
Aidan confronts his family.

"What?!" Her daughter's words made Madam Silvanna cast a a second glance at the young lady in order to reaffirm that she was indeed their former maid whom they had chased away from the mansion. The realization made her heart sink in disappointment so she directed her glare to her son as she clenched her fist tightly." Aidan, what's going on here?"

"This is Antoniette, my woman and my future wife." Aidan told everyone as he pulled the young lady who was hiding behind him to his side as he said. "Please treat her with cordiality and respect."

With his words, Victoria broke down sobbing, breaking the shocked atmosphere and successfully riling the tempers of her friends who sat in the room. Eloise stood up angrily and said. "Tell me, is this a bad joke? None of us will ever accept this!"