
Another soul surviving in a god forsaken apocalypse world

It all started at a dark storm, zombies roam the street as animals that was once not a threat to human became lethal at a single strike, Hu Zhu now has to survive this god forsaken world. Along with a few survivors, she has to not only watch out for the monsters is outside the safety of walls, but also watch others survivors closely to not get betrayed. As she grows stronger she learned to trust certain people but to keep someone is a difficult task to her who is emotionless. book cover: https://www.wallpaperflare.com/anime-girl-sword-dress-black-hair-magic-wallpaper-bntea [Blood warlock fanfic]

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17 Chs

Chapter 7: Crazy Bai Zemin

Looking at the panel carefully, Hu Zhu had guessed that the choice of getting a job would come soon. She knew this because the job section in her status window remained empty as if waiting for the host to be strong enough to obtain a said job.

But upon looking over all the options she had obtained, she decided to contemplate in a safer spot. Right now, the battle that had occurred would surely attract unwanted attention. Quickly looting Qiao Long, she found a scroll that appeared right next to his body along with a necklace.

[Hurricane Necklace (Rare Grade Treasure): Contains a great wind-like element inside. Once a day, it can release a hurricane in a straight line and send nearby targets flying. When equipped, Magic +10]

[Air Manipulation (First Order Active Skill) Level 1: Air Manipulation is the universal law that allows you to control the air.]

[The scope of the skill depends on knowledge, magic power, Magic stat, and purity of records. Its activation requires 5 Mana points but the consumption may vary depending on its use, being higher but never lower.]

Not thinking too hard about it, Hu Zhu stored the scroll in her backpack and fled the scene, going straight to the gymnasium.

With her improved speed and stamina, dodging fights became easier. But on the way, she saw an unusual behavior by the zombies. As if being called, all the zombies were converging in a certain direction. Curiosity took over her, and she leaped on top of a building to observe what was going on.

With her dynamic eyes, she could see almost ten miles, provided she had a clear view. Focusing on the direction of the clinic, she saw an unbelievable sight: a beetle the size of an elephant slumped over, with a young man, Bai Zemin, lying beside it. One would think he was dead, but noticing the steady breath of his chest, she felt amazed. Though she was confident she could take it on at her peak condition, the thought of Bai Zemin, someone who was probably a lower level than her, taking that on was insanity.

"That will fight, a very strong human," her monotone became much apparent, not hiding her feeling of indifference anymore.

Quickly dropping from the building and rushing towards the direction, she arrived shortly, giving her a clearer picture. The rubble of the surrounding area was broken, with many pieces scattered as a result of the battle. Fire lingered on the ground, even with the constant rain trying to suppress it. It did not go out—a magical fire fueled by mana rather than oxygen.

Quickly checking Bai Zemin's condition, Hu Zhu saw that he was heavily injured: first-degree burns on the legs, a fractured left arm and right leg, and deep blunt wounds across his chest. Observing his expression, it was clear he was in deep pain.

"Ugh," he unconsciously grunted as Hu Zhu checked some of his wounds. Surprisingly, she could see wounds visibly being repaired, though minuscule. He was recovering at an impossible rate, maybe the benefit of absorbing others' soul power.

Not lingering on such thoughts, Hu Zhu slapped lightly on his face multiple times to wake him up from his unconscious state.

With blurry eyes, all he saw was a black-haired woman with red eyes, and unconsciously blurted out, "Lilith?"

"I'm Hu Zhu. Right now, you are in critical condition. Can you walk?"

"Ugh," he quickly tried to summon strength into his legs but failed, exhausted by battling the Blazing Beetle. "No."

"Alright, I will carry you. Hold on tight," Hu Zhu shifted her backpack to be worn on her front and carried the injured Bai Zemin onto her back along with his sword.

"Wait, huf," Bai Zemin interjected.

"My backpack is left inside the clinic. It has all the medicine I found. It's on the second floor of the clinic." Turning to the half-destroyed clinic, Hu Zhu quickly scanned the exposed second floor and saw a gray backpack resting and tucked between some beds. Leaping up and retrieving it, she wasted no time lingering any longer, as zombies were sure to approach any second.

Equipping the backpack to Bai Zemin, Hu Zhu lifted him.

"F*ck, you're F*cking heavy," they sprinted away quickly to safety.


"What happened, Hu Zhu and Bai Zemin? They are returning late," Shangguan Bing Xue waited at the front door, hoping they had not encountered anything beyond their power. But their late arrival worried her.

Don't get her wrong, she doesn't have any deep connection between those two but losing two fighters is a major disadvantage as her group has only 5 people who can survive alone, reducing it by 2 is almost half of the manpower gone Shangguan Bing Xue looked to the side and saw Wu Yijun was also waiting

Wu Yijun was grateful that Hu Zhu saved her and her friends, it would be weird to not worry about your savior, even though she is cold most of the time her action saved many, she does not know Hu Zhu that well but she knows Hu Zhu doesn't show her feeling but instead use action rather than words to express her thought

After minutes of silence, Shangguan Bing Xue had enough and wanted to look for them herself.

"Chen He, we are going out to find Hu Zhu and Bai Zemin." But as soon as she said so, the door slammed open, revealing a heavily injured Bai Zemin being carried by Hu Zhu, who was breathing heavily.

"Some students were shaken by the sudden sound and saw Hu Zhu, who was moderately injured, and Bai Zemin, who was nearly unconscious from his injuries.

"No way, what kind of monster can do that much damage to both of them?" This sentiment made the group lose some hope. Even the fast Hu Zhu and invincible Bai Zemin were reduced to this state, making them feel like ants ready to be stepped on with one wrong move.

"Hu Zhu!" Wu Yijun was the first to check on Hu Zhu. After dropping Bai Zemin beside the door, she lay beside Bai Zemin, clearly exhausted.

"I'm fine. Just tired," Hu Zhu tried to recover her lost breath. She had been sprinting straight to the gymnasium, carrying two heavy backpacks filled to the brim with medicine and food, along with other items. Even if her strength could wield multiple pounds with ease, her body size mattered, and her class was meant for speed, not strength. She would leave that job to Liang Peng.

Shangguan Bing Xue checked Bai Zemin's injuries, and some black lines formed on her cold face.

"What happened?" Shangguan Bing Xue asked Hu Zhu.

"If you see a flaming beetle the size of an elephant, who can run through clinics and other buildings, what would you do?" Shangguan Bing Xue frowned at Hu Zhu's words.

"I would retreat."

"Right, the most logical thing to do, right? But this crazy guy fought the thing head-on and won." Shangguan Bing Xue's eyes widened in surprise. How? With such a crazy description, how could you not be scared of the creature, yet Bai Zemin faced it head-on

"And what happened to you?" She turned to the bleeding hole in Hu Zhu's left shoulder along with deep cuts and bruises caused by Hu Zhu crashing into the side of a building.

"It's nothing, just ran into some problem in the garden and on the way back" After recovering enough stamina Hu Zhu stood up and went into the cafeteria to rest but before retrieving a spare med kit and throwing it to Shangguan Bing Xue.

She is smart and instantly knows what Hu Zhu's intentions are but turns to me with eyes of doubt.

"Shouldn't you use this on yourself" All humans are selfish, Shangguan Bing Xue knew this fact, especially people like Hu Zhu, who doesn't have any real attachment towards any of them in the gym.

"Bai Zemin is more injured, and I have multiple of these in my belongings" Closing the door to the cafeteria, silence reigns the room as she goes back to the corner of her resting place.

Feeling mentally tired she closed her eyes and instantly fell asleep.