
AoT Unleashed | How to Survive in a World infested with Titans

Meet Kaito, a totally innocent man, or so he describes himself, kidnapped from his car into the thrown into this world of Titans and controversial beauties. Given some strange powers by god-knows-who, he must survive with his superb sense of humor and overflowing swagger. As he battles towering Titans and explores his powers, Kaito comes face-to-face with a disturbing truth - something more sinister than the Titans lurks beneath the surface. In this ruthless landscape, Kaito's mission is clear: adapt, survive, and uncover the secrets of this chaotic world. As he treads through the world infested with flesh-eating monsters, his purpose must go beyonf mere survival, revealing an epic journey that delves deeper than the Titans' shadows. ________________________ AU in later chapters: The book's premise is AoT, but there is more than meets the eye. Stay Tuned to discover something far bigger and badder than Titans.

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40 Chs


Carla watched Kaito walk out of the house, leaving her with a whirlwind of emotions. She couldn't deny the bizarre charm he exuded, even in the midst of their harrowing ordeal.

As she leaned against the wall, her thoughts swirled with a mixture of fear, curiosity, and something she didn't want to admit to herself.

She thought about her husband Grisha, the man she had been married to for years. The man who was brave, dependable, and the father of her children.

The guilt weighed on her as she remembered him, alone and scared, watching their home crumble. Eren and Mikasa, their children, were on that ship to Trost, far away from the chaos that is engulfing Shinganshina.

As Carla pondered her marriage, the words "irresistible" echoed in her mind. Kaito's teasing had awakened something within her that she hadn't felt in a long time—a spark, a glimmer of desire. She hadn't allowed herself to think about such things since the day she became a mother and a wife.

Her emotions were in turmoil, and as she replayed Kaito's playful advances in her head, she couldn't help but admit that a part of her found him intriguing, charming in a way she hadn't expected. But her loyalty to her family held her back, and she couldn't imagine betraying her husband.

The afternoon sun cast long shadows in the abandoned house, and Carla sighed, allowing herself a moment to breathe. She wasn't sure what the future held for her or for the world outside, infested with Titans.

Her heart ached for her husband and children, but an undeniable curiosity about the enigmatic vampire who had saved her life tugged at her thoughts.

As she closed her eyes, she tried to push away the romantic tension that had grown between her and Kaito during their time together. She needed to focus on survival, on reuniting with her family, and ensuring their safety.

But as her heart raced and her mind danced with thoughts of the charming vampire, Carla knew that the events of this fateful day would leave a lasting impact on her, one that she couldn't easily forget.


Kaito sat perched atop the crumbling building, watching the Titans in the ditch as they futilely attempted to claw their way out. The chaos he had orchestrated unfolded before his eyes, and he couldn't help but feel a tinge of remorse for what he had done.

His initial goal had been to obtain the essence of Diana Fritz, a person of royal blood, a key element for a plan he had in mind. But seeing Carla trapped under the rubble, her delicate face etched with fear, something within him had stirred, pushing him to intervene. He knew he shouldn't have let his emotions get the best of him, but he couldn't stand idly by and let her die.

Kaito's actions always had consequences, and meddling with the course of events in this world was no exception. He had long since learned that causality was a force not to be trifled with. Every action he took, every alteration he made to the story's flow, invited repercussions.

Kaito had been told long ago that this world was not the same as the one he knew from the show.

'Something far more malevolent is using this world as a breeding ground, to spread its roots and engulf the universe in darkness.', that being said to him.

It was a sinister force that operated beyond the understanding of mere mortals and even the supernatural.

Kaito was an outsider in this world, a foreign element that the world didn't naturally accommodate. His mere presence disturbed the established causality, a web of interconnected events that dictated the fate of this realm.

And as he changed the course of the story to suit his purposes, the retaliation from Causality loomed ever larger. The more significant the changes he introduced, the more severe the retaliation.

