

Kaiden kurt : *surprised*

Heuh.. ! Is everything ok ?

Ellen : yeah .. !

I was just chilling your mother up.

Stay strong melinsé, it shall come to pass.

Kaiden kurt : hummm…

(^^just ignore the current mode or you will ruin everything^^)

Wait Ellen !

Here is your pringles chips ..

Ellen : Thanks

*Leaves room 26A*

Melinsé : My boy…y.

Kaiden kurt : Mum….. ! what were you both discussing about ?

Melinsé : Come and sit closer to me …

I think this is the right time for me to tell you something I kept as a secrete from you ever since you were a kid.. ?

Kaiden : (^^Atleast it may help me understand my connections with that weird old Jehlabah^^)

*Sits close to her*

Melinsé : Long ago before …your father and I got married, I lived in HERTAVILLE with my parents.

I was a beautiful and naïf young girl filled with the need of living and travelling across the world with the man of her dreams.