

Ye Tian an otaku who wants to transmigrate more than anything .He is an orphan no parents ,no siblings to take care of . After a long day returning from work he sat on his desk to play his favorite game that he is playing for almost a year , a wide lightning struck on the top of his house .His computer flashes and .... BOOM!! After what seems like a second or an hour or a long time he wakes up . An unfamiliar ceiling he sits up . [DING] What was that sound?! [YO MORTAL!! SORRY FOR DROPPING HEAVENLY LIGHTNING ON YOU . INSTEAD OF REINCARNATION I AM GIVING YOU WHAT YOU ALWAYS WANTED . GOOD LUCK SURSVIVING] Is this ..... Join Ye Tian in his adventure to find out how he conquers everything and become invincible!! [A/N : Only MC, Heroines, other characters and the plot is mine. MC's sign-ins are not mine, they belong to their own creators]

Joonghyuk · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
13 Chs

Chapter 9 - The Auction

Heavenly Fortune House, First Special Room

Some time ago.

Two people were sitting inside the first special room, Shi Lan the matriarch of Clear Sky Sect and Elder Yao Wu the financial Elder of the Sect. As they Shi Lan was waiting with closed eyes for the auction to start, she suddenly opened her eyes and frowned.

She felt like some one was looking at her, as she started looking around that feeling was getting more intense. She felt like naked and exposed in the open. After sometime she looked at someone at the corner of the auction hall, she was sure that he was the one who was staring at her. But that should be impossible as the special rooms were reinforced with arrays so that no one can see or hear what was happening their. (It was like those one way mirror and sound shielding glass. Only the ones inside could see or hear everything outside.)

Of course Ye Tian knew that and it was in his expectations that she can find him, as she was a Ascension Realm cultivator. Now she will be conscious of him, thinking about how he knew about her as she and only the elders of the Sect knew of her location.

Then Shi Lan felt that the weird feeling was gone. She realized that Ye Tian was no longer staring at her. She thought of probing him with her Divine Sense but refrained from doing so as using divine sense in the auction hall will offend the Fortune House.

Though she was confident in her strength she was not foolish to not know who to offend or not. The Fortune House was much stronger than Clear Sky Sect so it will be foolish to offend them.

Elder Yao Wu looking at her strange behavior questions her, " What happened Matriarch, you look somewhat unrest full? "

"Nothing Elder Yao Wu" , replied Shi Lan.

Elder Yao feeling nothing wrong again closed her eyes.

Shi Lan stares at Ye Tian for some time thinking something and also closed her eyes.

On Ye Tian's side he after probing Wu Ming used his eyes to search for an item that will be on the auction and found that it will be auctioned in the second half of the auction with the medical herb that Shi Lan wants. He closed his eyes and still probing for some useful things.

After some time the auction started by a voluptuous woman, the items were auctioned one by one. The first half of the auction was practically boring for the special room guests and Tian.

For one hour Tian just stared at the capture targets in other cities, sects and dynasties appreciating their beauty.

In this one hour the first half finished and the second half was starting. The woman host came to the stage and announced the start of the second half.

Now the real auction was starting, as the special room guests will start the bidding. After some time an item came and the women host did its introduction," Dear guests, this item was found by a cultivator in the Forbidden Forest of Lights. We could not identify the item as it was an unknown material that can absorb qi. The House have given it a price of a hundred thousand high spirit stones with not less than ten thousand spirit stones for the next bid. Now the guests can start the bidding"

As it was an unknown material that can absorb qi no one wanted to buy it. The main reason being the majority of the cultivator cultivating qi and body cultivator were scarce.

Even Shi Lan has cultivated her body to only the level of Nascent Soul Realm.

As all of the people present in the hall were qi cultivator they were hesitating to bid, Shi Lan voice sounded, " One hundred and fifty thousand!". Shi Lan thought as this unknown material can absorb qi it will be useful for her.

Ye Tian also bided ," Two hundred thousand!"

Shi Lan hearing him turned at his direction, "Three hundred thousand!" Shi Lan increased the bid.

Ye Tian also increased it, " Five hundred thousand!"

This time Shi Lan stopped and backed away as she still have to bid for the medical herb.

The host declared, " So this item goes to this gentleman"

The people were looking at Ye Tian somewhat curious, who was it that can bid against someone of the special room guests.

After paying for the item Tian looking at it. He was planning to get this item today. This material was called Void stone due to its characteristics which was it can absorb qi or any kind of energy.

Void stone was a rear material. As only this one kilo of Void stone was a fortune even for those Immortal realm experts.

If he can temper his physic with the stone then he can improve the grade of his spiritual veins to the next level.

Tian stores it in the Sky Poison Pearl and decided to use on the day his spiritual veins awakening meaning on his birthday.

The auction continued. Soon came the medical herb. "This is the Ice Dragon Flower. This is a medical herb mainly used to counter poison and have other uses like strengthening the Qi of the cultivator and bones and elevating ice affinity but also have draw backs like having lesser life span. The price starts from one million high grade spirit stone while increasing price at not less than one hundred thousand."

"The bidding starts now."

The hall was instantly buzzed like the market place, all the special guests started their bidding.

"One million five hundred thousand!"

"Two million!"

"Three million!"


As bid got higher and higher it finally stopped at twelve million.

After a moment of silence Shi Lan raised the price ," Thirteen million!" , after which the whole hall became silent, as no one wanted to bid higher for this herb.

Just as Shi Lan thought she won another voice came," Fourteen million!", it was from the fifth special room in which the Wu Ming is.

Right now Wu Ming was just an innocent brat, only after reincarnation will he be somewhat clever. He was bidding right now so that he use it body cultivate as he was still sixteen years old. As Shi Lan was going to increase the bid another voice sounded.

"Twenty million!"

Yes, this time it was Ye Tian. He increased the bid this much because he knew Shi Lan have more than twenty five million spirit stones as in the game, even Wu Ming has a maximum of thirty million. Ye Tian was just fast forwarding things a bit.

Now it was silent as no one thought that someone from the lower floor could bid against a special guest.

As Shi Lan was unwilling to give up she heard a voice inside her head.

"This herb can not help you with the poison in your body, if you want to be cured then come to the restaurant opposite the auction house!"

Shi Lan was first shocked and then realized something as she looked at Ye Tian. She was shocked because no one except some of the Elders of the sect knew about this matter. Thinking about what this unknown person told her with that unknown ability, she first hesitated but retreated from the bid. Seeing her doing this Elder Yao urged her, "Matriarch why did you retreat?"

Shi Lan replied, "Elder Yao have ever seen that man?" Shi Lan asks her pointing at Ye Tian's figure.

Elder Yao turns her eyes towards Tian and said "No I have never seen him. But why are you asking me this? Do you not want the herb any more?"

Shi Lan stands up from her seat and walks towards the door and says," Elder Yao we have no reason to be here anymore. How about we eat something? How about the restaurant at the front of the auction house?" And leaves the room.

Elder Yao not understanding her actions and not getting her answer could only follow behind Shi Lan.