
Ant wars

Ant wars. A game where 10000 poor die every week just for a chance at decent living, but nothing more then a Saturday live show for the rich. It's a brutal climb to the top to a deadly fall to the never ending pit of human depravity. This is murder. This is survival. This is...Ant wars.

Enejiang · Ciencia y ficción
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16 Chs

[5] Countdown

11 am.

Or at least that's what the giant digital clock hanging to the side displayed. There was 1 more hour till the barrier dropped.

Nearby I spotted a few people who got the solider role.

The soldiers, distinguished from the workers by their attire, stood tall and imposing, clad in armor inspired by the very nature of ants.

The spear they were given had a sleek design, with a long dark-shafted wooden pole that felt rough to the touch. The spearhead gleamed menacingly, forged from a reflective metal, sharp and pointed, reminiscent of an ant's powerful mandible. The base of the spear had a counterbalance, which was shaped like the abdomen of an ant, aiding the soldiers in handling and maneuvering it with agility.

Their armor, a fusion of nature's brilliance with human artistry, was a dark matte charcoal hue, mirroring the exoskeleton of many ant species. It was segmented, allowing for flexibility, much like the body of an actual ant. The chest plate was thick and robust, designed to absorb and disperse impact, adorned with a raised pattern that imitated the segmented body of an ant. The shoulder guards were large and rounded, extending slightly upwards, akin to an ant's prominent thorax.

The arm and leg guards were more streamlined and had thin, flexible plates layered upon each other, providing both protection and ease of movement. These guards had small ridges, mimicking the fine hairs seen on ants which assist them in detecting their environment.

The helmet was arguably the most thematic element of their gear. It had large, curved visors that gave the impression of an ant's multifaceted eyes, tinted a dark shade, which allowed the wearer a wide field of vision while protecting their identity. A mandible-like design framed the face, curving from the jawline to the chin, giving an intimidating, insectoid appearance. Small slits right below the visors allowed for ventilation and communication. The top of the helmet slightly protruded at the back, replicating the gentle curve of an ant's head and abdomen connection.

In the midst of nervous whispers and soft murmurs, a palpable tension blanketed the area. The soldiers, freshly clad in their intimidating armor, tried to form some rudimentary strategies, but most people, especially the workers, were trying to process the grim reality of the game they had found themselves in.

A young woman with short-cropped hair turned to the man beside her, her voice shaky. "This can't be real, right? They can't actually just... kill us?"

The man, older with a scruffy beard, sighed heavily, "I don't know. But with these collars... it feels all too real."

Nearby, two teenagers were huddled together, their faces pale. "I thought this was just going to be some crazy VR thing or something," the younger one whispered, her voice quivering.

"Me too," her companion replied, his voice filled with regret. "I just wanted to earn some quick money for my family."

A cluster of workers tried to find solace in each other's company. "Anyone have any ideas on how to survive this?" asked a middle-aged man, his eyes darting around nervously.

"We could try hiding," suggested another, "but with this many people, where could we possibly hide?"

"There's always strength in numbers," mused a tall, wiry man. "If we stick together, form a shield around the queen..."

His voice trailed off as he saw the overwhelming number of participants, the enormity of the situation sinking in.

In another corner, a solemn-faced woman whispered to her friend, "My son told me not to participate. Said it sounded too dangerous."

Her friend placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, her eyes glossy with unshed tears. "We all thought this was our ticket out of hardship. A way to protect and provide for our loved ones. No one expected... this."

Two soldiers, trying to muster up some courage, were discussing tactics. "We need to take out their soldiers first. Thin their defenses."

The other shook his head, "It's not that simple. They'll be thinking the same. We need to be unpredictable."

A frail old man, surprising to see amongst the participants, murmured softly to himself, "I've lived a long life. If I can save just one young soul today, it would be worth it."

Nearby, a young father clutched a locket containing a photo of his daughter. "I just hope she knows I did this for her," he whispered to the man next to him.

The man nodded, understanding the weight of the sentiment, "We all have our reasons. Let's just try to make it out alive."

Amidst the conversations and the nervous whispers, a voice rose louder than the rest. It belonged to a burly man, his size and build more akin to a boulder than a man. He was dressed in the blue jumpsuit of a worker, his muscles straining against the fabric. Standing before him, contrasting drastically in stature, was a smaller man, dressed in the ant-themed armor of a soldier.

"It's not fair, you know!" the worker yelled, pointing an accusing finger at the soldier. "Why the fk do you get a weapon and I don't? Look at me! I'm twice your size. I'd be of better use with that spear than you!"

The soldier, looking up and meeting the worker's eyes, responded with calm defiance, "We all had our chance at the wheel. It's not my fault you drew 'worker.' Take it up with the game organizers if you have a problem, not me."

But the worker, his agitation clear, wasn't one for reason at that moment. In a swift motion, he lunged, his large hand grabbing for the spear. The soldier, taken aback by the sudden aggression, held on tight, his fingers wrapped securely around the shaft of the weapon. The scene quickly devolved into a fierce tug-of-war, the two men locked in a battle of wills and strength.

Around them, a crowd began to form, a mixture of horror and fascination on the faces of the onlookers. Some shouted words of encouragement, others pleas to stop the confrontation. The atmosphere grew tense, the weight of what was at stake bearing down on everyone present.

As the two continued to wrestle for control of the spear, the soldier, smaller but more agile, pivoted on his heel, using the worker's own momentum against him. For a brief moment, the worker staggered, thrown off balance. But in the chaos of their struggle, the soldier's grip on the spear shifted, causing the sharp tip to face the worker.

In the unfortunate culmination of the tussle, the soldier, with a combination of force and unfortunate positioning, ended up thrusting the spear forward. The tip penetrated the worker's abdomen, a sickening, wet sound accompanying the action. The worker's eyes widened in shock, his hands coming up to touch where the spear had entered, blood seeping out and staining his jumpsuit a darker shade of blue.

The crowd gasped collectively, the reality of the situation hitting them hard. The soldier, realizing what he'd done, let go of the spear, his face turning a shade of pale white. The worker staggered back, the weapon still protruding from his body, before collapsing onto the ground, life slowly draining from his eyes.

"I…I didn't mean too, you…You all saw what happened…" The soldier's voice trembled as he took in a deep gulp.

The surrounding area fell into an eerie silence.

For a moment, nothing moved, except for the tiny ants next to body.


The clock struck noon.

In the distance, came the sound of the barrier slowly dropping.


The game has begun.

Q: How would you respond to infighting on your team?