
High Spec and 1-A

__________ POV Narration__________

"So... Basically, you and that scientist are both trying to prevent the downfall of mankind by yourselves?" Asked Nezu with a raised eyebrow.

It wasn't that he didn't believe Beru, but he just found the situation ridiculous. He had known about Yori for a while, and many of the connections he had spoken of the scientist as a mad man.

They usually called him demented and other names. Nezu did find it a bit mean to the researcher, but he never made an effort to actually learn about the scientist.

Yori was a controversial figure in the field of science all over the world. He was somewhat well known for his strange beliefs and he was thought to be one of the most mentally deranged individuals that were put in power.

Nezu was quick to notice that Beru's description of the man was completely different. Beru spoke highly of Yori, although there was some suspicion in Beru's tone from time to time, he never spoke badly about the man's character.

It was bizarre even. Nezu had certainly not expected this type of outcome out of Beru's visit to that laboratory.

But he notices some strange parts in that story. For one, this was the first time he had heard of the 'Qurik Singularity' theory.

But, after a bit of search on the internet, he found that it was simply an extremely unpopular theory due to its implications.

Beru also looked at how easily Nezu found the theory and sweated a bit. He didn't think simply looking it up on the internet would work. But it seemed like the theory was as public as it could be.

Much like Yori, Nezu quickly noticed that a lot of the theory was unfolding before their eyes.

"... I see... I may have heard about this before, now that I think about it. But I think I dismissed it, like most other people." Nezu glanced at his monitor, deep in thought.

"Can't really blame it on you~ No one really talks about it~ It's easy to dismiss it one and forget about it~ But, in all honesty, it seems to be pretty dangerous~" Beru's words didn't make Nezu feel any better.

Nezu now realised the implications that quirks, the thing people nowadays venerated to no end, could bring about the extinction of mankind.

"I hope the events envisioned in this theory don't unfold... But I think it's best to take precautions. You can copy my quirk. Two strands of hair, was it?" Nezu said as he opened up a drawer and took out one of his brushes.

He handed it to Beru, who just plucked one hair and put it in a small ziplock bag. Then he plucked another one and simply ate it.

Nezu watched, he was a bit fascinated by the process, he looked for any changes in Beru's demeanour.

"Wow~ Hell~ This is how you see the world?~" Beru suddenly said as he looked around the room.

The insectoid looked at his surroundings, it was as if everything was moving slowly, but, in fact, his thoughts had sped up greatly.

He looked outside the window, at he could see that things moved so much slower. The leaves on the trees barely fluttered, the birds in the sky seemed to be lagging. It was bizarre to Beru, who was quite used to a regular world.

It is normal to say that Beru was never slow in thought. He was actually thinking much faster than normal people already, that was due to the one or two quirks that All for One had to enhance thinking.

But those didn't even come close to High Spec. It was a different world altogether.

"Well, that depends. If you concentrate hard enough, time will basically stop for you... Well, not really, but your thoughts would flow so quickly that everything else would stop." Beru was quite surprised at how powerful Nezu's quirk actually was.

Having a supercomputer for a brain would obviously change your perception of the world.

"It might take a while to get used to this~" Beru spoke as he looked around the room.

"Well, I'd assume so, most people would go insane from using this quirk. But I'm guessing you can actually turn it off, at least from what you've told me about your powers..." Beru nodded at Nezu's words.

He concentrated a bit, and managed to turn off High Spec, the world turned back to normal, and he just sighed.

"So it is possible to turn it off then? That's quite handy, I can't actually do that. I think that's for the best in my case though, I'm not exactly human after all..." Nezu spoke as he looked at Beru with a smile.

"Damn~ All conversations must be unbearably slow for you~" Beru spoke these words incredibly fast, leading to Nezu gaining a larger smile.

Although Beru spoke quickly, Nezu heard him as if he was speaking normally. The effect of thinking so quickly was that everything else moved slowly by comparison.

Nezu was quite happy to hear someone speak normally for once.

And Beru was somewhat taken by surprise by the sensation that High Spec gave him.

A quirk like High Spec basically made Beru impossible to defeat in a fight (as if he wasn't already). He could basically read his opponent no matter what.

High Spec was incredibly powerful... There was a small problem though, would Yori really be able to handle it?

Well, Beru could only think that, as long as Yori absorbed 'High Spec' into his copy of All for One, then everything would be alright.

"Well, I guess this concludes our chat for now. I do have quite a bit of work, and we've been chatting for a while now." Nezu said as he shooed Beru out of his office.

