
Another Harry Potter Fanfiction

In a 1990s London orphanage, Sean Felliop, a bookish and academically gifted young boy stands out with his mature mind. He is in fact the byproduct of reincarnation. Chatgpt powered

TheVeryLazyOne · Derivados de obras
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20 Chs

Last month before Hogwart

As Sean lay in his solitary dormitory bed that night, the echoes of his trip to Diagon Alley resonated within him. Excitement bubbled beneath the surface, fueled by the vibrant displays of magical wares and the prospect of entering Hogwarts. Yet, there lingered a hint of reluctance, a quiet reservation that cast a shadow over his anticipation.

The solitary nature of his dormitory, a privilege earned through both academic excellence and the Matron's favor, provided a unique environment for reflection. Sean, feeling a sense of separation from the other orphans, contemplated the exceptional qualities that set him apart—his magical abilities and the Matron's special regard for him.

Despite his enthusiasm for the magical world unfolding before him, a subtle unease crept in when he considered the impending meeting with Dumbledore. The prospect of someone delving into his thoughts, unraveling the intricacies of his mind, left Sean feeling vulnerable and guarded. It was a hesitancy born not out of wrongdoing but rather a desire to protect the private recesses of his thoughts and fears.

In the quiet of the night, as the magical world outside Diagon Alley seemed both enchanting and daunting, Sean's emotions formed a complex tapestry. Excitement, reluctance, and a touch of apprehension interwove, creating a nuanced emotional landscape that would accompany him into the halls of Hogwarts and the mysteries that lay ahead.

The next morning dawned with an infectious energy for Sean as he awoke in his solitary dormitory. The soft glow of the morning sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting a warm hue on the worn pages of the books he had acquired at Flourish and Blotts. The tantalizing prospect of exploring the world of magic within those pages fueled his determination to make the most of what he had.

Eager to delve into his newfound treasures, Sean pulled out The Standard Book of Spells Grade 1 by Miranda Goshawk, the only one he could afford, and began to read its introductory pages. The anticipation of unlocking the secrets of spellcasting sent a surge of excitement through him, dispelling any lingering reluctance from the previous night.

His magical journey continued as he flipped through the pages of A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot, absorbing the tales of wizards and magical phenomena that had shaped the wizarding world. The richness of magical history unfolded before him, adding depth to his understanding and fueling his desire to master the art.

With each turn of the page in Magical Theory by Adalbert Waffling, Sean felt a growing connection to the underlying principles that governed magic. The theoretical knowledge laid the groundwork for the practical applications he envisioned in his training.

A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration by Emeric Switch beckoned him with its promise of transformation, and Sean eagerly immersed himself in the intricacies of turning one thing into another. The challenge of mastering this fundamental magical skill fueled his determination.

As he reached for One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi by Phyllida Spore, Sean's curiosity expanded beyond spells and transfiguration to the magical ingredients that could enhance his potions and concoctions. The allure of creating magical mixtures stirred his imagination.

Magical Drafts and Potions by Arsenius Jigger captured Sean's attention next, promising a journey into the art of potion-making. The prospect of brewing magical concoctions fascinated him, and he eagerly absorbed the knowledge presented in the book.

The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection by Quentin Trimble added a touch of pragmatism to Sean's magical education. As he delved into the secrets of defending oneself against dark forces, he felt a newfound sense of responsibility and a commitment to honing his magical skills for self-protection.

The morning unfolded in a magical symphony of learning, with each book adding a unique note to the harmonious composition of Sean's budding magical journey. Energized by the knowledge within those pages, he embarked on a day of focused training, his determination unwavering and his magical potential ready to unfold.

Over the course of the month, Sean immersed himself in a dedicated regimen of magical training within the confines of his solitary dormitory. The pages of his carefully chosen books became well-worn companions as he delved into the intricate world of spells, potions, and magical theory.

Each morning, he began by practicing the foundational spells outlined in The Standard Book of Spells Grade 1. The incantations of Wingardium Leviosa and Alohomora became second nature to him, as he flawlessly executed the wand movements with precision. Sean's dormitory echoed with the soft incantations and the gentle swish and flick of his wand as he honed his control over the magical forces at his command.

