
Impish Red

I, Silva Branwen, am currently bored out of my Brothers' damn mind. Two weeks have gone by since I have taken up my bodyguard duties with the Malachite twin, and Raven has left me in lower Mistral by myself. During these two weeks, I got to know the twins and that they are very different from each other despite being identical in appearance. Miltia is alright; she is polite and friendly plus spends most of her time in the safehouse watching her Faunus soap operas.

I was not expecting Faunus soap operas to be a thing here in Remnant. Melanie, however, is quarrelsome, brash, and bratty. She sometimes watches TV with her sister, but she mostly picks a fight with me to pass the time. The only way for me to kill time is to either argue with Melanie or train, as I can't stand watching soap operas. There is too much freaking drama for me to stomach. I started doing push-ups to give me something to do as Melanie and Miltia watched TV out of boredom.

As I started to break into a sweat and feel the burn after a while and Melanie then decided to start something with me because she got bored of Miltia's soap operas.

" Hey, don't start stinking up the room, you filthy animal!"

" Then go to the bathroom and draw me a bath, Miss-less-attractive-twin."

Melanie bristles at me for calling her the less attractive twin between her and her sister and retorts.

" We're identical twins, you idiot! And like no, I am not going to draw you a bath you can bathe outside."

" Keep telling yourself that, and maybe you will believe that one day, you will be as pretty as Miltia. And how about instead, I take you outside and hose you down."

The argumentive twin looked incredulously at me for suggesting I hose her down like a dog. She narrowed her eyes and was reduced to name-calling.

" Unwashed barbaric beast!"

I had no issues replying in kind and dropping down to her level. So I said with a smile as I continued to do push-ups.

" Trumped-up wanna-be popular girl."

" Baby Bandit!"

"Crossed-eyed ghoul in white."

Miltia just sighed at me and Melanie's antics and turned up the volume of the TV to tune us out. Melanie eventually ran out of insults to hurl at me and let out a frustrated groan, and I kept score between who won our arguments.

" 12, me. 3 for you, Melanie."

" Shut up!"

I chuckled at Melanie but complied as I kept silent and switched to squats. Melanie pouted as I won another argument between us and just watched me work out. Melanie then asked me after a couple of minutes, probably out of boredom.

" Why did you work out and train so much?"

" Well, if you're strong enough in this world, you can die from any number of things, and being strong can prevent some of it, especially with the existence of Aura and Semblances."

Melanie took a seat on the couch near me and continued her Q&A.

" What do you do for fun out in the middle of nowhere since your part of a bandit tribe?"

" What I am doing now, training and working out for the most part, but I also regularly sparred as well."

Melanie leaned forward and rested her head on her hands, then asked.

" Just how dull are you?"

" Not much I could do that I would actually enjoy doing."

Melanie sighed as she looked ready to bash her head against the wall to try and alleviate her boredom. The more brash twin continued to watch me as I worked out, then had a sudden look of realization and asked out loud.

" How do you even masturbate with those big paws of yours?!"

I nearly tripped myself at mid-squat in surprise at Melanie's outburst, and Miltia exclaimed from hearing the question.

" I did not need to hear that, Melanie!"

" Miltia, just look at his paws and think about it!"

Melanie retorted at her more polite twin, and Miltia groaned at her sister's antic but took a glance at my paws and fur-covered arms as I got up. I looked at Melanie in disbelief at her actually asking that sort of question; just how bored is she? Miltia then turned off the TV and gave the current conversation her full attention, and commented.

" His paws do look soft."

" Hmm, true."

I looked at the twins incredulously and asked in exasperation.

" Are we seriously having this conversation?!"

" Yes!"

The twin agreed in perfect unity, and I sighed, then decided to go the blunt route with this foolishness to end it quickly, hopefully.

" It's awkward and difficult. If I am not careful, I could accidentally claw my genitals."

I drew out my claws to show the girls, and they winced at seeing how sharp they were. Melanie's eyes lit up as she had an idea and started insulting me again.

" Ha! You are just a backed-up loser whose only use is to fight!"

I rolled my eyes at Melanie at her attempt at getting a rise out of me. Miltia, much to my surprise, apologized to me.

" Sorry, Silva, things must be difficult for you since you are stuck in a room with two pretty girls."

I shrugged off her apology as it was not unbearable yet and teased the polite twin a little with a playful smile.

" How narcissistic of you, Miltia, to call yourself a pretty girl."

Miltia looked surprised at my response and unsure what to say next. Before the conversation could continue, Roman burst through the door and asked jokingly.

" Have you brats killed each other yet?"

" Working on it!"

I replied to Roman's joke, and he continued with it.

" Oh? Are you going to kill them with boredom, Kitty Kat?"

" Well, Melanie was looking at the wall passionately, and she hit it hard enough and often enough with her head; it could work."

Roman smiled at my response, but in all honesty, I am not fond of him, but I need someone else to talk to besides the twins. I am never taking up a bodyguard job again! Melanie then asked the ginger.

" Why are you here, Roman?"

Roman took a seat at a chair and told us.

" Oh, I am just checking up on you three brats, correction two brats, and a kitten to see if you're alive for Lil' Miss."

As Roman gestured toward me with his racist comment, I ignored him as I did not care about his opinion. I refuse to give him the satisfaction of giving him a reaction out of me! Roman then asked me, looking somewhat curious.

" Still, how are you still sane hanging around these two since your just a younger brat?"

I got an idea about a bit of payback and told him as sincerely as I could.

" I have something that makes me smile every day without fail."

" Oh, what's that?"

I pointed at the window and told him.

" You can see it out the window there."

Roman looked at me curiously and got up, and went to the window. As he looked through it, he asked questionly.

" What am I looking for?"

" You need to hang out the window a little to see it, but it's worth it."

Roman opened the window and stuck his head out, then asked.

" So what makes you smile, Kitten?"

I grinned and told him.

" This!"

I kicked his butt with my Aura-enhanced strength, and he fell out the window. As I felt unbelievably smug and pleased with myself, Melanie stated the obvious.

" You kicked Roman out a window!"

Miltia just looked at me in shock at my actions, and after a few moments, Melanie started to roar with laughter. Miltia allowed her to chuckle, and I soon joined them. As we all laughed at Roman's misfortune, Melanie then said with the biggest smile I have seen on her as she wiped a tear out of her eye.

" Being cooped up for two weeks is worth it to see Roman kicked out a window."

Miltia then added to the merriment with a sly smile.

" And I recorded it all."

Melanie and I looked at her and said.

" Have I ever told you, you are the best sister ever!"

" Please send me the video!"

Miltia smiled and took out her Scroll, and I got the video she sent me along with her twin. Melanie grinned and said.

" I am going to show this to everyone! Roman is never going to live this down!"

I soon heard rabid footsteps charging through the hall, and Roman kicked down the door and said with a false smile that did not reach his eyes.

" I must admit, Kitten; you pulled an impressive fast one on me, and I am going to do the same to the next fool I meet if the opportunity is there but first. One good turn deserves another; now come here, you, WORTHLESS ANIMAL!"

I ran away while laughing and spent the day avoiding Roman in the safehouse as I couldn't leave the twins alone, but Roman did pay me back eventually by tossing me out a window. Well, I made my year with punking Roman like that, but I am not looking forward to the rest of my bodyguard job; I hope I can finish it soon.