
Another World Story

This story is about an average high school boy with an average lifestyle who likes to read novels especially fantasy ones and was transferred to another world along with his classmates from his school. As they were transferred our protagonist, John Kaiser, was the sole student among his classmates who were left behind, leaving him all alone in their classroom. As he was wondering what happened to the others, he remembered one of the novels he had read. It was a story of a fantasy world, where a king of a human kingdom summons heroes from another world to save their world from the demon king, a typical Isekai (Another World) fantasy novel. Our protagonist, John Kaiser, started to contemplate and question 'why?' why was he the only one not summoned? And as his questions go crazy, a light emerges from the place where he was sitting. Is this the start of our protagonist's fantasy adventure as a hero? Or will he live the same life again as an average person even in another world?

Ezract · Fantasía
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27 Chs

Day Three: Skills

After John accepted Regarde's Request. The two looked at each other then Regarde spoke.

"Now, I'll give you my gift, you can pick skills you want from the window that I'll show you, remember not all skills are omnipotent or omniscient" as Regarde waved his hand to the table along with the teapot, teacups, and chairs were sucked into the ground.

Then a screen pop out of nowhere, it's like the screen of a computer, there are thousands of words written in it.

"...I got 1000 skills points that I can use"

As John was browsing through the window Regarde made a recommendation.

"I would recommend that you pick skills that would be able to help the heroes... But then again it's your choice"

John listened to his words and thought, 'It would be better to get skills like plunder or dimension storage'.

John scrolled down the screen and looked for the skills he wants and as he was scrolling two skills catches his attention.

"Production Skill Set? And Merchant Skill Set?" John was wondering what it means, it is the only skill he has seen with the word 'Set' on them.

Regarde saw the confusion on John's face and explained "First of all the production skill set, is as the name suggests a set of skills for production classes, you can have the skills of a blacksmith, tailor, sculptor, painter, alchemist, cook, butcher, a potion maker, etc. Though all of the skills you will get will be level 1, it's still a skill that any production type job would want"

"And the merchant class set has skills that a merchant would need, even if a person has a merchant for a class, there are skills that they don't have, they would need to level up and learn the skills if they want to, and only the top class merchants has the complete set of skills that this merchant class set has" Regarde added as he looks at John who's taking a look at the skills the set has.

"Okay, I've decided, I'll get these two, it's a little pricey but it's still worth it!" John exclaimed as he buys the skills with his skills points.

-Production Skills Set-

200 Skill Points.

-Merchant Skills Set-

175 Skill Points

After buying the merchant and production skills set John has only 625 Skill Points left. Then he continued his browsing to find the plunder and dimension storage skills that he read about in novels.

After a few minutes, he finally found the two skills, they were 5 skills apart.

He looked into the dimension storage ski first and asked Regarde for more information.

-Dimension Storage-

100 Skill Points

"The dimension storage skill, only a few people got the skill, and almost all of them are magicians that specializes in space magic and only a few people got the affinity for space magic, it has a limited space, but the skill in this window has no space limit, though it can only store non-living things inside, once a living thing is dead they are now available to be stored, it's a nice skill without level and capacity" Regarde willingly explained as if he was enjoying the company.

After hearing the explanation John quickly checked the plunder skill.

-Plunder Skill-

150 Skill Points

As if to know John wants to know more about the skill Regarde quickly explained "Plunder... It's an amazing skill, though it's not omnipotent it's still an amazing skill, You can take Stats skills and Titles of a monster or person, the only drawback is that you can only pick one from among the choices of Stats, Skills, and Titles, also only those that you or your party have killed are the only one legible to be plundered, and only 3% of the stats are the only thing you can get, In terms of skills you can get it with one level deficit from the original and in titles effects are in full but not all titles can be plundered it has something to do with races".

"It has a very big drawback but still... 3% stats are still Op, and I can get them the skills with only 1 LVL deficit? And the titles are understandable... Okay, I'll buy the two" With a smile on his face John bought the skills without hesitation.

Now he got 375 skill points left. He wants to get all the skills he would need to survive and help his best friend and Regarde, that's when something caught his eyes once again.

-Ashura Fauna Learning Skill-

125 Skill Points

-Ashura Flora Learning Skill-

125 Skill Points

John Cock his head to the left the moment he saw the skills.

"Learning Skill? what kind of skill is this?" John asked, then Regarde explained it with a finger raised.