Kaito sat on the rooftop, contemplating the consequences of his actions. He had already made significant deviations from the original narrative. 

As he watched the Titans struggle in the ditch, he couldn't shake the feeling that he had unwittingly set in motion something far more significant than he had anticipated, something that might have consequences not just for him but for the entire world.


2 Hours later

Kaito descended from the rooftop and returned to the old house where Carla had been waiting. Her eyes filled with relief upon his arrival, and she had gathered her belongings, ready to move on.

"Are you ready to go?" Kaito asked, a sense of urgency in his voice.

Carla nodded, her eyes still reflecting the fear she had experienced during their encounters with the Titans. "Yes, we need to leave this place before the Titans overrun it completely."

Kaito grabbed his bag and slung it over his shoulder. "We can't stick around here any longer. The Titans will continue to spread between Wall Rose and Maria, and our chances of survival will diminish."

Carla and Kaito mounted the horse they had come on, the two of them balancing precariously on the animal's back. The horse, already weary from their earlier escape, let out an exhausted snort but continued to carry them as they made their getaway.

As they rode away from the village, Carla couldn't help but feel a mixture of gratitude and confusion. The events of the day had been nothing short of extraordinary, and her life had taken an unexpected turn.

"Kaito," she began, her voice laced with curiosity, "I can't thank you enough for saving me from those Titans. But I still don't understand why you helped me. Why go to such lengths?"

Kaito glanced at her with a playful smile, the shadows of his mysterious past still hidden. "Ah, Carla, you see, while I saved you, it comes at a price you might not like."

Carla's eyes widened with surprise. "A price? What do you mean?"

Kaito chuckled, "Well, my dear, you can't go back to your children and husband... for now, at least."

Carla blinked, shocked by his words. "What do you mean I can't go back? I have to find my family! They must be worried sick."

Kaito raised an eyebrow and turned to her. "Worried, yes. Sick? Well, they could be if you were to return and become Titan chow." He winked at her with a mischievous glint in his eye.

Carla's face flushed with anger, and she swatted his arm. "Kaito, that's not funny!"

Kaito laughed heartily, enjoying the comedic tension between them. "Alright, alright, I'm just messing with you, Carla. The truth is, you were not meant to live past that day. By saving u i have disturbed things i shouldn't have."

Carla looked at Kaito with a mix of confusion and concern. "What do you mean, I wasn't meant to live past that day? You're not making any sense."

Kaito let out a sigh, his playful demeanor momentarily replaced by a more serious one. "Carla, this world operates on certain rules and patterns. By saving you from those Titans, I've disrupted the balance of things. There are consequences for that."

Carla's eyes widened with realization. "Consequences? What kind of consequences?"

Kaito hesitated for a moment before answering. "I can't say for sure, but it might mean that your path has diverged from the one fate had in store for you. But no matter what, you cannot meet them."

Carla's eyes welled with tears as the gravity of Kaito's words sank in. "My children, my husband... I can't ever see them again?"

Kaito's expression softened as he looked at Carla. "Carla, it's not that you can't see them again, but for now, it might be safer if you don't. The world is a dangerous place, and your family would be in danger if you were with them. My actions have put you on a different path."

Tears welled up in Carla's eyes, and she bit her lip to keep herself from crying. "I don't understand all of this, but I can't accept that I might never see my family again."

Kaito didn't say anything, the silence lingering around them, ignoring the running horse ofcourse. Kaito didnt let it slow down it even a bit, the poor beast whimpering in its mind.

After what seemed like a eternity, Carla wiped away her tears with the back of her hand, her voice trembling. "I can't believe this. What do I do now?"

Kaito took a deep breath, searching for the right words. "For now, we keep moving forward toward Trost District. We'll figure things out as we go. "

Hey guys! thanks for the support till now. I just changed the name of the fanfic from [Spinal Bastard] and its synopsis too, go check it out!

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