

North Drunderwell, in the morning the1st October 2022.

The report of a drastic event within the Institute of Superior Creation and Evolution of Carbora.

#_Reldon Brook's Apartment_#

#_05:00 am_#

*Alarm rings*

RELDON BROOK: I am never going to get used to this stuff. It is still annoying as ever.

*switches off the alarm*


God of life, thank you for providing me with a new breath of life this morning. Bless my day with abundance and grace.

*Goes to the bathroom and take a bath and later dresses up*

*Phone rings*

RELDON: Junior Major Reldon on the line…I'm listening

OCS (Operation Communication Services): Confirm your identity!

RELDON: 02334JM426.

OCS: Identity Confirmed.

Good morning junior major Reldon, there is a mission for you at the University institute ISCEC. Since it closer to your locality, the committee orders that you check on the situation at ISCEC and give a feedback report of your findings.

RELDON: Got it.

OCS: Six other soldiers will be joining you in this mission. Good luck…! Junior major.


*Reldon leaves home in direction of ISCEC*

*09:00 am*

#_ISCEC; College of Arts_#

*Reldon reaches the institution, presents his batch and enters the campus*

*Then, he meets up with the school representative*

REPRESENTATIVE: A well good morning to you sir. The SBUJ (Special Brigade of University Justice) informed us of your arrival.

*The SBUJ is special military organ created to handle extreme internal issues such as suicide, extreme violence and death trials etc. within University institutes. Recruitment age at this agency ranges between 16 and 21 years, that is exclusively youths. Training periods last 2 years with a license awarded at the end of this period. Promotions come along with merits and exploits. Rank classification ranges from recruit - junior marshal - loge marshal - marshal - junior major - major - chief major and finally Sergeant, which is the highest official rank within the SBUJ. Once a member of the SBUJ has reached the rank of sergeant, the committee then transfers him to the SBJ (Special Brigade of Justice) before further promotion may take place. Reldon with his 19 years of age is the youngest junior major of his promotion and in SBUJ's history. The SBJ is a superior organisation that commands the SBUJ*

RELDON: Yeah…! Go straight to the point, I do not have time for formalities.

What happened here?


Last night when all students were sleeping in their dorms, a mysterious individual sneaked in an assassinated one our students. For what reasons, we do not know. However, something remained intriguing; this individual left over the crime weapon besides the victim's body. We have sealed the weapon within the crime scene. I do not know if it would be helpful to your research, but that is all we can contribute for the moment.

RELDON: I see…! Can I interact with his roommates at the dorm?


Anything you wish, just ask and we will provide with all the support we have.

Never mind if I ask but they told us you were going to be a group of seven.

RELDON: Backups are on their way.

Please lead me to the crime scene. I need to get over with this affair, the faster the better.

*Reldon arrives at the crime scene*

*He goes through the crime scene as his mission team arrives, the team was then complete; recruit Johnathan, Junior Marshals Barrick and Larry, Loge Marshals Henry and Sayadou, Senior Marshal Derrick and finally, Junior Major Reldon.*

JOHNATHAN: Recruit Johnathan, on your command Sir…!

BARRICK: Junior Marshal Barrick, on your command Sir…!

LARRY: Junior Marshal Larry, on your command Sir…!

HENRY: Loge Marshal Henry, on your command Sir…!

SAYADOU: Loge Marshal Sayadou, on your command Sir…!

DERRICK: Senior Marshal Derrick, on your command Sir…!

RELDON: Yeah…! Let cross pass the formalities. Johnathan you will follow Barrick and Sayadou to interrogate all the roommates of the victim. Discover if he had enemies within the institution walls and who could have wanted him dead. Once you are done, gather Intel on the victim's relations and background from the staff and school representative. Report any major info or change in the investigation.

Larry and Derrick, you two put up a barrier and let nobody trespass the investigation zone limits.

Loge Marshal Henry…With me…

HENRY: Yes Sir! On your command Sir!

RELDON: The rest dispatch…!

