
Annie Grey

[Volume 1 Completed] Everyone knows that the choices we make determines our future, but what about the choices that we ourselves didn't make but are forced to live with. After Annie wakes up from what seemed like a dream she discovers she is from a long line of witches and together with her Book Curtis and her new friend Matt she discovers herself and which side to be on the Good or the Bad ( Updates every 2 days) Volume 2 [Journey to the Misty Mountain] [Completed] After the events of Volume 1, the now powerless Annie and her friends must face the threat of Azazel still being alive, and lurking in the shadows, while they also try to find a way to regain Annie's lost powers. Come along with Annie, Maddie, Matt, Curtis, and a new supposed ally as they journey to the misty mountain in search of Annie's powers. Volume 3 [The Imperial Artrovan Academy] Following the final defeat of Azazel, Annie, Maddie and Matt struggle to cope as their lives return to some sort of normalcy only to realize that they had put two full years of their lives on hold with unfavourable consequences. This causes Stella to suggest that they go back to school to complete their studies, seeing as she has secured them all a place at the Imperial Artovan Academy that happens to be one of the prestigious academies in the Realm, known for its immense facilities and broad level of skills taught in the academy. And thus begins the new journey of Annie, Maddie and Matt, and like most of their journeys, they are rarely ever smooth. Join Annie, Maddie and Matt as they try to navigate new school life, friends, foes, young love and so the much more as they discover and unravel more mysteries and adventures.

Dan_does_it_all · Adolescente
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665 Chs

Missed you

"Mom, Mom, Mom" called Evie as she rushed into the library where Lucinda was tidying up once again.

"Evie, I don't have time for this right now, if you are here, you better want to talk to me about your responsibilities" said Lucinda as she did not look at Evie.

"Mom, can we talk about that later? I am sorry, but right now, this is something very serious" said Evie as Lucinda sighed.

"What is it Evie?" asked Lucinda as she turned to look at Evie and Lucinda almost gasped when she saw who was standing right behind Evie.

"Hi Mom" said Matt as he smiled and Lucinda could not believe if she was seeing the right person.

"Matt??" asked Lucinda in disbelief as Evie smiled and she nodded.

"I missed you mom" said Matt as he smiled and he walked to hug his mother as she felt like she could cry right now, but she did not want to.

"Oh Matt, I missed you too" said Lucinda as she hugged Matt and Evie smiled, she knew that her mom was stressed so much because she was worried about Matt, and she had to agree that she did not think about her feelings and she was being a troublesome child.

"I was so worried about you" said Lucinda as she cupped Matt's face and he smiled at her, Lucinda loved all her children equally, there was no doubt about that, and she had been so worried about her son, she had all her other children around her except for Matt.

"Mom, you know not to worry, I am fine" said Matt as he smiled.

"Are you okay? Do you feel alright?" asked Lucinda as Matt smiled at her concern.

No matter how old he got, or how tall he became, he would forever be her little boy, her first child, and when he was gone for so long, without her knowing how he doing, it killed her, and Lucas' indifference to the matter only made her worry even more.

"I am fine mom, I am not a baby" said Matt as he laughed.

"You know that I cannot stop worrying about you, or your siblings" said Lucinda as she smiled and she sighed and she smiled as she sniffed.

"Don't cry mom, I don't like it when you cry" said Matt as he smiled.

"No, I won't cry Matt, I won't" said Lucinda as she sniffed.

"I am just so happy that you are back, and you are well" said Lucinda as she smiled.

"Just in time for my coronation" said Evie as Lucinda and Matt laughed and Evie laughed as well as she hugged Matt.

"I missed you a lot too" said Evie as Matt hugged her.

"As much as I don't want to admit it, I missed you too, I can't wait to see the others" said Matt as he smiled.

"Matt, how is Annie? And Maddie?" asked Lucinda as she smiled.

"Oh mom, they are both fine, actually they are here with me, we all came together, even Ollie" said Matt as he smiled.

"Who is Ollie dear?" asked Lucinda in confusion.

"Exactly my question mom!" said Evie as Lucinda looked at her.

"Oh I mean Prince Oliver" said Matt.

"Oh Prince Oliver Is here?" asked Lucinda as Matt nodded.

"I did not think that their Majesties would allow him to come to the vampire realm" said Lucinda.

"Well they did, and he is happy to be here, he wants to meet all of you" said Matt as he laughed and Lucinda smiled.

"And Evie, you probably don't know that important fact because you skipped the chapter of the royal families in the history book that you were supposed to read" said Lucinda as she looked at Evie who smiled sheepishly.

"Guilty as charged mom, but can you blame me? That book was so boring" said Evie.

"Every book is boring to you Evie, oh except it's a romance" said Matt.

"You see what I am dealing with here Matt? Your sister is not taking her responsibilities seriously" said Lucinda.

"I agree mom, you know how Evie can be" said Matt as Evie could not believe what as going on right now, they were just ganging up on her.

"Alright, alright, fine stop it, Mom, we still have to talk about that later, and Matt, you just got back and you're making me want you to leave again" said Evie as Matt just laughed and there was a knock on the library door.

"Come in" said Evie as the door opened.

"Matt!!" said Kaylee, Levi, Ellie, Celeste, Mark, Edward, Frankie and Noey as Matt smiled at them.

"Hey guys!" said Matt with a smile as they all rushed to him, and they jumped on top of him as he laughed and Lucinda laughed as Evie joined in.

"We missed you so much Matt" said Ellie and Kaylee.

"Yes, I admit, I missed you" said Levi.

"I missed you Matt" said Celeste as her voice came out as barely a whisper.

"I missed you all too" said Matt as he smiled.

"*Gasp* where is Annie, and Maddie?" asked Ellie as she gasped.

"They are good, they went to see Grandfather" said Matt as he smiled and he carried Noey who was smiling at him.

"Come on let's go find dad" said Matt as they all followed after him.

"Evie" called Lucinda as Evie stopped.

"Mom we will talk soon, I promise you, let me just enjoy this okay?" asked Evie as Lucinda sighed.

"Fine, but we will talk" said Lucinda as Evie smiled and she ran away as Lucinda shook her head.

"Oh it feels so good to be back in a real house, I mean this is a castle, but you know what I mean" said Maddie as she laughed and Annie laughed.

"I know Maddie" said Annie as she laughed.

"I never knew that the Vampire King could be so nice" said Ollie as he smiled, he was expecting someone as serious as night, but he met someone as jovial as ever.

"Yes King Henry is like that, always so nice" said Annie as she smiled, she remember when he allowed all of them to stay here, and he did not even mind at all.

"No wonder Matt likes hiss Grandfather so much" said Ollie as he smiled and Annie smiled at him.

"Well, as I was saying before a certain annoying blondie interrupted me" said Maddie as Curtis looked at her and he sighed as she ignored him.

"I can't wait to wind down and relax" said Maddie as Annie laughed.

"Of course you can't" said Annie with a laugh as someone that they did no expect to see here.

"Sapiens" said Curtis.

"Curtis" replied Sapiens.

"Professor Sapiens, I did not expect to see you here" said Ollie as he smiled and Sapiens looked at him.

"Yes Prince Oliver, of course I am here, my granddaughter is going to be coronated" said Sapiens as he smiled, he was not surprised to see them here, Stella already informed him that she would ask them to come here.

"Ahh Annie, Maddie, how are you girls?" asked Sapiens as he smiled.

"We are good professor Sapiens and how are you?" asked Annie as she smiled.

"I am doing good as well Annie" said Sapiens as he smiled.

"Curtis" said Sapiens as he looked at Curtis.

"We will speak later Sapiens" said Curtis.

"That we will, I will see you all later, I have to take my leave now" said Sapiens as he smiled and he walked away.

"I thought you said that Dad would be here?" asked Matt as he looked at Levi.

"I don't know, he did say that he would be here" said Levi as he looked back at Levi.

"I have no idea where he is" said Kaylee as she looked around.

"Are you sure that he didn't go into the woods to train or something?" asked Matt.

"Well I don't know" said Evie as she carried Noey.

"Well let me check" said Matt as he walked to the trees, well so much for trying to surprise his dad.

"You really think that you all could surprise me now could you" came Lucas's voice as Matt looked up to see his father standing casually on the branch of a tall tree.

"Of course" said Evie as she sighed and she shook her head.

"We weren't trying to surprise you, or at least not anymore" said Matt as he smiled and Lucas laughed.

"Do you want me to come up there or?" asked Matt.

"No need" said Lucas as he smiled and he jumped down from the tree as he landed casually in front of Matt.

"You knew that I was back already didn't you?" asked Matt as he laughed.

"Well it's easy to know when something happens, because your siblings get all riled up" said Lucas as he laughed.

"You see guys, you make too much noise" said Matt as he looked at his siblings and laughed.

"Hey, don't look at me, I'm quiet" said Evie as they all laughed.