
Another Harry Potter Fanfiction

In a 1990s London orphanage, Sean Felliop, a bookish and academically gifted young boy stands out with his mature mind. He is in fact the byproduct of reincarnation. Chatgpt powered

TheVeryLazyOne · Derivados de obras
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20 Chs

First Lesson

As the first rays of dawn illuminated Ravenclaw Tower, Sean awoke at precisely 6:30 AM, thanks to the Tempus spell. Groggily rubbing his eyes, he reached for his wand and cast a glance at his timetable that was conveniently pinned on the wall.

With a focused look, Sean reviewed the day's schedule, mentally preparing for the classes and tasks ahead. The neatly organized timetable reflected a day filled with magical studies, and Sean's determination to make the most of his time at Hogwarts surged.

After a brief moment of contemplation, Sean decided to kickstart his day with a healthy routine. Eager to maintain a balanced lifestyle, he changed into his exercise attire and headed out of the dormitory. The castle's corridors were still dimly lit as Sean navigated his way towards an open space where he could engage in physical activity.

Under the enchanted ceiling that mimicked a serene sunrise, Sean began his morning exercises. Whether it was jogging through the castle corridors or practicing wand movements, he embraced the tranquility of the early hour. The solitude allowed him to focus on both magical and physical fitness, setting a positive tone for the day.

As the clock approached 7:30 AM, signaling the imminent arrival of breakfast, Sean concluded his exercises. Sweating but invigorated, he headed back to the Ravenclaw Tower to freshen up. A quick wash and a grooming charm later, Sean was ready to join his fellow Ravenclaws for the first meal of the day.

With a contented sigh, Sean left the dormitory, making his way to the Great Hall. The aroma of breakfast wafted through the corridors, and the castle gradually came to life as students prepared for the day ahead. Sean's proactive start to the morning not only energized him physically but also set a positive tone for the magical journey that awaited him at Hogwarts.

With a plate of scrambled eggs and toast in hand, Sean joined his fellow Ravenclaw students at the long, blue and silver-adorned table in the Great Hall. The morning buzz of conversation filled the air as he sought an open spot. Spotting two friendly faces, Terry Boot and Anthony Goldstein, Sean decided to introduce himself.

"Mind if I join you guys?" Sean asked with a friendly smile.

Terry, engrossed in a magical tome beside his plate, looked up and nodded, "Sure, go ahead. Always good to have more company in Ravenclaw."

Anthony, who was enthusiastically discussing the latest magical news with the person next to him, turned his attention to Sean. "Absolutely! The more, the merrier. Have a seat!"

Taking a place between Terry and Anthony, Sean initiated a conversation, "I'm Sean, by the way. Just got here."

Terry, with a genuine curiosity in his eyes, closed his book and extended his hand, "Terry Boot. Nice to meet you, Sean. You seem new to the magical world?"

Sean nodded, "Yeah, completely new. Just figuring things out."

Anthony chimed in, "No worries, Sean! We've all been there. Hogwarts is an incredible place to learn and discover. I'm Anthony Goldstein, by the way. Welcome to Ravenclaw!"

Grateful for the warm reception, Sean engaged in the lively conversation, learning about Terry's dedication to the pursuit of knowledge and Anthony's friendly nature. As the trio continued to chat over breakfast, Sean felt a sense of camaraderie with his new Ravenclaw companions. The enchanting atmosphere of the Great Hall and the genuine friendliness of his peers marked the beginning of meaningful connections at Hogwarts.

As Sean entered the bustling Great Hall for breakfast, the aroma of magical dishes filled the air, and the chatter of students echoed around him. Ravenclaw House occupied a section of the long tables, and Sean took a seat among his housemates.

As he began to eat, Sean noticed two unfamiliar faces sitting nearby. Terry Boot, a dedicated and studious Ravenclaw with an approachable demeanor, caught Sean's attention. Anthony Goldstein, a friendly and good-natured individual, sat beside Terry. Both were freshmen, new to Hogwarts and the magical world.

Sean decided to introduce himself, realizing that building connections with his fellow Ravenclaws was an essential part of his Hogwarts experience. With a friendly smile, he approached Terry and Anthony.