"Ashura Fauna and Flora learning skills are skills that give you information, if you see a monster you don't know anything about, think in your mind the characteristics of it and the Fauna Learning skill will give you information about it, and when you see the same kind of monster it will activate automatically, the same goes for flora skills, both skills will give information on the weaknesses and easy way to deal with the said flora or fauna".

"I needed to characterize the monster or flower first? it would be hard during battle..., but this is a must need skill" after contemplating he readily bought the two skills.

Now he only got 125 skill points. As he was looking for other skills to get Regarde recommended him skills that would benefit him.

"Weapon mastery? and Magic mastery? I understand the need for weapon mastery but magic mastery? I only have dimension storage as magic but I can't use it for battle except taking in and out of weapons..." the confused John scrolled through the window to look for magics but he was baffled when he saw the prices

"The average price is 10 skill points?... If I buy the weapon mastery and magic mastery only 45 skill points would be left... So only I could know 4 magics... And it's the basic Earth, Water, Wind, and Fire magic".

John wants magic that could help him, but being level 1 means he can't use the magic skills proficiently it cost a lot of mana which the level John doesn't have.

Regarde understood his dilemma and made another suggestion "Why don't you buy the everyday magic? It cost a little mana and it's very versatile. Almost no one in Ashura knows it, except the gods and the former heroes and ancient civilization, everyday magic is magic that can be as strong as magics trained by a master magician.

People don't believe it because it can only give a wind that can blow hair, water that a bowl can store, earth in a shape of a pebble, and a splinter of fire, but when mastered it's more efficient than magic from a master magician"

After hearing Regarde's words the shadow on his face disappeared like there was nothing in it. He quickly searches through the skills of everyday magic.

After a few minutes, he found it, at the very top of the list.

-Everyday Magic-

10 Skill Points

He readily bought it without hesitation and looked for the weapon and magic mastery skills. As he was scrolling a skill that can help him was caught in his sight.

-Discerning Eyes-

35 Skill Points

"Discerning eyes?, is it the same as Identify skill from the production skill set?" John questioned and as if it's his time Regarde Happily explained.

"It's a skill that shows if a person has malice or not, it different from the elves spirit eyes, that can see them through lies. The discerning eyes just show the colors of a person whether they are dangerous or not. Ranging from green to black. And it can only be used on people, it-".

John nodded and bought the skill before Regarde finished talking.

Regarde was silent as he looked at John.

John gave him a big smile and thumbs up before buying the weapon mastery and magic mastery.

"Yosh, I'm all geared up... Thanks, Regarde" John smiled again.

Regarde nodded before opening a white portal, it was different from the summoning light that engulfed Alex and the others, the portal leads the person to another space and has a slight burden on the body and the other side was unknown, but John trusted Regarde. Then Regarde gave him his last advice.

"I'll connect the end of the portal to a place where you could start comfortably, Well then, I'll see you again... "

"Yeah, I'll see you again... Oh!, I almost forgot... What will happen to our original world?" John asked as he was about to enter the portal.

Regarde smiled bitterly and told him the truth

"you and the almost 200 students will be erased from your world. your existences from that world will be removed and everything will continue back to normal, but when you all return, you will all be transported back to the time and place of your disappearance".

John Nodded and smiled bitterly, he understood the words of Regarde.

Erasing your existence and everything will continue like nothing has happened, and being placed back to the time before they were summoned. A different timeline will emerge and all of the students will be moved to the timeline when they still exist, It's kinda reassuring when you first hear it, but when the phrase 'What if' strikes you, it gets uncomfortable, Like 'what if I went back? Would my powers remain with me?', it's a selfish question, but understandable. 'What if I remain here... Would the frozen Timeline of earth continue?' a question that is hard to answer. 'what if I was sent to the timeline where I didn't exist? would my family remember me? What would happen to me?' an uncomfortable question.

Regarde saw the questions on John's face and smiled bitterly, he doesn't know what would happen on the other side when they return, only the Divine beings of John's world could know, he couldn't help even if he wanted to.

After a minute or two, John accepted it, there's nothing he could do for now, and he gave Regarde his last thanks before going in the portal.

In Regarde's domain.

"...!" Regarde's eyes widened as he felt the strong divine power that was being used, he immediately scanned the area and saw the portal he made, the white portal was convulsing wildly as it changed color from white to green, to yellow, then eventually ended up in black, then vanished to think air.

"...the color of death" he spoke in a low voice, his face that was blurred earlier now showed an expression of worry.

"That divine power... the power of the primordial Gods, could it be..." Regarde's body trembled, his legs were shaking wildly, and eventually gave out.

"John Kaiser..." as Regarde sat down on a chair he created he worried about John's journey.