
Another Tale: Osborn

The word or concept of transmigration is somewhat common to some and completely unknown to others. For some people it could be an opportunity they would not pass up. One not so common person has that opportunity and ended up in a completely unknown Marvel universe, however, when he woke up, he was not in the body of one of the heroes he knew or even a random person. He transmigrated into the body of one of Spider-Man’s enemies, Norman Osborn the Green Goblin. Will he become a hero who fights for good or will he be a villain who seeks to conquer everything in his path, or will he walk in a fine line between the two, not a villain but no a hero either? His story in Marvel is just about to begin. ---------------------------------------------------------- English is not my mother tongue, nor do I have a mastery of its grammatical and syntactical rules, so some people who place great importance on those aspects may not find the story entirely enjoyable to read. I warn from the beginning so that there is no misunderstanding with that fact.

TheXVoid · Cómic
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82 Chs


Four days had passed since the experimental test of the Connors Formula had begun, the actual date was September 2, 2009.

It could be said that practically Connors, Norman and even Gwen had been living in the laboratory, the first one because he was being observed and the others because they were the observers.

Norman would take a little time out of his day to be able to have a chat with his son, usually with Harry telling how his day had been and Norman commenting on occasion, after that little interaction he would simply go back to work.

There was also the fact that he had to deal with the demands of the medical board members, after a day Norman simply stopped listening to them and made it clear that if they wanted to leave they could, he wouldn't be putting up with the idiocy of the other people.

To his good fortune they seemed to take his words seriously and after that most of the board members became completely silent.

As for what was really important it could be said that the Connors Formula was a resounding success, in the four days that Norman observed Curtis he could tell that there was really nothing abnormal about him.

There was not even a single indication of any kind of change both externally and internally, everything was completely normal, so he ended up deducing that The Lizard was not created and that it would not be at least not with the normal Connors Formula.

With that in mind one of the worries he had disappeared, however, he was curious as to what would happen now that technically a fact had changed, although of course that was assuming that The Lizard in this universe must have been Curtis to begin with.

Curious really curious, there were so many possibilities that it was practically impossible to imagine all of them.

Today the mood in the laboratory was good, since after four days they could finally go home, and that fact was undoubtedly a joyful thing.

Most of the members of the medical board had already left and had only mentioned that they would report the results to the other members, but that Oscorp would undoubtedly have all the support it needed from them.

Currently, there were only a few people left among them the three members of the research team that developed the Connors Formula.

"Finally" mentioned Curtis with a sigh: "I was sick of the looks from all of them" he commented somewhat irritated, since they had basically treated him like an animal in a circus.

"It wasn't that bad" declared Gwen and only received a flat look from her mentor: "Ok maybe it was bad, but it's over, and now we won't have to go through the same thing, at least not so soon" she commented positively.

"Miss Stacy is right, for now the most important thing is to discover a way to make the impact of the Formula not so bad, since an old man or a child could not bear it" explained the Osborn remembering a little the first moments when Curtis was injected.

The other two people just nodded silently, knowing full well that they needed to improve that otherwise the product would not be accepted or if it did it could result in a lawsuit.

"For now it's time to go home, although it was only four days it certainly feels like many more" commented Norman with a bit of amusement.

As they chatted among themselves they began to head for the exit of the place they were at, once they reached the exit Dr. Curtis quickly separated from the group and started heading in the direction of his car.

Norman said goodbye to Gwen who started to take out her phone and began to head to the place where her driver was waiting, he just wanted to walk a little after so long without doing it.

He quickly arrived at his destination and simply got into the car, then he felt the vehicle start and relaxed as he looked out the window, it was a good day.

Gwen was about to get into her mother's car, she did not want to inform her father because she knew he would come for her in his patrol car, and although she was not ashamed of that fact she preferred that he keep the police vehicle for matters related to his work.

Just before getting into the car she looked at the vehicle where Norman was traveling and unconsciously said goodbye once again with a smile, to which Osborn simply waved his hand in farewell, without further ado Stacy got into the car.

