

This Fanfic Is about The Facts Which Showing or sharing My point of View basicallt Type Of Debate ... eg my opinion on rinnegan and u guys give your opinion on it.

THE_GreatRed · Cómic
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3 Chs



Hey as you see topic about "True power of Rinnegan".From my point of View no one except use more than 10% of true power of Rinnegan....like.MadaraUchiha,Obito Uchiha,Nagato Uzumaki,Sasuke Uchiha ,Hagaromo Otsutsuki.(heck even Him).They did not even go furthur to master any rinnegan ability except Hagaromo otsutsuki(master's soul manupulation),Pain(who master basic part of six paths).dont even talk about madara(who only uses limbo and some other things like creating small chibaku tensei).And Sasuke i dont even know what to talk about him i mean this guys in literal think rinnegan as "UBER".Now GUYS As you know rinnegan basic power if not then here it is and i will explain in what esle you can do to make it more power full.

Rinnegan abilities: 


-Six Paths rinnegan Techniques: 


Deva Path: Control over repulsive and attractive forces when you completely master it you can copy Gojo Satarou Techniques,even able to do hollow purple because its made from gojo techniques red and blue in simple words combination of universal pull or push(i know there is cool down and chakra problem because rinnegan give infinite CHAKRA(i will explain later)).


Asura Path: Can transform the user body into mechanical parts, be it weapons or armors .Imagine turn body in big robot or using nuclear weapons or chakra toxic weapon.The world will be fucked in no second fuck tail beast .

Animal Path: Can summon immortal, giant, and loyal animals from other dimensions or people, without blood contract summon animals like big as kyuubi if properly used oits ability is not even explored cleary it is possible to use the ability of those summon will be good improvement.

Preta Path: Can absorb chakra having contact with the user, from contact or Ninjutsu, as well as Senjutsu .you can absorb any chakra i mean chakra from jutsu ...you can absorb jutsu and store its chakra or return the jutsu with 10x power.for sage training it will be good with rinnegan you can control it as if natural.

Human Path: Can read the mind and manupulate it (Mind and Memory Manupulation), and can steal the soul or absorb it (you can steal soul with yourself and absorb them which Nourish your yin and Yang Chakra and if you absorb soul then you can get its knowledge of life time go find uzumaki absorb his soul and chakra you will get his techniques and chakra(Madara had this option)) 


Naraka Path: Can summon the King of Hell and interrogate victims, stock souls (Death and Soul Manipulation), or repair any damage done by getting swallowed (Imagine you are seriously injured you can heck yourself even a disease like Itachi's)

Outer Path: Can bring back the soul of people in the afterlife and revive them(if you completely master it and with combination of Nakra path you are god of death and manupulate live not create it though now atleast )(remember when in last fight of kaguya and team 7 and obito and hagoromo summon souls of death kage from different villages to summon naruto and others from kaguyas dimension.) 

-Black Receiver (chakra rods which nagato uses to control deathbody of people and giving one of rinnegan's ability hence creating six paths)

-Demonic Statue Chains 

sence-Ability to sence chakra and see it (like toad sage mofde with combo of byakugan chakra seeing ability).

All Basic Elements: (yes its the ability of rinnegan)

Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Lightning, Yin, Yang (you can use them as if you masters them) 

Kekkei Genkai: (you can form them)

-Blood Release (Water+Yin) 

The user can control his blood with ease or blood from a target if he has contact with it at any moment. The user's blood can be universally given as well as being universally received. 

-Magnet Release (Wind+Earth) 

The user can control anything magnetic with enough chakra control, the user doesn't create anything with his chakra. Mc is using Platinum Dust which is the strongest. 

-Boil Release (Fire+Water) 

The user can breathe hot, corrosive, or acidic mist capable of melting/corrode a large area and can be spread easily. 

-Black Lightning Release (Lightning+Yin) 


The user can shape Lightning into diverse forms or complex shapes which give a black coloring. It is faster and more destructive than regular lightning. 

-Storm Release (Lightning+Water) 

Create flowing lightning that can go far from the user as long as he isn't interrupted. 


It can follow targets with ease while moving like snakes. 

-Holy Light Release (Natural Energy+Lightning+Yang) 

The user can create light that will move in a straight line (other lines too if you practice it)if used as projectiles. 

user can reflect the light around making him invisible. and for holy light use sage mode with Yang.

If used in Taijutsu it blinds everyone, user included, and make the use of Sharingan useless. and shoot light spears like in DxD you can improve both YIN AND YANG BY ABSORBING SOUL AND IT WILL NOURSIH AND EMOLVE IT.

-Bone Release (Earth+Yang) 

Derived from the Shikotsumyaku, the user can generate bones of any size or form on his skin or in the surroundings to change the landscape. 