"Hey there! I'm Sean Felliop, a fellow Ravenclaw. Just started at Hogwarts. How about you?" Sean extended a hand in greeting.

Terry, always enthusiastic about knowledge, responded, "Terry Boot. Pleasure to meet you, Sean. Hogwarts is a treasure trove of magical wonders, don't you think?"

Anthony, with a warm smile, chimed in, "I'm Anthony Goldstein. Nice to have more company at our table. How are you finding Hogwarts so far?"

Sean engaged in a friendly conversation with Terry and Anthony, sharing stories of his journey to Hogwarts and the magical experiences he had encountered. The trio bonded over their excitement for learning, and Sean felt a sense of camaraderie with his new friends.

As breakfast continued, Sean, Terry, and Anthony exchanged thoughts about their expectations for classes and the unique aspects of Ravenclaw House. The magical world unfolded before them, and the friendships formed over the breakfast table marked the beginning of Sean's social adventure at Hogwarts.

Seated at the Ravenclaw table during breakfast, Sean, Terry Boot, and Anthony Goldstein engaged in a lively conversation about their most anticipated classes at Hogwarts.

"So, which class are you most excited about?" Sean asked, curious about his new friends' preferences.

Terry, a gleam of enthusiasm in his eyes, replied, "Definitely Charms! Professor Flitwick is our Head of House, and he's an absolute master. The way he teaches charms is simply enchanting. I can't wait to learn and master spells under his guidance."

Anthony nodded in agreement, chiming in, "Charms are fascinating, indeed. But for me, it's all about Herbology and Potions. I've always had a hobby for plants and concoctions. Professor Sprout makes Herbology so intriguing, and I'm eager to delve into the magical properties of various herbs. Now, Potions, on the other hand... not my favorite. Professor Snape is a bit, well, intimidating."

Sean chuckled, finding common ground with his new friends. "I see. Charms does sound interesting, and I can imagine how Professor Flitwick's teaching style would make it enjoyable. Herbology and Potions, though, that's quite a combination, Anthony. What is it about Professor Snape that you don't like?"

Anthony sighed, "Snape is just so... stern. He seems to enjoy making students uncomfortable. I've heard his classes can be quite challenging. But hey, maybe I'll change my mind once we actually start the lessons."

Terry grinned, "Well, Anthony, if you ever need a study buddy for Potions, count me in. Together, we'll conquer Snape's challenges."

The conversation continued, with the trio sharing their expectations and concerns about the magical classes that awaited them at Hogwarts. Sean, though indifferent about specific classes, enjoyed the camaraderie and the insights his new friends provided, creating a sense of unity among the Ravenclaw freshmen.

As breakfast at the Ravenclaw table concluded, Sean, Terry Boot, and Anthony Goldstein prepared to make their way to their first class—Potions. Sean noticed a hint of apprehension in Anthony's expression, and he realized that the prospect of facing Professor Snape might be a source of anxiety for him.

"Alright, first class, Potions. Follow me, I know the way," Sean offered, taking the lead as the trio left the Great Hall.

Terry, always eager for new experiences, walked alongside Sean with an air of excitement. "I've heard Potions can be challenging, but also quite fascinating. Let's see what Snape has in store for us."

Anthony, however, hung back slightly, glancing around nervously. "I've heard Snape is... strict. I hope I don't mess up in front of him," he admitted, his tone betraying a touch of unease.

Sean reassured Anthony with a friendly pat on the back. "Don't worry, Anthony. We're in this together. And who knows, maybe Snape's reputation is worse than reality."

Navigating through the labyrinthine corridors of Hogwarts, Sean guided his friends down the staircases and through various hallways, eventually leading them to the basement. The trio reached the door of the Potions classroom, where the sounds of bubbling cauldrons and the scent of magical ingredients wafted through the air.

Anthony took a deep breath, summoning his courage, as Sean pushed the door open. The sight of a dimly lit room filled with long tables and cauldrons greeted them. Professor Snape stood at the front, surveying the students with a piercing gaze.

Terry whispered to Anthony, "Just remember, Anthony, it's our first class. We're all figuring things out. And Sean here is practically a Hogwarts tour guide."

