
Apenas Testes!

Don't read it, it's not a story. They are just tests for better spelling and grammar. since I can't speak English, I need to find platforms that translate for me.

LingSan · Oriental
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5 Chs


If you're reading this right now, stop! this chapter is just a test, i'm trying out a new method of translating my original story. So this account won't do for anything else but that.

Well, if you want to know more about it... I have several fanfics for this platform, any that were successful? not! all half mouth. but that's it, it's by making mistakes that you learn!

Some are Naruto fic, some are Chinese anime. I've already tried to write an original but it didn't work out very well. it's probably because I'm dumb. But nks we're still there, always trying to make something readable for the freaks who complain about my writing.

As much as I say I did not understand anything about this language (English) people still charging me for mistakes I, most times not my fault ... hahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahaha End