
Anime/Games Mashup World

This will be a fanfic about a boy named Alex who is reborn within a world full of different anime’s and games. He will not retain memories so no knowing lore or plot. Only in special situations will his past soul ever react to things but those will be rare and not in the form of memories but rather just a suddenly impulse or feeling. Like headpat koneko or rolling a Gacha without hesitation type feelings. MC starts as a naive child in chapter one but by chapter 2 is a kind but ruthless when provoked teenager thanks to a certain Djinn within his head. Has a Gacha system that allows a free 10 roll everyday. No quests or sentience or secret plot here. Just good old Gacha and random stuff he receives. Worlds in this fanfic: Kengan,DxD,Jormungand,HOTD, and any that are recommended and that I feel will fit smoothly. This will be a harem but not a collect every girl situation. Rather the MC literally has zero interest in girls/romance due to the Djinn in his head giving him stories of betrayal and other things he doesn’t want to experience ever since he was a child. This resulted in a unique situation where he is trying to desperately avoid romance and basically a harem of girls have decided to work together to obtain him. (Make sense? Probably not but I think it’ll be fun to write at least.) Obviously don’t own a single thing. I’m just a dropout writing fanfics. Please don’t sue.

101lostsoul101 · Otras
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2 Chs


Watching each card appear one after another, Lucian crossed his fingers and held his breath.

After 9 copies of extremely spicy mapo tofu he was on the verge of a mental breakdown when he suddenly saw a golden card appear slowly.

As it slowly revealed itself he suddenly felt his vision blur and realized he had held his breath far too long. That was Lucian's last thought before he died at the young age of 21.

*meanwhile in upper realms*

"Hahaha that idiot really forgot to breathe?!?! Plus it wasn't even a servant....it was a craft essence he already had....Hahaha!!!!!" A figure could be seen laughing so hard they were crying and rolling back and forth on the ground.

"Looks like another one has fallen into the abyss that is Gacha. Hahaha well since he did make me laugh for the first time in a while I might as well give him a little thank you gift. Though to a normal person it would be the root of all evil." The being said before pulling up a screen and typing something in quickly.

*meanwhile in a playground on a chaotic planet*

A small kid could be seen running around happily playing by himself. This was Lucian who after being reborn had completely forgotten his past life and was a completely normal child. Currently he was 10 years old and average in every single way and didn't have a single exceptional feature other than his kindness.

Suddenly he heard a robotic voice in his head and paused to look around curiously.

[Gacha System Synchronized. Currently has one daily 10 pull.]

Listening to the voice Lucian had a strange impulse to use it right away.

Pushing that thought aside he returned to playing like he was before and the day slowly came to a close before he went home with his parents.

Later that night as he was laying in bed he couldn't help but remember that voice from earlier and decided to do what his impulses were begging him all day.

As soon as he thought this a blue screen appeared in front of him and had a single button to push.

With uncontrollable curiosity he pushed the button and watched 10 different cards appear with varying colors.

6 of the cards were a dull brown, 3 were a metallic silver, and 1 was a glimmering gold which made his heart thump in excitement unconsciously.

Clicking the reveal all button he watched as all the cards flipped and he saw various different things with descriptions under them.

[Spear Affinity:Basic](Improves handling of Spears to a basic degree.)(Bronze Rank)

[Bow Affinity:Basic](Improves handling of bows to a basic degree.)(Bronze Rank)

[Aqua's panties:Unclean](Useful for only true degenerates.)(Bronze Rank)

[Necklace of evasion:Common](Grants a small chance at evading any incoming attacks whether aware of them or not.)(Bronze Rank)

[Skin Refinement Pill:Common](Improves skin by shedding all flawed skin. Not painful just nasty. Recommended to be used in bathrooms. Tastes like oranges.)(Bronze rank)

[Body Refinement Pill:Common](Improves body by removing all unnecessary fats and flaws while setting the body on the path to the body type with the most affinity to consumer. Body changes will vary between consumers. Tastes like bananas.)(Bronze Rank)

[Incubus Bloodline:Medium](Transforms consumer into an incubus. Naturally they will gain all pros and cons of said race from such a transformation.)(Silver Rank)

[Angel bloodline:Medium](Transforms consumer into an angel. Naturally they will gain all pros and cons of said race from such a transformation.)(Silver Rank)

[Potion of fertility:High](Consumer will be guaranteed to be able to have a child as long as they are not a god or higher being.)(Silver Rank)

[Leraje the 14th Djinn](Summons Leraje to be bound to user if they are deemed worthy.)(Gold Rank)

Seeing the different items Lucian felt confused and strangely excited.

