
Anime Gamer In One Piece

Gilgamesh_simp · Cómic
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5 Chs

Chapter 4

I chose Chrono magic (Time Magic) as it is one of the most versatile powers someone could start with. Think of all of the possibilities! Stop time and reappear behind your enemy, throw thousands of knives in an instant, so many possibilities!

The screen then showed three new skills I have received.


*Player has received 3 new starter skills:

- Lv. 1 (Max: Lv. 50) Time stop

- Lv. 1 (Max: Lv. 50) Time reverse

- Lv. 1 (Max: Lv. 50) Time Skip


Y/n: I already knew what these skills do, no need to see the description.

Now, what to do??? I should go see the forest, maybe I can find the ASL's treehouse! I made my way through the thick forest, trees as big as the Amazon forests' one, it was a sight to see. I walked a long time, the sun was already falling and darkness was here.

I walked around some more and found a cave. A very spacious one at that, a perfect place to live in for now. I entered It as fast as I could as night was coming and I needed to build a place to sleep in before the dangers of the night came out. I opened my menu and opened gacha roll, luckily I had 2 gacha rolls for entering the world and one I probably got from my recent lucky skill. I pressed on the skill set and got a decent skill to start with: 'Mana control'. A skill quite useful to start with. I had one left and hoped that my luck would help. I pressed onto martial arts as in this world hand to hand combat is essential. The gacha spinner for what seemed to be hours. It finally stopped. I received a new message: 'Player has received the intermediate martial art: "Flow Karate".

It is not the best but it will do for now. Suddenly every single move from the martial art appeared in my mind. The martial arts seems to be a weaker version of "Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist", the martial art used in One punch man. Although it does not have too much power it is very versatile. My brain was thinking of hundreds of ways to grind this skill. With these skills on my belt, I decided to explore the cave and see if there are some enemies in it. I saw no one for a while so I was pretty happy until I heard one of the loudest roars I have ever heard. It seems the roar was coming from deep in the cave. I thought it was a perfect opportunity to test out my new skills. I finally saw who caused the roar, a bear, an enormous one at that.

I am only a kid in this is body but with my skills, I would have no problem killing this bear.


Quest received: Kill the bear

Description: Kill the bear and find what lies in its den.

Reward: 100Xp and 5 stat points

Failure: None

Accept: Y / N


I pressed yes and rushed straight to the bear, wanting the Xp I recalled the memories I received and went for a powerful press on the skin of the bear.

I then followed up with a kick to the bear's stomach

And then finished up with a big ol' slap to the head

I heard a total of four pings*


Bear health: 700 Hp

* - 200 Hp

* - 200 Hp

* - 300 Hp

Noitice* Player has killed a bear, you have been rewarded with 100 Xp and 3 skill points

Notice* Player has completed achievement: 'First Kill'. Player has been rewarded with 1000 Xp, 1000 shop points, 5 skill points, and 5 stat points.


Quest received: Kill the bear

Description: Kill the bear and find what lies in its den.

Reward: 100Xp and 5 stat points

Failure: None

Status: Completed


Those are a lot of rewards for killing a bear. Let's put these points to us-- before finishing my sentence I was rudely interrupted by the system

Ping* Notice,

*Player has leveled Up!

*Player has leveled Up!

*Player has leveled Up!

*Player has leveled Up!

*You have been awarded a total of 20 stat points! Use them wisely

I then decided to open my status and update it as I have major things to adjust.



Name: Y/N D. Pendragon

Job: The gamer and N/A

Title: N/A

Level: 4

Next level: 100/500

Hp: 200/200

Mp: 1000/1000=Int*Wis


Str: 1.3 → 11.3

Vit: 0.8 → 10.8

Agi: 1.5 → 16.5

Int: 10

Wis: 10

Luck: 75 (Thanks to the skill 'son of lady luck')

Stat Points: 35 → 0 Shop Points: 1000 Skill Points: 5

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Elemental Affinity:

Chrono ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Money: 1000 berries (gift from god)


These are some pretty damn good stats for someone as young as me. Let's make this place look like home.

(Furniture creating and placing montage)... Lazy Author

This place does not look like home at all, at least I have somewhere to rest. I went out to search for food and as I was searching I saw a wolf being surrounded by 3 mountain lions. Something very rare to see as both are predators and normally do not mingle with each others' lives. I decided to watch as the fight occurred to see where I stand in this forests' food chain. The fight did not take long as there were 3 mountain lions who were surrounding the wolf who seemed to be protecting someone or something under her arm. The lions started brutally beating and eating the wolf alive, as the wolf was looking for rescue. I could not watch anymore, I took the fruits I managed to collect and prepared to go back to my cave. I started walking until I heard a loud howl followed by a whimper as if pleading, the wolf looked at me and in its last moments it opened his arms and showed a wolf cub, one so cute it basically had a golden aura around it. I knew what it wanted me to do, look after her cub and possibly take revenge on her killers. I left the fruits on the floor and killed the mountain lions as fast as I could using 'time stop', a broken skill. I took the wolf and brought it back. I put it on the floor and saw something very surprising...


Hello, Author-san here, sorry for the long wait, 2 quick questions, what should we name the wolf and what do you guys think our mc will do in the future. Pls, do tell me.

Have a wonderful rest of the day.

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