
Levi One-Shot 3

It has been a very stormy and loud night. The clouds were fighting each-other throwing blades of light onto the crowded Earth. The rain was getting worse from minute to minute and wouldn't stop until late that morning.

      At about 5:30 A.M. , you woke up in major pain from the previous injury on the battle field. You got shot by mistake and the bullet went through your chest, extremely close to the heart. It was unbearable indeed but something felt calmer than usual.

        You tried to lift your trembling body up so you could see the room better. Right there, near your bed , with his head on the table, stood a sleeping  Captain Levi. His breath was light and his fresh scent was filling up the air.


  From the night before :

"Hey, you are hurt. What about resting?! It is 11 fucking P.M!! Cadet?! Are you listeni-"

"Ackerman", you said in a rough voice, "I am well aware of the danger I am in if I don't rest. Please lower your tone Goddammit. You always yell when something happens to me. (*mumbling* like that is going to change anything)

"I- soldier, sleep."

        And so, without making this conversation more awkward, you sealed you eyes shut and drifted into a nice ,dreamless,rest.


       Recalling the memory, you blushed slightly thinking of how he spent the rest of his free time watching silently from the closest chair. You suddenly felt like a sharp blade went through you collar and smashed your insides together. A little groan of pain escaped and you started panting from the effort of containing the screams that were supposed to come out.

        The man beside you woke straight up, putting a comforting hand on your wrist and tightening the grip with each second that passed. He placed you on your back, like you were supposed to be, and patted your forehead with his other palm. His fingers then ran through your hair, reaching your neck.

       He pulled his arm back and whispered : "Please keep fighting for me, I'm here." The words rang through your brain like an echo and you found them needed.

       As the pain stopped, he laid down on the bed making sure not to move too much. He turned on the side facing you, and started sobbing like you have never seen him before : his face emotionless, with just tears streaming down to his jaw. He kissed your cheek in a slow, warm way just so he could go further onto your lips and neck. He stopped however, when he reached the collar-bone. It hurt so he didn't touch it at all. 

        He wrapped the blanked over you and only left the arms out. His fingers danced along your sleeve in such way to make you slowly fall asleep again. He was drawing circles on you palm while caressing the rest of the hand.


         Waking up again felt so much better. The rain had stopped but the sun wasn't shining yet. It was 9:15 A.M. , and Levi was not beside you anymore.

          You shifted through the mattress until you were able to stand up. On the nightstand there was a cup of rose tea with slices of apple, vanilla sauce and cinnamon. Near the food platter laid a note "I'll fight for you today."

        As you ate the special prepared meal, you couldn't help but shed a tear and hope he'd make it back home soon.