Can be infused like weapons with certain chakra, and can repair the user bone structure if damaged. its like kimmimaru from kaguya clan.

-Ice Release (Wind+Water) 

Can produce ice from the body or existing water, can freeze enemies and 'break' them, can travel between ice structures, or use ice to protect the user. like Haku

-Steel Release (Earth+Yin) 

The user can coat himself with different steel if he at least made them once, send projectiles, or creates walls/shield. He can also cover weapons with it and is mostly used to add blunt damage. Basically ripp-off version of HAKI.

-Lava Release (Fire+Earth) 

The user can cloak himself with lava, create projectiles or produce volcanoes in the surrounding. 

-Explosion Release (Lightning+Earth) 

The user can create an explosion from anywhere on his body, can be infused in something to work like bombs, or make an explosion at contact if it's a weapon the user is holding. 


-Mud release (Earth+Water) 

The user can create mud from the mouth or transform the ground into it by contact. This can impair/trap movement and recreate itself when in a semi-solid state, can become solid at will, or work like quicksand. 

-Swift Release (Lightning+Wind) 

The user can make himself extremely fast or slow. 

The user can modify the speed of whatever he touched, be it projectiles or people, slowing them or speeding them up. 

-Sound Release (Wind+Yin) 

The user can create a sound blast or completely silence his surrounding, can also focus sound on a certain area to make enemies lose focus or deafen. Can also make vibration on contact with matter which can break most structures or break down a foe's body. 

-Scorch Release (Fire+Wind) (like pakura of sand)

The user can creates scorching orbs of all size that can be controlled and will absorb the water of anything it passes through. They can also create explosions with these orbs that will decimate entire areas. This can be infused in weapons. 

-Paper Release (Water+Yang) 

The user can control, create, and become paper that does not fear water or fire and can cut through almost anything. Can create shape and forms to help the user. The user can use Fuinjutsu on these papers. He can also sense what the papers are sensing or use them to teleport. 


Kekkei Tōta: (it can be formed)

-Wood Release (Earth+Water+Yang) 

The user can create wood and create/control any vegetal life by knowing its cellular composition. 

He can also create what the plant naturally produces (resin, sticky products, rubber, Jofuku pollen, eye plant, manchineel, medicinal plants). 

The user can make Triffids which are living monstrosities. 

The release is extremely associated with the user cells. 

-Crystal Release (Earth+Lightning+Yang) 

The user can create any type of known crystal in a radius or the user's body. (I love this release potential and its pure favoritism, crystal is a large group of solids and Mc found Diamond and Platinum) 

-Typhoon Release (Wind+Lightning+Water) 

The user can make natural disasters by creating and controlling the weather. 

Highly destructive storm, hail, tornadoes... Rain that can deplete anyone it touches from their chakra. 

Cannot be used with allies near because of the big radius and difficulty to control. 

-Frostbite Release (Wind+Water+Yin) 

The user can produce from his body a temperature as low as absolute zero which will freeze anything that can be frozen. Having contact with the user will result in the permanent loss of what had contact. 

-Dust Release (Fire+Wind+Earth) 

Can use the famous destructive technique using different shale, can cover the user body to make him completely invisible or can split the user in two body, both being real. 


-Plasma Release (Fire+Lightning+Yang) 

The user can transform matter in their plasma state by heating them on touch. 

The user can also create Plasma energy to use as an attack from his hands, mouth, or on his weapons. 

This means that the molecules are broken down into ions making them strongly magnetic. 


Dark Release (Earth+Yin+Yang) 

The user can absorb any chakra-based Jutsu and launch it later as the same technique but with more power.if master then person can remove a person by sending person to Darkness like in DXD but with adding Nature power in it

Immortality- You Can Store Nature energy in You (like toad Gamamaru)

infinite Chakra- if Mater Properlu you can connect with nature energy all time which kind of infinite(like frog gamamaru unlike other sages he does not need to balance it he can flow nature energy like chakra and you can create tsunade like seal 9if you absorb Any uzumaki soul and store all nature chakra it and in other seal all stole chakra which you absorb)

WITH "Rinnegan YOU CAN GAIN Truth Seeking orb after mastering all chakra nature and use senjutsu in it will give you 2 power first is these orbs from which you can distroy even souls of person and Creation of All things(basically bringing imagination into reality hagaromo created weapons from it which are kept with bHagaromo clan in kumogakure remember kingaku from komo .yes,its his family weapon ).Thats why rinnegan weilder called "GOD OF CREATION OR GOD OF DISTRUCTION" .With THIS MENTION ABOVE YOU CAN FUCK ANY OTSUTSUKI BY ADING NATURE CHAKRA in ANY JUTSU WHICH CANNOT BE ABSORBED BY OTSUTSUKI.(BECOZ OTSUTSUKI NEED NATURE ENERGY MODE FIRST(sage mode))