

What if the God gave you a second chance because you traded your life in exchange for covid to disappear. Warning:My grammar is not good

Baya_baya · Cómic
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45 Chs


We went inside the elevator. When we enter, we will notice that Law is restless and when the elevator door closed, Law said "We are Trapped here" and hit the Elevator at the same time.

When I heard Law, I said "Fuck what we're gonna do! We're trapped"

"Young master, should I use Devil fruit's ability to cut this metal thing?" Law asked me.

"No," I said to Law.

"Why? we're trapped here in this weird metal box," Law said to me as he look around the elevator "You need to get chill, Law...don't you trust me?"

Law just looked at me and didn't say anything.

I press the 1floor button in the elevator. The elevator starts moving. When Law feels that the elevator started to move he became more vigilant.

After a few seconds of waiting the elevator's door finally opened "Let's go" I said to Law as I leave the elevator.

As we leave at the elevator we immediately saw Sebas waiting in the lobby.

(Note: Seba's look is not the same as the Anime his look is younger)

When Law and I came out of the elevator, Sebas immediately saw us. Sebas approach us and said "Let's go, Young master, the car is already waiting"

I nod and said "Sebas after we finished our dinner, Teach Law some knowledge about this world"

"I understood, Young master," Sebas said as he bow to me but I stopped him from bowing in front of many people.

"Sebas, lead the way," I said and when Sebas heard this he started walking, Of course, Law and I followed him.

We followed Sebas to where the car was waiting for us to take us to the restaurant where we were going to eat. [Did you get it? :) ]

When we came out of the condominium I immediately saw a white car, I immediately recognized it because it was my dream car in my previous life ... Rolls Royal.

Someone got out of the car and opened the door for us. I went in immediately and I made Law follow me.

When we entered, the man closed the door. "Where's our destination, Sir Sebas," The man asked Sebas


"Then please go inside the car," the man said to Sebas as he opened the door of the front seat of the Rolls Royal.

(At the Inside)

"What? what is this? why it is moving? Is this kind of a beast?" Law murmured as he looked outside the car window.

After 30 minutes of waiting inside the car, we finally arrive at the Seaspray restaurant. It's fancy, almost all the customers are wearing a suit.

"Are you Sir Sebas?" The waiter said.

"That's right," Sebas said in a plain voice.

"Then please this way," The waiter said as he guide us to our table.

After arriving at our table, Law's eyes are looking at every corner of the restaurant "Are you okay, Law?"

"Yeah I'm fine," Law said and when I heard this I just smile but my smile turned into shock when I heard someone say "Ari, I just said that you're not allowed to eat any shellfish"

"Now that's interesting," I said in a low voice and smiled.

"Is there something bordering you, Young master?" Sebas said.

"Nah, I just didn't expect to meet her here"

"Who?" Sebas asked as he look around the restaurant.

"A friend of mine"


Sorry for the bad grammar.

You like it? Put it in your library

You like it? Put it in your library

You like it? Put it in your library

You like it? Put it in your library

You like it? Put it in your library

Baya_bayacreators' thoughts