixture of fear and awe upon witnessing an Exoskeleton, the embodiment of both raw power and the ever-present threat of monstrous adversaries.

Yet, Jae-Ya's expression remained unreadable. Her eyes, sharp and unwavering, held no trace of the expected emotional cocktail. It was as if a switch had been flipped, her emotions muted, replaced by a steely resolve.

Zephyr, unable to bear the sight of Jae-Ya venturing into the unknown without guidance, finally spoke. His voice, filtered through the Exoskeleton's modulator, sounded artificial, devoid of the warmth he yearned to convey.

"Hold your ground," he instructed, his gaze fixed on Jae-Ya's unwavering form. "Don't engage with the beasts unless they come within ten meters. The effectiveness of your weapon diminishes significantly at longer distances. Let the Legions with Exoskeletons handle the initial engagement. You only need to act if they breach the Main Gate."

A shadow of concern flickered across Zephyr's face as he added, "These NPCs… their primary directive is the protection of the Fortress of the Divine Light, not the citizens inside and outside its walls. Don't be surprised if they prioritize their objective over immediate rescue efforts."

Jae-Ya met his gaze, her expression unreadable. A silent acknowledgment passed between them. And a single nod was the only response she offered. Despite the lack of experience with firearms or combat, she held the weapon with a steady hand, her resolve etched in the determined set of her jaw.

At the same time, a new Exoskeleton lumbered into view. Its movements were jerky and uncoordinated. Zephyr's practiced eye identified the user's amateurishness with ease. Yet, a flicker of surprise crossed his features as he recognized the suit – the Hyperion.

It was one of the most expensive choices available at Ironclad Bastion, boasting impressive defensive capabilities with its bulky design.

The Hyperion Exoskeleton's midnight-blue and dark frame, forged from solid metal, exuded the aura of an indomitable titan. Thick, overlapping plates, intricately engraved with lightning patterns that hinted at its namesake and potential heat dissipation, formed an almost impenetrable shell around its vital points.

Despite its imposing bulk, the Hyperion wasn't a mere "tanker" designed solely to absorb aggression. It was a deadly long-range semi-DPS Exoskeleton, specializing in delivering sustained damage from a distance - a stark contrast to Zephyr's close-quarters, high-burst Polaris.

While the Hyperion's heavy armor sacrificed some dexterity compared to its nimble counterpart, its hydraulic joints ensured surprisingly agile movement. Advanced stabilization systems, meanwhile, guaranteed precise aiming and balance, allowing its user to unleash a torrent of destruction with unwavering accuracy.

The Hyperion Exoskeleton exuded a sense of calculated power. Its price reflected its built-in sniper rifle, conveniently sheathed in a worn earth-toned cloth on its back. Zephyr analyzed its advantages. His mind calculated the trade-off between raw power and his preferred close-quarters combat style. He acknowledged the user's skill being paramount for precise aiming, concluding that Hyperion wasn't the right fit for him.

"Zephyr Quinn, I presume?" A voice laced with a hint of forced cheer broke the silence. Wei Zexian, clad in the cumbersome Hyperion, attempted to initiate conversation amidst his awkward movements. As a Legion, he was acutely aware of the suit's stiffness, his clumsiness fueling a flicker of embarrassment. He hoped striking up a conversation could deflect some attention.

Jae-Ya, who understood English, briefly turned her head in acknowledgment before refocusing on the scene before them.

Zephyr, however, remained silent, his gaze fixed elsewhere.

A colossal holographic display hung in the sky, its cerulean glow casting an otherworldly light across the scene. Emblazoned upon its surface were the words: "[Apex World] [Main Pre-Quest]," followed by a chilling countdown that ticked relentlessly toward zero.

Zephyr inhaled deeply, his breaths a steady rhythm against the rising tension. Whether Zexian spoke in English or Apexian, his words held no meaning for Zephyr; his focus was laser-sharp, locked on the impending conflict.

A low rumble emanated from the earth, growing in intensity as the countdown reached its final seconds. With a thunderous boom that echoed through the airwaves, a holographic fanfare blared from the massive screen, marking the official commencement of the unprecedented quest.

