
Apex: The New Peter Parker

This story is about peter Parker if he got haki instead of a spider bite no one else can use haki except peter don't worry and sorry about the title couldn't find a better one and also this is a harem with a lot of lemons you have been warned also I will do some dc universe crossovers down the line

Harem_God_Zero · Cómic
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2 Chs


We see a boy who looked to be about 15 or 16 in his room looking at the ceiling blankly, This boy was Peter Parker"

How did my life come to this being bullied every day and doing nothing about it? Am I really that weak?" Peter thought to himself as tears started leaking out of his eyes 

It had been a particularly bad day for Peter as he had walked home with a broken bone and a black eye. 

I am sick and tired of being weak but I don't even know what to do" Peter thought in self-pity 

I gotta go for a walk" Peter said in a whisper as walking was usually how he cleared his mind. 

He got up and put on a black hoodie he had lying around. 

He went downstairs making sure to avoid his aunt and uncle as he didn't want them to worry. 

He managed to get to the front door and left 


We see Peter walking down the streets of New York it is late at night so most people are just minding their own business. 

Peter keeps on walking until he bumps into a man

Ah sorry shi shi shi" the man laughed while scratching the back of his head. 

It was my fault sir no need to apologize" Peter said as he got a good look at the man 

He was a muscular man with black hair and black eyes with a straw hat hanging on his neck. 

It's all good my name is Monkey D. Luffy what's your name" Luffy asked as he looked directly into Peter's eyes as if trying to figure something out. 

That's a weird name maybe he's not from this country especially since he just gave his name people from America usually don't give out their names to strangers" Peter thought as he gave Luffy his name. 

Peter Parker sir" Peter said nervously 

Nice to meetcha kid" Luffy said as he extended his hand for a handshake. 

Peter extended his hand and shook Luffy's hand he somehow felt that he could trust this man. 

After some time Luffy had finished looking at Peter in the eye. 

Hey kid why are you walking out here anyway shouldn't you be in bed or something like that" Luffy asked tilting his head. 

Peter looked down trying not to look the man In the eye. 

Just needed to clear my head" Peter said 

kid I know it's not my place but I can see it in your eyes Something bothering you" Luffy said as he looked at the kid's blackeye but decided not to bring it up

It's nothing, sir" Peter said 

Kid let me tell you something I once had a friend who kept their emotions bottled up I knew he had all these emotions but I kept quiet because I believed that it was a problem that my friend should settle on their own but it was a mistake that almost cost me a friend you should settle it on your own but you gotta tell someone or your gonna snap" Luffy said in a rare moment of intelligence.

( I know it's kind of cringe but bear with me)

I'm tired of being weak" Peter said not feeling the need to explain further. 

Luffy's eyes went blurry for a minute as of recalling something 

I know that feeling all too well kid" Luffy said in a kinder tone. 

Peter was surprised by someone who could relate to him. 

Luffy looked like he was thinking until he suddenly spoke up

Hey kid how about I train you to be super strong" Luffy said 

Peter hesitated could he trust a stranger he just met his mind was saying no but his gut was saying yes and it was the beginning of summer break that's why he got a black eye as a going away present. 

After a while of thinking his gut won over 

Yes sir!" Peter said his eyes blazing with determination

Luffy smiled 

Good meet me here tomorrow and I will take you to the place where I will train you" Luffy said as he left without saying another word. 

Peter smiled 

Maybe I can become strong now" Peter thought although internally he knew he was being pretty dumb trusting in the man he just met but he decided to trust his gut. 

He walked home and went to sleep since it was pretty late 


Peter woke up and had breakfast and then left to go to the place where he met Luffy. 

He arrived and saw Luffy standing there looking impatient and annoyed. 

What took you so long kid?!" Luffy yelled 

Sorry sir I had to eat breakfast with my aunt and uncle" Peter said 

(should I make may the movie one or not and if so in the harem or not I mean it's kind of weird but I will write it if I want it). 

well try not to be late again" Luffy said with a huff as he turned and started walking Peter following closely behind 

Let's go" Luffy said as he took Peter to a warehouse 

Why are we in a warehouse?" Peter asked confused 

Because it's the only place we can train" Luffy said 

Now 100 laps around the warehouse!" Luffy shouted 

What! I can't do 100 laps around the entire warehouse" Peter said 

I have to build up your body for you to learn what I'm gonna teach you now 100 laps! and give me 100 push-ups too!" Luffy said as he started chasing after Peter making him start running


It was the end of the day and Peter was exhausted Beyond exhausted. 

You can go home now kid" Luffy said 

We will be doing this for a few months and then we will move on to haki and rokushiki" Luffy said the last part more to himself than Peter 

What are haki and rokushiki?" Peter asked confused

Nothing you need to worry about right now you should go and rest" Luffy said

Peter didn't need to be told twice and he went home 

That kid I didn't actually think that he would be able to do 100 laps and 100 push-ups on his first try he reminds me of a way smarter version of younger me...if me and robin had a baby is more like it" Luffy thought 


Ok I know that first chapter was cringe but bare with me I promise you it will get better once Peter masters haki and rokushiki and also I know Peter seems kinda dumb but I will bring out his genius later and also luffy more mature and smart if you wanted to know