Sean chuckled, playfully rolling his eyes. "Alright, enough with the tour guide jokes. Let's find our seats, and remember, it's just the beginning. We've got this."

As the Ravenclaw trio settled into their seats, the anticipation for the first Potions class loomed. The atmosphere in the basement classroom was both tense and exciting, marking the start of their magical education at Hogwarts.

Professor Snape's Potions class unfolded in a dimly lit dungeon, setting the stage for an ominous atmosphere. The students, including Sean, Terry Boot, and Anthony Goldstein, took their places, their anticipation mingled with a touch of anxiety. Professor Snape's reputation for strictness and precision added an extra layer of tension to the already intimidating environment.

As the class began, Professor Snape wasted no time in establishing the gravity of the subject. "Potions is a precise art, requiring patience, dexterity, and a keen understanding of magical ingredients," he declared with an air of authority. His stern gaze swept across the room, emphasizing the seriousness of the magical discipline they were about to delve into.

The professor proceeded to explain the task for the day, his instructions delivered with a level of brevity that left the students bewildered. He demonstrated the potion they were expected to brew, but his explanation was cryptic, lacking the clarity needed for first-time learners. The intricate dance of magical ingredients and precise wand movements seemed to elude the students, especially Sean, Terry, and Anthony.

Sean exchanged uncertain glances with his friends as they fumbled with their cauldrons and ingredients. The sense of confusion and frustration hung thick in the air as Professor Snape moved among the students, his critical eye assessing every nuance of their progress.

The precision and exactness demanded by the subject clashed with the haphazard attempts of the inexperienced students, creating an environment fraught with tension. The dungeon echoed with the clinking of glass, the bubbling of cauldrons, and the occasional sigh of frustration.

Professor Snape's teaching style, though undoubtedly effective for the most adept students, left the newcomers feeling overwhelmed and disoriented. The lack of clarity and guidance in the initial stages of the lesson made the Potions class a challenging initiation into the world of magical brewing.

As Sean, Terry, and Anthony navigated the intricacies of their first Potions lesson, the harsh reality of Professor Snape's expectations became painfully apparent. The dungeon setting seemed to reflect the somber mood that had settled over the students, marking the beginning of a journey that promised both magical mastery and a fair share of challenges in the Potions classroom.

In the stifling atmosphere of the Potions classroom, Sean and Terry found themselves working side by side, attempting to brew the assigned potion under the watchful and perturbing stare of Professor Snape. The professor's piercing gaze had already set an uneasy tone in the room, leading many students to falter in their attempts and create disastrous concoctions.

Despite Terry's nervousness, Sean remained focused and determined. The pressure from Professor Snape's scrutiny was palpable, with the professor not hesitating to criticize and rebuke students for the slightest errors. The air was thick with tension as cauldrons bubbled, and the room echoed with the unsettling sounds of failures.

Sean, however, kept his composure and followed the instructions meticulously. His movements were deliberate, his wand flicks precise, and his attention to detail unwavering. Terry, though visibly anxious, mirrored Sean's careful approach, trying to keep up with the demands of the intricate potion.

As the brewing continued, Sean and Terry managed to produce a potion that, in any ordinary circumstance, would be deemed exemplary. Their collaboration, despite the challenging environment, resulted in a potion that exhibited skill and dedication.

When the time came for Professor Snape to evaluate the students' potions, the intensity in the room reached its peak. Professor Snape, known for his harsh critiques, inspected each cauldron with a critical eye. When he reached Sean and Terry, the professor's stare lingered on their potion.

To their surprise, Professor Snape merely uttered, "Acceptable," and moved on. The two friends exchanged puzzled glances, perplexed by the lack of acknowledgment for their efforts. It seemed that, in the midst of Snape's strict standards, a potion deemed "acceptable" failed to garner the recognition it truly deserved.

Despite the disheartening assessment, Sean and Terry pressed on, determined to navigate the challenges of the Potions classroom and earn the elusive approval of Professor Snape. The brewing session served as a reminder of the demanding nature of magical education at Hogwarts, where success often required not only skill but also an understanding of the idiosyncrasies of each professor's expectations.

I am not very proficient in cutting chapter efficiently so sorry sometimes it might get confusing when searching chapters

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