From the inky depths of the shadowed forest, where sunlight dared not penetrate, emerged the first wave of adversaries. Dozens of hulking Sentinels materialized, their glistening scales a kaleidoscope of refracted light. Those four-legged monstrosities exuded a predatory aura; razor-sharp teeth gleamed within their maws, and whip-like tails lashed through the air, a silent promise of carnage.

The Sentinels, like malevolent cats, stalked forward with sinuous grace. Their initial approach was leisurely, but their pace quickened as they neared the Fortress of the Divine Light. Though only sixty in number, their coordinated charge vibrated through the earth, sending tremors that rattled everything beyond the city walls.

Zexian, overwhelmed by the sudden surge of adrenaline, fumbled with the Hyperion's cumbersome design. He yanked at the sniper rifle's holster, its worn fabric resisting his panicked movements. It was a stark reminder of the vast gulf between the controlled chaos of virtual reality and the unforgiving brutality of this new reality.

With a guttural roar, Zephyr activated his Exoskeleton's Outburst function. A surge of power coursed through his suit, propelling him forward in a breathtaking leap. His boots ignited, leaving trails of fire in his wake as he landed with a thunderous boom before the charging Sentinels.

Jae-Ya and Zexian watched in stunned silence. The bold maneuver defied their understanding of the situation. As the Legions on the ground and the ramparts opened fire, a hail of bullets rained upon the approaching beasts.

Undeterred, Zephyr wielded his Starshroud rifle, unleashing a torrent of energy blasts.

The air crackled with raw power as thousands of shimmering projectiles slammed into the Sentinels. Despite the ferocious assault, none of the creatures fell. Their hardened scales, shimmering with a faint dark light, deflected most of the attack, though their forward charge faltered momentarily under the relentless barrage.

While the rest of the defenders sprayed bullets, Zephyr adopted a different approach. His proximity to the charging Sentinels allowed him to unleash a precise assault. Unlike the others, he didn't fire indiscriminately. Instead, he focused his Starshroud rifle on a single point: the weak spot on the Sentinels' heads. Each shot, a concentrated burst of energy, found its mark with deadly accuracy.

Three well-placed shots. Three Sentinels dropped. They crumpled to the ground, their seemingly impenetrable scales no match for Zephyr's pinpoint precision. His movements were fluid and efficient, a practiced dance of death honed through countless battles. As his first magazine emptied with a satisfying click, he discarded it with a practiced flick of his wrist, replacing it with another from his belt. Reloaded and ready, he resumed his deadly symphony. Each shot was a testament to his mastery over his Exoskeleton and his weapon at close range.

Jae-Ya watched, mesmerized, as Zephyr's every shot found its mark. Envy gnawed at her, a desire to prove herself. Her chance arrived when a lone Sentinel, unfazed by the hail of bullets, thundered towards the Main Gate. She raised her weapon and unleashed a desperate volley of basic Aether bullets. But they bounced harmlessly off the creature's hardened scales.

Panic bloomed in Jae-Ya's chest as the Sentinel lunged, its razor-sharp claws glinting with deadly intent. A chilling vision of death flickered behind her eyelids. But before despair could engulf her, a blur of black and silver erupted into motion.

Zephyr, with the agility of a seasoned predator, activated his Exoskeleton's thrusters. He launched himself backward in a breathtaking arc, his body twisting mid-air. His Starshroud rifle got tied on his back as his left hand darted to the Emberheart pistol holstered on his left thigh.

In a single, gravity-defying maneuver, Zephyr hung suspended in mid-air. The world seemed to slow around him. With unwavering focus, he aimed the pistol, not at the center of the Sentinel's forehead but at its left temple. A single, well-placed shot erupted from the Emberheart, the blast echoing through the din of battle. The bullet found its mark, causing the Sentinel's head to explode in a crimson mist. The creature's lifeless body crashed to the ground, its viscous red and black blood splattering onto Jae-Ya's face.

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