
Another World Story

This story is about an average high school boy with an average lifestyle who likes to read novels especially fantasy ones and was transferred to another world along with his classmates from his school. As they were transferred our protagonist, John Kaiser, was the sole student among his classmates who were left behind, leaving him all alone in their classroom. As he was wondering what happened to the others, he remembered one of the novels he had read. It was a story of a fantasy world, where a king of a human kingdom summons heroes from another world to save their world from the demon king, a typical Isekai (Another World) fantasy novel. Our protagonist, John Kaiser, started to contemplate and question 'why?' why was he the only one not summoned? And as his questions go crazy, a light emerges from the place where he was sitting. Is this the start of our protagonist's fantasy adventure as a hero? Or will he live the same life again as an average person even in another world?

Ezract · Fantasía
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27 Chs

Day Twenty-one: Confront (2)

(John Kaiser's POV)

Ugh! this feeling... disgusting. What in the world is this feeling... sympathy? empathy? what is this?! This unknown feeling of wanting to help at the same time not wanting to help... what on earth is this?!

Mind you I'm not the type of person to sympathize nor to empathize with others... or am I? Still! this feeling, for some reason it disgusts me.

Looking at her almost naked self, I don't know what I should do... my body just went up and move on it's own.

Argh! do I have some kind of disease or something?! Is this one those kind of disease? 'The I can't leave victims alone syndrome'? or something! the sickness of those heroes?! But I'm not a hero myself! I'm just an observer! that damn Regarde... I've been asking this all the time I was here, but... HOW IS THIS PLACE A COMFORTABLE PLACE TO START WITH?!

I accepted his request because he said I only need to observe the summoned heroes... but how am I supposed to observe them if I can't even get out of this damned forest! and a girl with crazy trust issues joined up... this isn't torture right? I think this is torture... is this torture!?

Damn it I'm losing my mind! and you rabbit! stop staring and help me would you?! I don't know what I should do... I got new skills throughout the past week but, I don't have any skills for communicating with girls! specially this type! should I just tell her I don't mean harm? but I already did many times... Damn it Merchant skills! you should work your magic in this kind of situations as well!

Do I have any skill for this kind of situation?!

[Status Window]

Name: Unidentified

Class: Unidentified

Level: 27 (25,260/121,000)

Age: 18

Sex: Male

Blessings: None

Titles: Apostle of a God, True Merchant

Health: 3040/3040

Mana: 2160/2160

Strength: 169 (+19) {+102}

Intelligence: 108 (+19) {+31}

Agility: 283 (+19) {+221}

Dexterity: 70 (+19) {+13}

Stamina: 152 (+19) {+90}

Persistence: 97 (+19)

Composure: 77 (+19)

Insight: 92 (+19)

{Stat Points: 135}


-Production Skills-

Blacksmith Lvl 1

Tailoring Lvl 1

Alchemy Lvl 1

Sculpting Lvl 2 (+1)

Cooking Lvl 3 (+2)

Butchering Lvl 3 (+2)

Potion Making Lvl 1

Carpentry Lvl 1

Fishing Lvl 2 (+1)

Masonry Lvl 1

Wood Cutting Lvl 2 (+1)

-Passive Skills-

Poker Face Lvl 4 (+1)

Cold Eyes Lvl 4 (+2)

Grim Demeanor Lvl 3 (+1)

Marketing Lvl 1

Administering Lvl 1

Bargaining Lvl 1

Quick Calculation Lvl 3 (+1)

Ashura's Life Lvl 1

Weapons Mastery Lvl 2 (+1)

Magic Mastery Lvl 2 (+1)

-Active Skills-

Dimension Storage Magic Lvl MAX

Plunder Lvl 1

Everyday Magic

- Everyday Fire Magic Lvl 5 (+3)

- Everyday Earth Magic Lvl 2 (+1)

- Everyday Water Magic Lvl 3 (+2)

- Everyday Wind Magic Lvl 2 (+1)

Enhanced Discerning Eyes Lvl 2 (+1)

Stealth-Shadow Assimilation Lvl 2 (New)

Assassinate Lvl 1 (New)

Hmmm... yup I don't have any skills for communicating, only for business. Dang it! I've plundered a lot of stats from the monsters I've killed along the way, but their all weaker than the Night wolves I killed on my second day or... have I become stronger? welp that's definitely obvious. Look at 'em stats! Even with only 3% of the stats it's still Op if you could kill weaker monsters, I could stack this Up! Mwuhahahahaha! ha ha ha haaa...

This girl is still pointing her sword at me.

should I just leave the cave? it's not like she would die here, plus her wounds are already cured. The only thing she is missing is her stamina and strength and clothes... Thank god I bought the Merchant set, if I didn't I wouldn't be able to calm the f*ck out of myself... Don't judge me! who would be able to calm down at this situation! I'm a healthy young man for freak sake! I'm also curious on those things!

