
Another Hanma with heart for fight (english)

A new soul coming into Yujiro's world as his twin brother guiding the young Yujiro Hanma trying to create a better ending for the Hanma family, with old fighting families in a world with a lot of history in the development of martial arts. *First Chapters edited for spelling errors, first novel trying to do my best. The original is in my first language Spanish, this is an English version with my B1+ level. *Not my own cover, art obtained from https://www.pinterest.com.mx/nekoasagi91/animes-de-pelo-azul/

BlueHanma · Cómic
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61 Chs

Short history (BlackJack);

After saying goodbye to Kenji and Yujiro I started to head off with my daughter Pinoko, who was very sad to say goodbye to Alexa. Arriving in the city we took a train to Fukusoka as my clients in the city are completely desperate when the news comes that the Japanese hospitals are overcrowded and the best doctors in the country were called in to treat the retired top commanders of the war, It is said that there is a series of fights going on in the Vietnam region so it has to be taken into account that many doctors will have to be enlisted to serve in the army, to be honest answering the call of the army is already a lot of face for that bunch of old bastards.

After convincing Pinoko that we would return quickly which I really didn't think would come true, we started to visit my friends and perform operations for a period of two weeks until Kenji suddenly called me which, to be honest, relaxed me a lot because that means he considers me a trusted friend. So I quickly returned after picking up Pinoko's friend Sharaku who was clamoring every day to meet the ogres that Pinoko was talking about all the time clamoring to defeat them since they were no stronger than himself.

Only entering the mountains a week later in order to find Yujiro's house we got lost three times, the road is full of construction trucks and lots of little kids running around shouting to their friends not to go into the forest because the monsters will eat us and then hide again. Sharaku already started to tremble while Pinoko does not stop teasing him, although I never thought that instead of a friend I would be considered a tool man to contact people, a year after helping Yujiro and Kenji in the house they were building I had to leave the country and head to Vietnam by military orders.

Mrs. Alexandra was willing to help me while I was away by taking care of Pinoko and Sharaku who ended up with some mental shadow the day Yujiro used him as a toy for his children's tigers, he was trembling with fear all day in a cave near the forest until Kenji found him and brought him back tied up as a garbage bag. Pinoko was enchanted so I could only sigh and worry that her love for Yujiro would never be realized because of the genetic problems he had during his birth without being able to experience what a young girl could.