Henry pick up the crime weapon. According to you what can happened here?

HENRY: Sir, I think someone stabbed the victim.

RELDON: Yeah! That is obvious right. There is a dagger laying close to his corpse. What I mean is, what you think about this incident, the way you interpret your different hypothesis and your possible alternative solutions or conclusions. That is how a case interpretation works.

HENRY: *so cool… so he really is the youngest junior major in the agency's history*

RELDON: So, I ask again

According to you, what could have happened here?

HENRY: Sir, I think within the night of September 30, an intruder sneaked in with the aim of killing the victim. However, the aggressor had a hard time doing it. I can deduce regarding the wounds and brushes on the victim's body that he did not let himself finished off so easily. Further, I think the aggressor…

*Phone rings*

RELDON: I will be back in a minute, continues your analysis.

*He furthers away from the crime scene to pick the call*


CALL SERVICE CENTER: A call from South Drunderwell, Persic district hospital, patient room 25A.

Do you confirm the call Sir?


ELLEN ARIHM: Hey…Big bro. How is your mission journey going on?

RELDON: Not bad sis.

Why did you not call with your number?

ELLEN ARIHM: I had a little incident while entering the hospital and then I realized my phone was broken.

RELDON: OK…! I will check that once I am home.

How is Molly doing?

ELLEN ARIHM: She is feeling better. The doctor said they would discharge her in three days, the time for them to confirm her recovery.

RELDON: That is great news. I think this is my last mission before the end of my promotion trial.

Once I am done, I will take the first flight for home.

ELLEN ARIHM: All right big bro. Since Jella and you are busy, I will stay with my niece until she recovers completely.

RELDON: Thank you little Sis. I will leave you now.

I am on an important mission so it is kind of not the right moment for a talk.

ELLEN ARIHM: Ok…! Good luck on your mission.

RELDON: Thanks Sis.

*Drops the call and goes back to the crime scene*

RELDON: How is the investigation going, have you discovered something?

HENRY: I found something Sir. The weapon used on the victim has some sort of symbol on it.

I have never seen a such symbol before.

RELDON: Interesting.

Take a picture of it and send it to the base. May be they will have more information about the symbol.

Good job Loge Marshal.

HENRY: *Did he just congratulate me…so cool*

Thank you Sir.

RELDON: Good. Continue here, I will go check on how things are moving with the others.

*Leaves to the room where Johnathan, Barrick and Sayadou interrogate the victim's roommates*

BARRICK: So you mean you heard nothing that sounded strange last night.

ROOMMATE 1: Yeah…! However, i saw something unusual during the night unless the details will be useful to you.

BARRICK: Anything you know will come in handy in our investigation process. So tell us, what is it you know?

ROOMMATE 1: Yesterday night, I heard him murmuring something about time … I do not really remember all what he was saying. However, he was holding these three strange old books. I think one of them was entitled Reality. That is all I can recall, my memories are vague about it because something else occupied my mind at that particular moment. Sorry for not being able to contribute more…

BARRICK: Never mind, you helped us advance greatly with the information you just gave us.

*Reldon Enters the interrogation room*

RELDON: How are the interrogations going on this way, did something new pop up?

SAYADOU: Sir, we are trying to gather as much Intel as possible on the clue we have. According to the victim's roommates, this one acted strangely last night as if he was not totally himself. Another info came to us, of which we know the victim was in possession of three old-like ancient books before he went to bed. The fact that we did not see these books with the victim's corpse or on the crime scene led us into thinking that, the aggressor's objective or goal were the books.

RELDON: Well done you three, I like the way you present your hypothesis and direct them towards your conclusions. That is…

*Phone Rings*

RELDON: What again?

CALL SERVICE CENTER: A call from South Drunderwell, Persic district hospital, patient room 26A.

Do you confirm the call Sir?

RELDON: (^^What's wrong with Ellen calling every two seconds…is something wrong with Molly^^)

CALL SERVICE CENTER: Do you confirm the call Sir?