
Another universe

Another universe... seems interesting right? Well, Majo and a lot of other humans have to undergo this scenario in order to save Earth, why is that you might ask? Earth got attacked by an alien race from the Andromeda Galaxy, the aliens weren't able to destroy Earth in time, however, they're travelling across the universe to definitely destroy the Earth. Majo, along with many people gets sent into Another universe by a God who wants the humans to stand a chance in this war against the aliens. This universe is full of magic, relics, skills and more, our protagonist and the others have 10 years to survive in this dangerous world and become as strong as possible, in order to defeat those aliens.

majak · Fantasía
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130 Chs

The Goblin King - 10th Chapter


Number of players: 24 541]

[Name: Majo The Goblin Killer] [Open Inventory]

[Title: The Goblin Killer] [Switch Title]

[Title bonus: Title bonus: Increase effectivity of goblin equipment by 15%]

[Class: None]

[Skills: Bloody Critical Strike]

[Level: 6 15/1000 experience]

[Rank: E] [Open skill tree Locked]

[Health 220/220] [Mana 25/25]


Helmet: None

Cloak: Torn Black hoodie [F Grade]

Body Armour: Silkium Black Shirt [E+ Grade]

Leg Armour: Black pants [F Grade]

Relics: 1/5

Berserker Ring [Grade E]

[Effect - Increase Speed in proportion to Health Lost]


Left arm: Blood Dagger [D+ Grade]

[Special effect: Increase this weapon's damage by 100% when Health drops below 30%]

Right arm: Goblin Dagger [D Grade]


Strenght: 20

Vigor: 18

Intelligence: 11

Endurance: 13

Durability: 20

Speed: 20

After discussing our

special strategy for the boss fight we went inside the boss room , and what we saw was insane...

A huge pile of dead Goblins , atleast hundreds and there he was , sitting on the throne with two bodyguards next to him.

[Ratbag The Goblin King] [Grade C]

[Shrak The Shield] [Grade D]

[Gorg The Lemos Eater] [Grade D]

This is terryfying.

Why are they just sitting there , MENACINGLY.

Then out of nowhere the Goblin King SPOKE

Ratbag - "What are you guys , you're definitely not Lemos , well that doesn't matter , I am gonna kill you now.

The weird thing about this is that the two bodyguards look much tougher than Ratbag , but he is Grade C , I don't like where this is going.

Out of nowhere , he dissapeared and I got hit with a familiar experience. It was the same as when that monster that killed my mom dissapeared for a brief moment.

But this guy wasn't as fast not at all , although he's still much faster than Anna was.

He appeared behind Fenhua and stabbed him in his back with his Dagger. The Dagger didn't seem enhanced in any way , but Fenhua still received inconceivable amount of damage.

We split into 3 groups.

Charlotte and Hwa-Young started fighting Shrak.

Anders and Lisa started fighting Gorg.

Me , Mamadou , Chinami and critically injured Fenhua

started fighting the Goblin King.

We always kept our eyes on him , and whenever he dissapeared , we stood back to back with eachother to not get surprised.

But he was still too powerful , he kept slowly damaging all of us , we already came up with a strategy for a situation like this before hand.

(Tactical meeting this morning)

Me - "Guys about the Relics that we received for level 5 , you know how I got the Berserker Ring right? Well I have a plan. If we somehow get in a situation where we are fighting against an enemy that's too fast , let me take the most damage , the more damage I take the faster I become and that will Increase our chances for victory.

(Back to present)

Throughout this entire fight I'd almost always tank the attacks from Ratbag.



At this moment I noticed quite a difference in my Speed , the fight was on even par. But my health is too low , I am too wounded and I am slowly bleeding out , I won't survive this way.

And I was right , slowly but surely , Ratbag started picking of the others , I was completely carrying this fight thanks to my increased speed , but I was too exhausted from my wounds.

Then I crossed our daggers and I shouted - "PLEASE SOMETHING OR SOMEONE SAVE US."

