

R18. Not willing to lose her life or the love of her partner, Annette gives in to the offer of a strange woman who had stepped into her room late at night. Morning comes and she realises she is alive but not as alive as she thought she would be. DISCLAIMER: COVER ART DOWNLOADED FROM PINTEREST.

ashes_77 · Ciudad
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114 Chs

The obvious


We knew it was time once the hour struck. We assembled in the living room preparing our minds for what was ahead. 

"This may not go as planned, I need everyone to be conscious about that for their sanity. 

Everyone standing here right now may not be among the ones that will return alive. 

This is a fight against powers and demons and the king of all evil. We must be on alert. Guard your minds for he will work on them, you must not let him in else he will have you under his control.

We stick to the plan. No stunts." Michael said, 

Saruman stepped forward and with his staff, opened a whirling portal. 

"But this wasn't the plan," I said, 

"Same plan only that he can get us there the fastest without being noticed." He replied. 

Ethan and I were already about to be the first ones to cross over when Job's words came pausing our steps.

"I don't think that's a good idea." He said, 

"Why?" I turned to him.