
Demomic Fate

After a bit of peace and quiet with Akatsuki at the bar, I made my way back home, but not before I stopped at the church in Fuyuki. As I entered the church, I heard a voice I had gotten far too familiar with despite my unfriendly relations with Father Risei, who died a few years back.

" Oh, Lord, forgive this heathen, for he has desecrated your sanctum with his presence."

" Hello to you too, Caren."

Caren Kotomine, daughter of Kirei and granddaughter of Risei. A 14-year-old nun with hip-length, wavy white hair and calm yellow irises. Risei raised her along with Rin, so they became childhood friends, although the tsundere firmly denies any relation to the young nun. My relation to her is... Interesting, to say the least. Father Risei had more than a few headaches in handling the sadist nun as, like her father, she is a twisted individual, but unlike Kirei, she understands that she is twisted and is vocal in her desires.

I know this because the nun drove her poor grandfather to drink on more than one occasion, usually at my bar, in fact. Calling her the mouthpiece of Kirei's personality would not be inaccurate, but she genuinely wants to help people, which makes her both complicated and simple. I walked over to the sadist nun, and she asked with a neutral tone.

" Have demons finally taken you to the point of forcing yourself onto me but worry not; all transgressions can be forgiven by the Lord if you repent."

" Says the girl who drove her own grandfather to drink and an early grave."

" Oh, Lord, forgive the rashness of this heathen's mouth, for he knows not what he is speaking of."

For Caren, I have learned you need to match tit for tat to have a somewhat normal conversation with her. Just like she likes to handle those close to her sadistically, she also takes delight in her own suffering, making her masochistic as well. Her Masochistic Spiritualist Constitution probably plays a part in how she became like this, but for now, I am just checking up on her.

" How have you been, Caren?"

" Your false kindness shall not lead me astray."

" Have you been eating well?"

The reason I am checking on her is that her Masochistic Spiritualist Constitution makes it easy for her to find demons and exorcise them, but it still puts a lot of strain on her. Due to the Grail possessing All The World's Evils in the past, Fuyuki is filled with demons that possess only mundane people. Hence, everyone in my home has nothing to worry about, plus any mundane people with relations to my extended family or I have protection from possession. Despite the anger and hatred Risei had for me for killing his son, I never hated him in return, so I kept an eye on his granddaughter for self-satisfaction rather than remorse.

" Why are you here, Silva?"

" Aside from checking up on you, I am wondering if there have been any summons outside of my faction."

" There have been a few, but that is all I will say on the matter."

So at least a few Masters of Red now have their Servants, so I better start planning patrols around the city to confront the Masters from the Mage Association. I took a seat on the pew as I wanted a bit more peace and quiet before returning home, much to the annoyance of the sadist nun.

" Do you not have anything else to do?"

" Not particularly."

" To be so without purpose that you seek damnation in antagonizing a humble nun such as myself."

I replied with a laid-back tone.

" Neither Hell nor Heaven has a claim on my Soul, nor will they ever."

" You are undoubtedly deluded to such a frightening degree to believe that wholeheartedly."

" Like a nun living off of blind faith is much better."

I shot back as I felt like bickering with Caren for a bit.

" At least I believe in something greater than myself."

" I acknowledge something greater than myself but only place my faith in myself and those that have earned it."

" Only the Lord is infallible, and you are but a simple heathen."

" Yes, I am fallible and capable of making mistakes, but I am also capable of growth. Can your Lord say the same?"

" There is no need for growth as the Lord is perfect."

" Perfection is the same as stagnation."

We continue to bicker for the sake of it, as Caren does not take my words seriously, or she would have used her Holy Shroud of Magdalene to wrap me up and shut my mouth. Night soon came, and it was almost dinner time, so as I got up, I asked the sadist nun.

" Care to join my family and me for dinner, Caren?"

" Charity and generosity are virtues that the Lord approves of, but your dubious nature is another matter as you are undoubtedly luring an innocent nun into a den of ravenous wolfs."

" Innocent nun, where?"

I looked around for this so-called innocent nun, but I only saw Caren, and she looked at me with a dry look. I shrugged as I picked up the sadist nun and placed her on my shoulder like a sack of potatoes. She prayed but did not resist.

" Oh, Lord, forgive this heretic, for he is about to defile this humble nun in your service."

" Nah, I just want to fatten you up first, then put you in the oven next."

I said sarcastically as I decided to bring her to my madhouse of a home and see her reaction to Rin's Servant. I returned to my home in Fuyuki and saw Rin and Ishtar with the Drama Faction as they watched a Korean drama, and I placed Caren between the two of them. The sadist nun looked around and saw the other Servants watching TV, Tamamo, Frankenstein, Medusa, and Artoria. She looked at me and commented with a deadpan expression.

" Does your degeneracy know no limits?"

She was shh-ed by the twin tail pair. I went to the kitchen to see if Sakura needed help, but she had everything under control with Fillia and Sella's help, along with the robot chefs I kept in reserve. I already told Sakura we would have two extra guests, so I went to the underground complex to summon Assassin. I reached the summoning circle and called forth the last Servant of Black.

"Assassin, Shuten-Douji. Fufu. Please accept my gratitude for summoning me. I will do as I please, but... you don't mind, do you?"

" Just don't cause too much trouble, as I already have enough on my plate. For now, dinner should be ready."

" I hope you have something to drink, my dear Master."

I stopped by the cellar first in the underground complex and let the oni pick what she wanted.

" Ohya? Master, you certainly know how to keep an oni happy... Let's see here..."

As Shuten picked out what she wanted to take back for dinner, I felt more than a little annoyed at summoning another female Servant, but I'll live. Although, if, for some twisted reason, all the Servants on the Masters of Red's side are female as well, then I am going to start suspecting Zelretch is messing with me like this. Then I will give him a nasty surprise in return if that is the case. The oni came back carrying a whole barrel of sake, and as for why I have something like that in my cellar. I picked up the habit of drinking to get a decent buzz going every now and then to try and unwind.

As I returned to my home with Shuten lugging a barrel of sake, Rin came up to me and demanded as she pointed at Caren.

" What is she doing here?!"

" I kidnapped her. I always wanted my own pet nun."

I bullsh*t the tsundere for fun, and she looked at me in disbelief, then retorted.

" Fine, don't answer me!"

Seeing me, Caren then asked me.

" What sort of twisted curse do you have me under that makes me see two Rins?"

" Sorry, it's no curse, but my Tsundere Replication Ritual, where Tsunderes either procreate with on another at a rapid rate or infect others with the Tsundere disease."

I continued my BS, and the sadist nun replied.

" You are a sad, twisted individual but don't worry. The Lord will light your path to redemption if you seek it."

" This coming from a sadist nun that gets off on her own suffering as well?"

I retorted, and Shuten commented on the chaos surrounding the dining room.

" You certainly have a lively dwelling, Master."


Tamamo asked as she noticed Shuten and drew everyone else's attention to the little drunkard and me. I then explained how I found the seventh Master of our Faction and took their Command Seals, then summoned Assassin. Sakura was thankful I kept Akatsuki away from the Holy Grail War along with Rin, as she also knew the redhead as well. Needless to say, dinner was eventful.