Running to his bathroom he quickly closed the door, hopped into the bath, and clicked on the two pills first.

As soon as the pills appeared in his hand he popped them in his mouth and tasted the delicious orange and banana combination.

After-all out of everything listed the candy interested him the most. The second most exciting thing for him was the potion he was gonna give to his mom since he wanted a little sister or brother and had overheard she couldn't do so anymore cause of some big worded reason.

While he was savoring the taste of the pills his body was undergoing massive changes.

It slowly but surely got more and more handsome while also getting fitter and fitter. Of course he was still at the level of a normal child just a more handsome and perfectly healthy child now. Basically nothing too questionable since the pills were of a low grade. Although anyone with a good eye could tell the child would be quite the looker when he grew up.

Opening his eyes he saw the bath was covered in shedded skin and he felt kinda like a lizard or a snake who just shedded. His whole body felt so much better and he jumped up and down in excitement before realizing it was his bed time and settling down.

Clicking on the spear mastery and bow mastery next he didn't feel anything different and moved on.

Once he reached the panties he stopped and felt that he didn't really want someone's panties and clicked on a sell button which made them disappear and a small +1 point appear in the corner of the screen.

Next was the necklace which appeared in his hand before he put it on and smiled.

It was a dark grey chain with a figure of a boot with wings on it. Personally he thought it was cool and decided to always wear it unless he saw something cooler.

Bloodlines he didn't really understand and decided to sell them since he wasn't interested in them.

And finally was the last card that said djinn.

He didn't really understand what a djinn was but it sounded pretty cool so he clicked on it right away.

Instantly a floating figure of a woman appeared in front of him making him jump back slightly in surprise.

"Huh?!? Where am I?!? I don't feel a connection to the other Djinns and this worlds Rukh is being siphoned off by various beings causing the fate of this world to descend into chaos...!!! How dare they?!?!!!" The woman said before her tone turned especially furious near the end.

Staring at the woman blankly Lucian couldn't help but be surprised. He had never seen such a being before.

She had blueish purple skin and her hair seemed to made of some type of crystals. Her face had make-up on that seemed to be melting and her ears were long and pointed. Her body was barely covered and only had a skirt, headband, and an elaborate necklace. She was holding a scythe shaped pipe in one hand and tapping impatiently in the air with the other.

"Umm sorry to interrupt but can you please be a little quieter. I don't want to wake up my mom and dad." Lucian said meekly while staring at the angry woman since she seemed very ferocious.

Hearing his voice she snapped her head in his direction quickly and inspected him in detail.

"Hmmm...I'm sensing you summoned me here but you are far too weak to be able to do such a thing and I don't sense that you are a magi since the Rukh don't love you. So explain quickly how I came here or I'll rip you to shreds and go hunt those tainting this world before returning to my world." The woman said causing Lucian to nod and begin explaining everything to her while she just stood there listening.

After a few minutes of silence she nodded before looking down at Lucian.

"I don't really believe everything you said but I can sense the Rukh in you is pure and that means you aren't tainted by the evil in the world. As long as you agree to repair this world and help my world avoid its destruction as well." The woman said causing Lucian to look at her in confusion which made her sigh and explain it in a way a child would be able to understand her.

Hearing that bad things are happening that could make the world and his parents go away made him instantly agree to help since he wouldn't want to lose either.

Seeing they were able to come to an agreement the woman smiled and stretched out a sharp finger towards Lucian's head.

Touching his forehead she smiled before speaking in a language he didn't understand.

After a few seconds she was finished and backed up before taking a puff from her pipe and exhaling deeply.

"My name is Leraje. Seeing as how we will be together for a while I'll make this extremely clear. I HATE CHEATERS. Don't ever cheat on anyone in this life or I'll kill you myself." Leraje said before disappearing into a puff of smoke that entered Lucian's forehead.

"Okay my name is Lucian. I don't know what cheating is but if it is something bad then I won't do it." He said causing Leraje to sigh within his head and mentally remind herself that she needs to teach this kid so he doesn't drive her crazy.

Looking down at his skin in the tub he panicked before shoving it all in a garbage bag and filling the bag with other garbage so it couldn't be seen.

Nodding in pride at his sneakiness he went back to his bed and laid down as he suddenly felt really sleepy.

So yeah first chapter. Basically MC will be someone who doesn’t know the plot or lore of any of these worlds or things but his previous self in certain situation might send a strong feeling to let him know. Like the Gacha thing since that type of feeling was super deep and carried over.

Next chapter will be a time skip to where he is more mature and not a naive kid. He will still be kind but when provoked incredibly ruthless. Like maybe a bit too ruthless. All courtesy of a certain Djinn.

101lostsoul101creators' thoughts