After mastering the spells, he moved on to the theoretical aspects of magical knowledge. A History of Magic became a captivating journey through centuries of wizarding history, and Magical Theory by Adalbert Waffling deepened his understanding of the underlying principles of magic. Sean's mind absorbed the information like a sponge, weaving the threads of theory into the fabric of his growing magical prowess.

With A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration, Sean undertook the challenge of transforming ordinary objects into fantastical forms. The transfiguration process demanded both mental focus and precise wandwork, and Sean dedicated hours to perfecting his ability to alter the nature of things.

One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi opened up a world of botanical wonders to Sean. He meticulously memorized the properties and uses of each magical ingredient, envisioning the potions and concoctions he would create in the future. The dormant curiosity within him sprang to life as he imagined the alchemical possibilities hidden within those pages.

Magical Drafts and Potions became his laboratory manual, and Sean, armed with a cauldron and a collection of magical ingredients, practiced brewing potions with meticulous care. The subtle alchemy of mixing and stirring, combined with the precise timing of magical infusions, became second nature to him.

As he delved into The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection, Sean honed his defensive skills. He practiced shielding charms, counter-curses, and other defensive spells until they became ingrained in his muscle memory. The shadows of doubt that had lingered in his reluctance to meet Dumbledore were dispelled as he grew more confident in his ability to protect himself.

At the end of the month, Sean's efforts bore fruit. He had not only mastered every 1st-year spell but also memorized all the potions and magical herbs slated for the entire year. His solitary dormitory had transformed into a haven of magical knowledge, and Sean stood at the threshold of Hogwarts with a newfound confidence and a reservoir of magical prowess ready to unfold. The month of intense training had shaped him into a wizard well-prepared for the magical challenges that lay ahead.

The day of departure arrived, and the matron, a figure of authority and care in Sean's life, drove him to King's Cross Station. The journey was a mix of anticipation and bittersweet moments, the engine's rhythmic hum providing a backdrop to the unspoken emotions that filled the car.

As the matron navigated through the bustling streets, occasional glances were exchanged between Sean and the matron, their silent understanding weaving a tapestry of unspoken sentiments. The car's interior held a quiet tension, a blend of excitement for the new adventure and the lingering reluctance to part ways.

Upon reaching King's Cross Station, the matron parked the car in a secluded spot. The platform loomed ahead, marked by the iconic brick wall that concealed the entrance to Platform 9¾. Sean gathered his belongings, the weight of his trunk and the anticipation of the magical world ahead adding a sense of gravity to the moment.

The matron, though reluctant to see Sean go, stepped out of the car. Her gaze softened, and a hint of nostalgia lingered in her eyes as she helped Sean with his luggage. A bond, forged through shared moments and the unique circumstances of his upbringing, hung in the air.

Before the inevitable farewell, the matron mustered the strength to voice her sentiments. "Sean," she began, her voice carrying a mix of affection and reluctance, "I'll miss having you here. But I want you to write to me, let me know how you're doing."

Sean, sensing the matron's internal struggle, nodded in understanding. "I will, Matron. I promise to keep in touch."

The matron, with a subtle smile, handed Sean a piece of parchment and a quill. "Once a month, Sean. Just a little letter to let me know you're well. It'll mean the world to me."

Sean, touched by the matron's request, accepted the parchment. "I'll make sure to send you updates. Thank you for everything, Matron."

Their farewell carried the weight of unspoken gratitude and the hope for a future where the bonds forged in the quiet corridors of the orphanage would endure.

With a mixture of excitement and nervous anticipation, Sean approached the barrier between Platforms 9 and 10. He took a deep breath, gathered his resolve, and moved forward, feeling a momentary resistance as he passed through the seemingly solid wall. To his amazement, the bustling world of Platform 9¾ unfolded before him.

The sight was nothing short of magical. The scarlet Hogwarts Express loomed in all its glory, billowing steam into the air. The platform was alive with the energy of students and families, owls hooting in cages, and the occasional sound of magical creatures. It was a scene straight out of the wizarding world, and Sean couldn't help but marvel at the spectacle.

