
Master Aidan's punishment for his sisters.

Antoniette thought she was in a dream. The kind where the prince saves the maiden from danger and brings her to his mansion. She found herself wrapping her arms around a broad shoulder even know she did not know where she was going to and a few minutes later, she was laid gently it on the bed but her hands were glued to his neck so he whispered. "Let go of me."

His words bolted her to her senses where she was instantly reminded of their identities and she profusely apologized. "M-Master Aidan....I..."

"How long has this been going on?" He tucked his hands in his pocket after he stood up and put on a cold hard expression. "Does the Head Maid and the Butler know about this?"

"All the maids and servants have been threatened by their commands." Antoniette tried to defend her aunt since she was the one who recruited her into the house. "They would surely kill anyone who dared to tell you about this."

"That is not an excuse." Aidan arched one of his eyebrows when he heard her words. He knew the reason why she was saying these things but he had other thoughts about the matter. It was clear that his two most loyal servants had now been brought by his mother and no longer informed him off the matters of the house. "I will have to talk to them later."

"Wait!" She spoke out her words before her brain processed it and watched him halt his departing steps to look for her which made her panic even more so she swallowed her saliva gently and said. "I....j-just want to t-thank you f-for saving me this afternoon....I am truly grateful and therefore pledge my loyalty-"

"I won't be needing it for now, Antoniette." He saw her eyes widen as he called her name for the first time, the corner of his lips tilting into a small smile in response. He couldn't explain the feeling he had when he looked at her but he knew that it was a pleasant feeling that he had known since his father died. He told her. "I will send another maid to get some ointment for your feet so just stay here for a while."

Antoniette was about to thank him when she finally noticed the place he had brought her to. It was a guest room attached to his office that was prohibited to most servants and her heart stopped for a brief moment. "But this is your room, sir. It is very inappropriate for me to be here."

"I won't come here to disturb you, don't worry. I only want you here because it will be very unsuitable for you to resume your duties until I handle this matter properly." He didn't want to say that he was hiding her from his mother whom he was sure would stop at nothing to make sure she is fired so he could only think of this plan for now.

"All meals and things would be sent to my office where you can go to collect them. However, do not touch anything else and do not leave the office either. That will be all." Aidan looked away when his eyes fell on her open lips and left the room before she could say anything.

Antoniette heard the door close before her but was helpless to go after him since one of her feet was scalded. She decided to admire the room instead and found the decorations matching the personality of the man she barely knew. It was minimalist and simple yet very refined and manly like she had imagined. She laid down on the bed and smiled gently while trying to sleep. Although she did not know why he had done this, she decided to follow his arrangements since he was her master and he would protect her. Just like he had done in the afternoon.

Meanwhile, in main room of the mansion, Eloise and Evelyn gathered together with their mother wearing distressed expressions as they say down. They could hardly keep their composure the more time passed and soon one of them even started to put a fingernail in her mouth when her mother scolded her fiercely. "Stop that, Evelyn. How many times have I warned you about that uncouth habit of yours?"

"I am sorry, Mother." Evelyn dropped her hand, looking at like a small child as she gripped a part of her dress and said nervously. "But I just can't bear the suspense anymore. If you had seen how angry Brother was when he returned...."

"I have never seen our older brother so protective of any woman before. Are you sure of what you saw, Evelyn?" Eloise looked genuinely disturbed but more calmer than her sister when she heard her words.

"Of course, I am. All the ladies were there to see it!" Evelyn said with certainty and continued to murmur under her breath. "Senior Brother will be furious when he comes back and he won't spare us at all!"

"Don't be so perturbed, my lovely children." Their mother said beside them looking very calm unlike them as she looked through the window. "Since I am here, I will do my very best to make sure that you all escape this dilemma without consequences. So comport yourselves as ladies and do not forget your manners."

"Oh really, Mother?" They all froze when they heard his voice as he came into the room with a look that could freeze people several times over. He looked at his mother and said. "I am indeed curious to know how you plan to help your daughters when I, the master of the house intend to punish them."

"Brother." Eloise saw that the situation was indeed difficult for them so she stepped up to persuade him. "What Mother meant was-"

"Keep quiet." His harsh tone instantly silenced the two ladies, causing the room to be very quiet as he said to them even though his eyes were glued to his mother. "I have had enough of your extravaganza and I do not think I can condone it any longer. Be prepared, for next month you two would be enrolled in a ladies' boarding school. And nothing will change my decision."