
T.D.o.N.B: Petrograd

We landed outside the city, behind the first tree line already on the goblin territory.

- Ok, now explain - Celestine said.

I started by sighing heavily.

- It's the time. To get to where I would want us to be, so everybody can start working without constantly taking each other crystals, I will need around a month, considering the respawn rate - I explained.

- We don't have supplies for that long - she pointed out, crossing her arms on her chest.

- I know. Otherwise, you would have to limit yourselves just to goblins, while I take the other spots, but it will slow me down, and you will all be packed in one place. Not to mention the crystals we need for getting those people in condition to actually be able to hunt relatively safely - I said.

- How many upgrades do you need to make? Was it two? - she asked.

I nodded in response.