We've been staring at each other for sometime now... I don't know what to say, I think I should not say anything more, she wouldn't believe anything I say to begin with.

But how am I going to calm the heck out of this naked beauty?! Should I not bother myself with her? I'm no hero and it isn't my job to save people to begin with, it's Alex's and the other's job.

But... I couldn't just leave her here right? I mean based on what I saw on her body... she was subjected to something horrible, something I don't even want to imagine what it was.

Still. There's this question, I don't even know who she is and she's hostile towards me, unlike her reaction towards that damned rabbit. So, why should I help her? what would I gain? she doesn't even listen nor answer. She's not one of those heroine that I've read, she's more like one of those revenge type main characters. I mean who wouldn't want to take revenge on those people? Even with me just seeing her wounds... It makes my mind cold.

This conflicting feelings... I don't know what to do!

If Alex were here, he would be able to help me, but he's not here! This god dang rabbit is not helpful either!

I think I'll go back to my seat...

Turning back I took one last glance at the naked beauty, her pearl white skin almost reflect the light from the fire and her honey blonde hair was enhanced by the light, her electric blue eyes shows her strong will for survival.

"You're strong"

Leaving those words behind I went back to the place I was sitting before.


(Rabbit's POV)

'You're strong' he said...

What did he mean by that? he went and stood there in front of the girl for minutes and that's the only thing he'll say?!

I really don't get this guy. Sometimes he's kind, sometimes he's brutal, sometimes he's like this...

I've been with him for a few weeks already and I still haven't grasp his nature, it's like he got multiple personalities, well I think anyone have those, adjusting to the situation by means of changing persona, it's natural.

But still! I wonder what's going on inside that guy's head, he rarely shows any emotion on his face and his eyes are always lifeless, it feels like he's just a hollow husk of something, it's eerie.

'Are you okay little girl?'

"Girl. Okay?"

This damned mouth. It's still hard to talk.

Upon my question the girl looked at me, her sword still pointing at him... even though he's that far... Does she really not trust him? or more like does she not trust anyone? But why aren't she wary of me? I know that I'm the embodiment of cuteness but, if she doesn't trust anyone why would she not be wary of me? Is it because I looked like that I can't fight?! I'm shook! Well I know I'm a rabbit and all, but I can still fight you know!

The girl stared at me for a few seconds before nodding her head vertically. Thank the gods! A sigh of relief escaped my small mouth as I saw her reply.

Hmmm? Is it just me? or does her eyes flickers whenever she looked at me... I know I'm cute and all but those eyes, full of curiosity... those are the same eyes those bastard have whenever they looked at new results from their experiments. But, her eyes somewhat feel different... like those eyes of the baby potus rabbits I've met.

'Are you curious about something?'


Well at least it was a shortcut, I need more practice.

The girl hesitated for a bit before nodding her head slowly.

'what are you curious about?'

"What. Curious?"

Well, this conversation will be hard as heck. I don't know how would I be able to understand her queries without her speaking... Argh! if I would get the chance I would rip the throat of the person who did this to her! It's making my life harder that it already was!

The girl fixed her gazed at me as if saying 'You! I'm curious about you!' well that was easier to understand than I thought.

'I'm a potus rabbit, to be exact a mixture of a little one and a potus rabbit. But, my potus rabbit side shows on my fur while the little one side shows on my size'

"I. Rabbit. Little one. Potus. Fur. Size"


The girl tilted her head innocently as she heard my answer, her disheveled honey blonde hair sway as she tilts her head and her big electric blue eyes reflecting the light of the flame... Damn, that's cute.

I have to agree to that guy, this girl is a true beauty. But then, how am I supposed to answer that...

'To be specific I'm A different type of rabbit'

"I. Different. Rabbit"

Well, that works...

Her eyes twinkled didn't it... she's like a child. Well I think she still is, but by the looks of it, he and this girl almost look like the same age, but that guy's mentality is somewhat mature. Well, as the eldest I should guide them... 31 years of living should consider me the eldest right? that guy said he's 18 years old, so the girl might be around the same age as him. The boy already knows how old I am, so that should be good right? I will tell the girl when I could speak more fluently.

That said, this girl haven't eaten a single thing right? she was always pointing the sword at him. So, now that he's that far, she should be able to eat somewhat.

'Little Girl, You should eat now'

"Girl. Eat"

The girl looked at me as I push the fish and fruits towards her. Warily she points at the fishes the boy cooked with a face that shows displeasure.

That's some harsh treatment there little girl. Well, the potus fruits should be able to revitalize your system and some Night berry should fill you up but... I think you still need to eat some fish for proteins.

As to convey those words to her, I put the fruits and fishes in front of her, and nodded as I took one fish and munch on it, as to ensure it's safe.

Upon seeing me, the girl took the potus fruit first and begun eating.

This journey would be a long one.

Aight, Hello everyone, Confront part 2 is here, Sorry for the late upload, as In suuper duuper late upload.

As always thanks for reading Another World Story

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