Navigating through the crowd, Sean found an empty compartment on the train. He slid open the door and stepped inside, the soft click resonating in the quiet space. The compartment, though initially empty, held the promise of camaraderie and shared adventures with future friends.

As Sean settled into a comfortable seat, he peered out of the compartment window. The platform buzzed with activity as parents bid farewell to their children. Laughter, tears, and the occasional flutter of owls' wings filled the air. Sean observed this poignant scene, feeling a twinge of nostalgia for the familiar bonds he had left behind at the orphanage.

Families embraced, and children waved excitedly from the train windows. Sean couldn't help but reflect on the unique journey he was about to embark on—a journey of self-discovery and magical education. The platform gradually cleared, leaving Sean in the solitude of his compartment, a space that would soon be filled with the laughter and chatter of newfound companions.

With a sense of anticipation tinged with a touch of loneliness, Sean gazed out at the departing families. As the train whistle echoed through the station, signaling the imminent departure, he braced himself for the adventure ahead, eager to make his own place within the enchanting world of Hogwarts.

As Sean settled into his compartment, he glanced out the window, absorbing the last glimpses of the bustling platform. The door slid open, revealing a bossy and determined-looking girl with unruly hair. It was Hermione Granger.

"Excuse me, but do you mind if I sit here? I couldn't find an empty compartment," Hermione asked in a brisk and somewhat unpleasant manner, her tone suggesting that she expected compliance.

Sean, unfazed by her assertiveness, gestured toward the empty seats. "Sure, feel free to join. Plenty of space."

Hermione entered the compartment with an air of entitlement, her eyes scanning the surroundings before settling on Sean. She seemed to be sizing him up, trying to gauge his compatibility with her standards. Sean, however, remained calm and composed, keeping any initial impressions to himself.

Just as Hermione settled into a seat, another figure appeared in the doorway—Neville Longbottom. He stood hesitantly, clutching his robe and looking nervously between Sean and Hermione.

"Um, excuse me. I, uh, was wondering if... if I could sit here?" Neville stammered, his timid demeanor contrasting sharply with Hermione's assertiveness.

Sean, with a friendly smile, motioned for Neville to join them. "Of course there is plenty of room. Make yourself at home."

Neville, visibly relieved, entered the compartment and settled into a seat, offering a shy nod of gratitude. 

"Hey, I'm Sean," he introduced himself, extending a hand. "Nice to meet you both."

Hermione, though initially reserved, shook Sean's hand with a nod. "I'm Hermione Granger. Pleased to meet you."

"Neville Longbottom," Neville added, returning Sean's handshake with a shy smile.

The trio eased into a conversation about their backgrounds and experiences. Sean shared a bit about his life, carefully omitting details that would reveal his magical upbringing at the orphanage. Hermione, in her usual articulate manner, spoke about her enthusiasm for learning and her desire to emulate Dumbledore's achievements. Neville, a bit more reserved, mentioned his family's history in Gryffindor and the pressure he felt to continue the tradition.

"So, what houses are you hoping for?" Sean asked, steering the conversation toward the impending Sorting Hat ceremony.

Hermione spoke first, her eyes glinting with determination. "Gryffindor, of course. It's the house known for bravery and leadership, and I want to follow in Dumbledore's footsteps."

Neville, looking a bit more apprehensive, chimed in. "Yeah, Gryffindor. My parents were in Gryffindor, and it'd mean a lot to them if I got in too."

Sean, leaning back thoughtfully, responded with a nonchalant shrug. "I don't really have a preference. Wherever the Sorting Hat puts me is fine. I'm just excited to see what Hogwarts has in store."

As the conversation continued, the trio exchanged stories, sharing their expectations and dreams for the magical journey that lay ahead. While Hermione and Neville seemed invested in their house placements, Sean remained open-minded, more interested in the experiences Hogwarts had to offer than the color of his house robes. The train rumbled on, carrying them closer to the castle and the mysteries that awaited them within its walls.

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