
Enter Dracolin The Jerky Older Brother

Legend has it that two of the power amulets accidental granted the same abilities of the dimension one." Celest finished telling the legend.  "Wow!"Bella & Dran remarked "Wait a minute! Did the house happened to look like this?" Bella asked showing her a drawing of the house she came through. Celest gasped in shock and replied "That's it!" Dran frown, mad at himself for not believing Annabella. "I'm sorry I didn't believe you Bella."he apologized with his head held low. "It's okay!" Bella replied, smiling at her with new friend before turning her attention back to the Celest. "You wouldn't happen to know where the dragon did the amulets?"  "Sorry darling I don't but most likely if the dragon brought you here it was for of reason. It may not be clear right now but I'm sure it will come to you soon." Celest replied before asking Dran to help her set the table for dinner. 

As the three finish setting the table, Dranomau's older brother Dracolin came in with eight small fish that he had caught at the river. Dracolin had blue eyes with splashes of green and long white hair with highlights of black. He had two razor sharp horns sticking out of his head. "Oh Dracolin, just in time." Celest exclaimed looking at eldest son. Dracolin closed his eyes and smiled at his mother. "I hope this is enough fish for dinner."he said holding up the bag of fish down on the kitchen counter. Celest rejoiced with joy, "This is plenty. Thank you. Come on in."  " Whose this?" he asked looking down at Bella confused. "Oh this is Dranomau's friend." Celest rejoiced with Glee. "Hmm so the runt brought home one of his kind home for dinner." Dracolin said. Bella noticed how the tone of his voice had changed from sweet and caring to mean and teasing when he spoke to Dranomau. "Dracolin!"their mother yelled slapping him in the back of his head, "Be nice to your little brother!" "Yes, mother."he said glaring at Dran cold dead eyes. Dranomau just scuffed and pulled out a seat for Bella while his older brother helped their mom prepare and cook the fish. "So um your brother, he's a full demon, and you're a hanyou." Bell said trying to break the awkwardness between them. " I hope you don't mind me asking but are you two half brothers?" She asked confused by the difference between them. " No we just have two different fathers. We have the same mom but two different fathers. Sadly only one is still around and he's a bit of a jackass." Dran replied only to get a fish bone thrown at him by his brother. " Don't you dare talk about my father in that way!" Dran dodged the bone but was hit in the back of the head by their mom. "Dranomau! We do not use that kind of language in this house, even if it's true. He stayed with us until Draco grew to be six yrs old, then he disappeared without a trace. He expects me to raise his child without any help." Celest said angrily. " If it wasn't for Dextrin, Dranomau wouldn't even be here and neither would you Dracolin." Both Dran and Draco rolled their eyes  and sighed.  They had heard this speech a million times. " So Dextrin is your father?" Bella asked. Dran nodded frowning. " I know it's not any of my place but what happened to him?"  " He was killed on a hunting trip , he took me on." Dracolin answered. "He was teaching me how to hunt since my father wasn't around when I became old enough to hunt. We were resting at the river and when we left for home I realized that I had forgotten the sword my father gave me. He went back to get it but he had taken too long. When I went to go check on him, he was nowhere to in sight nothing but a pool of his blood." "Well if there wasn't a body then he might still be alive." Bella exclaimed trying to change the mood of the room.  " We searched the whole area, honey. There was no sign of him." Celest said her voice filled with sadness. "Besides there was too much blood for a human to have survived." "Oh I'm sorry I asked." " It's not your fault sweetie. Let's just eat this delicious meal." Celest said changing the subject. They all agreed and ate dinner. After dinner, Dran decided to explain how Bella came to their world. At first he was very skeptical of his little brother's tale. He pushed his younger brother out of the way and headed to upstairs to his room,unknown to him that he would learned that not all myths and legends are fake.

Meanwhile, Bella was helping Celest clean up. " I'm sorry about earlier. I should have known it was a sensitive subject." "It's alright, sweetie. It's not your fault, you were just curious." " I know it's just. I'm sorry." she apologized again. "It's fine. You know Drac blames himself for what happened that day. Says that if he hadn't left his sword or went back himself to get it, Dextrin would still be alive." "Really?" Bella asked. " Yea, that why he's so hard on Dran. He wants him to grow up big and strong just like his dad." " Really, because what I've heard he treats him like dirt. He's always picking on Dran and bullying him. Well at least that's what Dran told me." " Drac isn't the affectionate type. He does that to toughen him up. He really does care about him." Bella sorta understood and could also relate. Her brothers treated her and Stacie the same way but they never did anything that it would lead to something permanent. " Sweetie, why don't you go and get ready for bed. I'll send Dran at you some of my old clothes." Celest said  placing the dishes in the sink. Bella nodded and headed to the back to take a bath.