And guess what , something really happened , I don't know how it happened but , both me and Ratbag fell through the floor and then everything went black , ONCE AGAIN.

(Few minutes later)

I woke up in a place that seemed familiar for some reason even though I am quite sure I wasn't here like ever but somehow it still seemed familiar.


[9th Dimension The Back---]


The voice in my head started blabbering some nonsense.

"Explain what do you mean by the Legendary Advancement."

[Allright , it's quite simple , in this world there are 10 dimensions and you entered one of them , the Dimension you're normally in is the so called Overworld , that's the 1st Dimension. Now you have entered the 9th Dimension which are the Backrooms]


[I can't answer this question anyways let me announce the news]

Is it just me or is the voice becoming more and more "human-like"?


[9th Dimension The Backrooms]

[New Title UNLOCKED: The Backroom Visitor]

[The Backroom Visitor Title Bonus: While you're in the Backrooms (9th dimension) , you'll gain 50% more experience from every source]

[Majo The Backroom Visitor] [E-Rank]

Suddenly I felt a gaze and I turned around , I completely forgot about the fact that the GOBLIN KING IS HERE TOO? With that I noticed that for some reason my health is full.

Ratbag looked at me surprised and then said - "You too?"

"What do you mean?"

"You just talked to yourself , is there a voice in yours head too?"

"WAIT , you have a voice in your head too? You're not a player that should be impossible!"

"Player? What the hell are you even talking about. Anyways , it seems that we got sent into another Dimension."

At this point I stopped trying to find answers to the hundreds of questions I had on my mind and just went with the flow.

"Well that's what it seems like , with that said I don't think we should be fighting against eachother right now. We both seem to have no clue what this Dimension is about , so what about a temporary truce?"

"Cooperation between a monster and a human? Who would ever expect that." Ratbag said as we shook our hands as sign of "peace" treaty.

We decided to let this peace go on until we get out of here and the moment we get out of here we will finish our unfinished bussiness.

I am pretty sure that if the two of us were to fight here right now it would end up horribly ( for me mostly).

But well, this means that I need to become stronger than someone who is already much stronger than me , but he also keeps leveling up , I don't like this.

"Can you tell me more about this Dimension voice?"

When I said that I realized that I should probably give her a name.

"Hold on let me give you a name , do you suggest anything?"

[I actually have a name , it's Mia]

"Allright then , Mia tell me something about this Dimension , but first tell me how did me and this guy end up here." I pointed at Ratbag.

[Usually you would enter another Dimension through a portal but that's not the case with this Dimension. You got to this Dimension through pure luck or unluck? That depends on how you take it]

"So I just got here randomly?"

[Yes , simply through a very very small chance]

Well whatever , I shouldn't ask anymore questions. I should rather start focusing on how to progress , me and Ratbag have been walking for a few minutes and it's like we are in the same room.

I am not sure if you guys know what Backrooms are but there was a theory on our planet (Earth) that such a place exists. Of course it's all made up but I was still pretty interested in it and well , when you enter the first level which is Level 0 , every room looks the same.

That is the case here but it's all completely white rooms and that's it nothing less , nothing more. Sometimes there is a small item in the room, like a pen or a Dagger , or even a chair for some reason.

But that's it , nothing else. I sure hope there are not any monsters in here , which is definitely not the case considering that I got this title which boosts my experience gain.

While me and Ratbag walked I learned how he got his system/voice. Pretty much there's a very small chance that a monster received this kind of a system and becomes very intelligent.

I also asked him about the Goblin pile of dead bodies in the boss room and he answered that he killed all of them simply for experience. That's really brutal but well sure I guess?

"Mia I have one more question , why is my health full? I am pretty sure you know this but I was heavily injured before I got here."

[Whenever you complete Legendary Advancement you receive full heal, automatically]

That is very usefull.

We kept going for a few more minutes until we finally received our first warning.

[Warning small group of hostile enemies in the area]

Time to test out teamwork between a Human and a Goblin.