"See ya~ Try sleeping tonight~" Beru said as he walked out of the office and teleported back to his room.

__________ POV Beru__________

Damn, that quirk is freaky.

It makes me feel kinda bad for Nezu, but he seems to be used to it already, so there's no reason to pity him (that never helps anyone anyway).

Now, what exactly should I do with the rest of my day? I think Toga will soon be done with her classes... But I think she said that she would be training with Aizawa today, so she might not come home right now...

Hmm, I guess I'll go replenish my supplies of blood. I'll pay the chief of police another visit tomorrow.

------ (15 minutes and one small group of villains 'disappearing' later) ------

Well, that was refreshing. Now I guess I could go and do something else.

Finding criminals and drinking a bit of their blood isn't exactly difficult... I wonder what Pinkey(Mina) and Izuku are doing. Those two were in the same class, right?

They should be in their last class right now, so I could visit them.

Yeah, I'll do that. Wait... What class were they in?

I never thought I'd activate High Spec for this of all things, but I guess the first time I use this quirk is to remember what the fuck was being said at that School Festival.

Pretty sure their class was named.

After a few seconds of searching my mind(which felt like at least an hour to me), I remembered that they were from class 1-A, from the hero course(this is obvious, but hey, better be precise).

So, I looked a bit through the school building, then I warped myself at their door. I just walked in and witnessed something strange.

__________ POV Narration__________

"What the fuck are you guys doing?~"

Beru watched in awe as one of the students was tied up to the ceiling in a very familiar type of knot. Said classmate was the shortest one out of everyone present, and he had purple balls sticking out of his head.

He could see the blindfolded female students swinging baseball bats around, trying to hit him like he was a pinata.

"Umm... Beru?" Izuku looked embarrassed, the rest of the boys in the class seemed about the same... The teacher? well, there were only 20 minutes left of their class, so Aizawa decided to sleep through them after telling the class to be silent.

Beru looked at the corner, only to see a distinct yellow sleeping bag leaned on the chalkboard. He could make out that he was also wearing noise-cancelling headphones, so he wasn't aware of anything that was happening in his class.

"What are you doing here, you bug freak?!" Bakugo was still salty at having been knocked out that one time (Beru had long forgotten about him though).

"Who are you again?~" Beru's honest question didn't help Bakugo's anger at all.

Izuku and Kirishima quickly jumped in to help Bakugo cool off (although Deku didn't help much).

Eventually, probably due to all of the sound Bakugo was doing, everyone turned around and looked at Beru.

The girls also took down their blindfolds to see him standing there.

Mina instantly turned red in embarrassment and threw her bat away (which hit a certain yellow-haired lightning quirk user straight in the head).

Beru just looked at the disaster unfold. He walked over and sat down in the teacher's chair as everyone also got back to their seats. Beru was basically a teacher in their eyes, he was a pro hero after all.

Although, he was the youngest pro hero alive. So some of the student's didn't really respect him (like Bakugo, but he even talks back to All Might, so that's normal).

"Soo...~ What's happening here?~" Beru looked at the short student that was still hanging from the ceiling, he flicked a finger in that direction and the rope was cut.

Mineta hit the ground with a thud and a pained grunt.

"Well... It's a long story..." Mina said while rubbing the back of her head.

"That shitty grape was perving on the girls again." For such a long story, Bakugo sure did manage to summarize it perfectly.

"I see...~ Should I talk to Nezu about it?~" Beru didn't really care about it all that much. But having a future hero perv on girls wasn't really a good sign.

Well, not really, Beru just didn't like the thought that Toga might end up in the same class as him. She was going to be transferred to the Hero course in the second year.

"N-No, it's mainly just joking around... It's not all that serious..." The one that spoke up this time was Momo.

She was the vice president of the class, and she didn't consider Mineta's pranks to be deserving of any large punishments.

Everyone else seemed to agree with her, as Mineta burst into tears.

Only one thought was on Beru's mind. 'Since when do students know bondage knots?! Times have really changed...' His thoughts were reasonable.

"By the way... Beru, what are you doing here?" Asked Izuku while scratching the back of his head.

"Umm~ I was kinda walking around, and decided to come and see what you guys were doing?~," Beru said while he rested his legs on the teacher's desk.

Iida immediately flared up, forgetting any of his thoughts about Beru's actions against Stain.

"Please refrain from doing that! It goes against the school's protocol-" Iida continued while waving his hand around, Beru just whipped his head backwards.

"Anyhow...~ How are you guys doing?~" Asked Beru as he took his legs off the table.


Hope you liked the chapter!

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