Soon she saw her mother looking in the direction the Osborn's car was going: "Mom, what's wrong?" asked Stacy.

"Oh, nothing honey, I just wanted to see the man you keep talking about," she mentioned as she looked at her daughter, "I must admit he is handsome, maybe more than what you see on TV," she continued, not caring about her daughter's embarrassed face.

"Would you stop talking that way about my boss?" asked Gwen quickly.

Helen just looked at her daughter before starting the car, "Okay" she told her, "I will advise you though that you need to be quick if you want more than a working relationship" she commented casually.

"MOM!" exclaimed Gwen scandalized at her mother's insinuation, on the other hand Helen was just having fun with her daughter's reactions.


After four days Norman was finally home, it really felt good to do so.

He was really starting or rather already thinking of the Osborn mansion as his home, he had not informed of his arrival as he wanted it to be a surprise for Harry.

Osborn was holding a newly purchased chess board in his hands unlike Norman thought Harry was more interested with board games than anything else, although it's not like there were too many video games or alternative methods of entertainment.

Though before long that would change with the introduction of Oscorp to the entertainment market, but it was still a little while before that happened.

His footsteps soon led him to the living room which was where Mary Jane and Harry spent most of their time together when the little boy didn't have any of his tutoring.

His deduction was correct, and he soon spotted his son and the redhead on the living room floor, both of them were doing a puzzle that could be considered long at least visually.

MJ was the first to notice his presence and a smile formed on her face as she saw the intentions of Osborn who quietly approached behind his son as he set the board down on a small table.

Finally he took Harry in his arms and began to lift him up, the little boy was surprised by that fact, but after seeing who the person was he simply showed a smile: "Dad!" he exclaimed with childish enthusiasm, soon the joyful laughter of the three people indicated to the other people in the Mansion that Norman had returned.

Osborn was currently playing a round of chess with Harry, after helping to assemble the puzzle Harold asked to play chess.

Of course the fact that Norman was an adult gave him a great advantage against his son is for that reason that he turned a blind eye to the help that Mary Jane gave Harry, not that it helped too much after all with Norman's intelligence it was very easy to win.

"Sir you should see this" Bernard mentioned to him as he interrupted the atmosphere that the three people had created.

Norman just looked at the tablet the older man was giving him, he knew it was an important event otherwise Bernard would never bother him when he was having family time.

With his right hand he took the tablet as he watched Mary Jane and Harry discuss the next move they should make. As he held the tablet and looked at what was on the screen he knew why Bernard had interrupted him, "Prepare the plane" he mentioned simply.

"Something wrong?" asked Mary Jane with concern as she watched the Osborn's attitude change a little while Harry just looked confused at what was going on.

"Anthony Stark was found alive" he mentioned as he stood up "As I became a holder of a large portion of Stark Industries stock I need to go to California to have a talk with him anyway once he is notified of my actions he will request a meeting, so it is best to get this over as soon as possible" he explained a little more than anything to let Harry know the importance of his actions.

Harry just nodded silently at his father's words, of course he was sad that they couldn't have a little more time to be able to play, but he understood the action his father was taking, so he wouldn't object.

On the other hand Mary Jane was the one showing conflicting feelings, she understood the fact that Norman had to work, but she also thought that him should spend some time with Harry after all he had not been with him in person for four days, and he had just arrived and would be leaving again.

Of course those were just her thoughts and she didn't dare say them, as it would be overstepping the boundaries once again and most importantly Harry didn't object, so she couldn't do it.

Norman just let out a sigh before he started to leave, "I'll be back soon" was all he said before he left.

The explanation he mentioned to Harry was only half true, the other was to see if the information gathered in his first few days was true, and he had a better chance of knowing if he made it personal.

Plus there might be plenty of opportunity to get something else on the trip.

1668 words in this chapter.

And we begin the Iron Man mini-arc.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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